2024. 8. 4. 04:46ㆍSelf Heal
마을에서 조금 떨어진 언덕에서 양을 기르는 양치기가 있었습니다. 그 양치기는 장난치는 것을 매우 좋아했습니다. 양치기는 매일 혼자 양을 돌보는 일이 심심했습니다.
'뭐 재미있는 일이 없을까? 옳지, 그러면 재미있겠는걸.'
양치기는 마을 사람들이 깜짝 놀라도록 다급한 목소리로 힘껏 소리쳤습니다.
"늑대가 나타났다! 늑대가 나타났다!"
양치기의 소리를 들은 마을 사람들은 양들을 구하기 위해 저마다 몽둥이를 들고 서둘러 언덕으로 뛰어올라갔습니다.
"늑대가 어디 있지?"
마을 사람들이 다급한 목소리로 물었습니다. 장난꾸러기 양치기는 그 모습을 보고 배를 움켜쥐고 웃었습니다.
"늑대는 나타나지 않았어요. 그냥 연습을 해 보았을 뿐이에요."
마을 사람들은 어이없는 표정을 지으면서 마을로 돌아갔습니다. 며칧 후에 양치기는 다시 소리를 질렀습니다.
"늑대가 나타났다! 늑대가 나타났다! 모두 달려와서 도와주세요!"
마을 사람들은 하던 일을 멈추고 양치기를 도와주기 위해 또다시 산으로 올라갔습니다. 하지만 아무리 주위를 둘러보아도 늑대의 모습은 보이지 않았습니다.
"이번에도 연습이었어요. 야, 정말 재미있구나!"
양치기가 웃음을 터뜨리면서 말했습니다. 양치기에게 또 속은 것을 알고 마을 사람들은 화를 내면서 돌아갔습니다.
그러던 어느 날 정말로 늑대들이 나타났습니다. 사나운 늑대들은 양떼들을 마구 해치기 시작했습니다.
양치기는 다급한 목소리로 마을 사람들을 향해 큰 소리로 외쳤습니다.
"늑대가 나타났다!"
그러나 마을 사람들은 아무도 나타나지 않았습니다.
"이번에는 정말이에요! 정말로 늑대가 나타났다구요!"
양치기는 목이 터질 정도로 소리를 질렀습니다. 그래도 마을 사람들은 도와주러 오지 않았습니다. 양치기가 또 장난을 친다고 생각한 마을 사람들이 그 말을 믿지 않았기 때문이었습니다.
결국 거짓말을 하던 양치기는 양들을 잏어버리고 말았습니다.
거짓말이 한두 번은 통할 수 있습니다. 다른 사람들이 거짓말에 속아 넘어가는 것이 재미있어서 한두 번 하다보면 자꾸만 거짓말을 하게 됩니다. 그러나 일단 거짓말쟁이로 알려지고 나면 아무리 진실을 말해도 사람들이 믿어지주 않습니다.
양치기는 왜 늑대가 나타났다고 거짓말을 했을까요?
정말 늑대가 나타났을 때 사람들은 양치기의 말을 믿지 않았습니다. 왜 그랬을까요?
A shepherd raised sheep on a hill a little away from the village. The shepherd loved to play pranks and found it tedious to take care of the sheep alone daily.
‘Isn’t there something fun to do? Oh, this would be fun.’
The shepherd shouted urgently in a loud voice to surprise the villagers.
“A wolf has appeared! A wolf has appeared!”
Hearing the shepherd’s cry, the villagers hurriedly grabbed their clubs and ran up the hill to save the sheep.
“Where is the wolf?”
The villagers asked urgently. The mischievous shepherd laughed, clutching his belly.
“There is no wolf. I was practicing.”
The villagers, looking bewildered, returned to the village. A few days later, the shepherd shouted again.
“A wolf has appeared! A wolf has appeared! Everyone, come and help!”
The villagers stopped what they were doing and climbed the hill again to help the shepherd. But no matter how much they looked around, there was no sign of a wolf.
“It was just practice again. Wow, this is fun!”
The shepherd burst into laughter. Knowing they had been tricked again, the villagers returned angrily.
Then, one day, real wolves appeared. The fierce wolves began to attack the flock of sheep.
The shepherd urgently shouted to the villagers.
“A wolf has appeared!”
But no one came.
“This time, it’s real! A wolf has appeared!”
The shepherd shouted until his throat was sore. Still, the villagers did not come to help. They did not believe the shepherd because they thought he was playing a prank again.
In the end, the lying shepherd lost his sheep.
Lies may work once or twice. If you find it amusing that your lies deceive others, you may lie more and more. However, no matter how much truth you speak, people will not believe you once you are known as a liar.
Why did the shepherd lie about the wolf appearing?
When the wolf appeared, the villagers did not believe the shepherd. Why was that?
In Adventure Bay, Chase was tasked with watching over the sheep on a hill a little away from the village. Chase loved to play pranks and found it tedious to take care of the sheep alone daily.
“Isn’t there something fun to do? Oh, this would be fun.”
Chase shouted urgently in a loud voice to surprise the villagers.
“A wolf has appeared! A wolf has appeared!”
Hearing Chase’s cry, the villagers hurriedly grabbed their tools and ran up the hill to save the sheep.
“Where is the wolf?”
The villagers asked urgently. The mischievous Chase laughed, clutching his belly.
“There is no wolf. I was practicing.”
The villagers, looking bewildered, returned to the village. A few days later, Chase shouted again.
“A wolf has appeared! A wolf has appeared! Everyone, come and help!”
The villagers stopped what they were doing and climbed the hill again to help Chase. But no matter how much they looked around, there was no sign of a wolf.
“It was just practice again. Wow, this is fun!”
Chase burst into laughter. Knowing they had been tricked again, the villagers returned angrily.
Then, one day, real wolves appeared. The fierce wolves began to attack the flock of sheep.
Chase urgently shouted to the villagers.
“A wolf has appeared!”
But no one came.
“This time, it’s real! A wolf has appeared!”
Chase shouted until his throat was sore. Still, the villagers did not come to help. They did not believe Chase because they thought he was playing a prank again.
In the end, the lying Chase lost his sheep.
Lies may work once or twice. If you find it amusing that your lies deceive others, you may lie more and more. However, no matter how much truth you speak, people will not believe you once you are known as a liar.
Why did Chase lie about the wolf appearing?
When the wolf appeared, the villagers did not believe Chase. Why was that?