2024. 8. 4. 05:01ㆍSelf Heal
다른 까마귀들과 잘 어울리지 못하는 까마귀가 있었습니다. 그 까마귀는 까마귀로 태어난 자신의 운명을 원망했습니다. 그래서 자기도 까마귀이면서 다른 까마귀들을 경멸했습니다.
"나는 까마귀들이 싫어. 사람들도 우리를 보면 불길한 일이 생긴다고 걱정하지. 까치들은 얼마나 행복할까? 까치가 찾아와 울면 좋은 일이 생길 거라고 다들 좋아하잖아."
그렇게 푸념을 하던 까마귀는 하루라도 빨리 까마귀의 무리를 떠나는 것이 좋겠다고 생각했습니다.
까마귀는 까치들이 있는 곳을 찾아가서 정중하게 부탁했습니다.
"나는 까치들과 함께 살고 싶어. 나를 친구로 받아주지 않겠니?"
그러나 까치들은 까마귀의 부탁을 들어주니 않았습니다.
까치들이 보기에는 까마귀의 생김새와 목소리가 몹시 이상했던 것입니다. 까치들은 까마귀를 쳐다보면서 이렇게 말했습니다.
"너는 우리와 너무 다랄. 그러니까 너를 우리 무리에 끼워줄 수 없어. 빨리 너의 동족이 있는 곳으로 돌아가. 당장 여기서 떠나지 않으면 너의 깃털을 모두 뽑아버리겠다."
까치의 무리에서 쫒겨난 까마귀는 어쩔 수 없이 다시 까마귀의 무리로 돌아갔습니다. 그러나 까마귀의 무리는 그들을 버리고 간 까마귀를 다시 받아주지 않았습니다.
까마귀들은 그 까마귀를 쫒아내면서 이렇게 말했습니다.
"너는 우리를 버리고 까치들을 찾아갔지. 그런데 까치들이 너를 받아주지 않으니까 다시 우리에게 돌아오다니. 네 가 우리를 싫어하기 때문에 우리도 너를 받아들일 수 없다."
이렇게 해서 그 까마귀는 까치와 까마귀로부터 동시에 추방당하는 신세가 되었습니다.
까마귀는 자신의 운명을 원망하면서 까치들을 찾아갔습니다. 그러나 까치들은 자신들과 전혀 다른게 생긴 까마귀를 받아들이지 않았습니다. 결국 친구들을 버린 까마귀는 그 어는 쪽에도 끼지 못하는 신세가 되고 말았습니다.
까마귀가 까치와 함께 산다고 해서 까치가 될 수 있을까요?
자신의 운명을 원망했던 까마귀가 잘못 생각했던 것은 무엇일가요?
만약 여러분이 까마귀의 지도자라면, 다시 돌아온 까마귀를 어떻게 대했을가요? 역시 그 까마귀를 용서하지 않았을까요?그렇지 않으면 너그럽게 받아들였을까요?
There was a crow who did not get along well with other crows. This crow resented its fate of being born a crow and despised other crows despite being one itself.
“I hate crows. People worry that something bad will happen when they see us. How happy magpies must be! Everyone is delighted when a magpie comes and sings because they believe it brings good luck.”
The crow, lamenting like this, thought it would be better to leave the flock of crows as soon as possible.
The crow went to where the magpies were and politely asked,
“I want to live with the magpies. Would you accept me as a friend?”
However, the magpies did not grant the crow’s request.
To the magpies, the crow’s appearance and voice were extraordinary. The magpies looked at the crow and said,
“You are too different from us. So, we cannot include you in our flock. Go back to where your kind is. We will pluck all your feathers if you don’t leave immediately.”
Driven out by the magpies, the crow had no choice but to return to the flock of crows. However, the crows did not accept the crow who had abandoned them.
The crows chased the crow away, saying,
“You left us to find the magpies. But now that the magpies have rejected you, have you come back to us? Since you hated us, we cannot accept you either.”
Thus, the crow was simultaneously expelled by both the magpies and the crows.
The crow, resenting its fate, sought out the magpies. However, the magpies did not accept the crow, who looked entirely different. In the end, the crow abandoned its friends and found itself belonging nowhere.
Can a crow become a magpie just by living with magpies?
What was the crow’s mistake in resenting its fate?
If you were the leader of the crows, how would you have treated the returning crow? Would you have forgiven it, or would you have accepted it generously?
In Adventure Bay, a pup named Zuma did not get along well with the other pups. Zuma resented his fate of being born a water rescue pup and despised other water rescue pups despite being one himself.
“I hate being a water rescue pup. People worry that something bad will happen when they see us. How happy the police pups must be! Everyone is delighted when a police pup comes and helps because they believe it brings good luck.”
Lamenting like this, Zuma thought it would be better to leave the group of water rescue pups as soon as possible.
Zuma went to where the police pups were and politely asked,
“I want to live with the police pups. Would you accept me as a friend?”
However, the police pups did not grant Zuma’s request.
To the police pups, Zuma’s appearance and skills were very different. The police pups looked at Zuma and said,
“You are too different from us. So, we cannot include you in our group. Go back to where your kind is. We will chase you away if you don’t leave immediately.”
Driven out by the police pups, Zuma had no choice but to return to the group of water rescue pups. However, the water rescue pups did not accept Zuma, who had abandoned them.
The water rescue pups chased Zuma away, saying,
“You left us to find the police pups. But now that the police pups have rejected you, have you come back to us? Since you hated us, we cannot accept you either.”
Thus, Zuma was simultaneously expelled by both the police pups and the water rescue pups.
Zuma, resenting his fate, sought out the police pups. However, the police pups did not accept Zuma, who looked entirely different. In the end, Zuma abandoned his friends and found himself belonging nowhere.
Can a water rescue pup become a police pup just by living with police pups?
What was Zuma’s mistake in resenting his fate?
If you were the leader of the water rescue pups, how would you have treated the returning Zuma? Would you have forgiven him, or would you have accepted him generously?