장미꽃과 아마란스

2024. 8. 4. 03:34Self Heal


아름다운 정원에서 장미꽃과 아마란스가 나란히 자라고 있었습니다. 눈부신 5월이 되자 장미꽃은 아름다운 봉오리를 맺고 마친내 아름다운 꽃을 활짝 피웠습니다.

사람들은 장미꽃을 보면서 칭찬을 아끼지 않았습니다. 달 콤한 장미 향기는 정원을 가득 채우면서 나비와 벌을 유혹했습니다.

그 모습을 지켜보던 아마란스는 부러움과 감탄이 가득 찬 눈길로 장미를 쳐다보았습니다. 아마란스는 한숨을 쉬면서 장미에게 말을 걸었습니다. 

"넌 정말 아름답구나! 너의 아름다운 모습은 신과 사람을 기쁘게 해 주고 있어. 너의 아름다움과 향기를 보면 누구라도 감탄할 거야. 그에 비해서 내 꽃은 정말 수수하고 보잘 것없어. 게다가 향기로운 냄새도 풍기지 못한단다. 난 정말 네가 부러워."

그러자 장미꽃이 몸을 흔들면서 대답했습니다.

"아니야! 난 오히려 네가 부럽단다."

풀이 죽어서 고개를 숙이고 있던 아마란스는 장미꽃의 말을 듣고 깜짝 놀랐습니다.

"무슨 소리니? 꽃들의 여왕이라고 할 수 있는 네가 나같은 초라한 꽃을 부러워하다니?"

장미꽃은 이렇게 말했습니다.

"아마란스야, 너는 단지 며칠밖에 살 수 없단다. 금방 보기 싫게 시들어 버리지. 그렇지만 너의 꽃은 항상 젊고 아름답잖아."

장미는 아름다운 꽃으로 인해 찬사를 받지만 며칠만에 시들어버리고 맙니다. 하지만 아마란스는 수수한 꽃을 가지고 있는 대신에 아주 오래 피어있을 수 있습니다. 아름답고 화려한 것만이 좋은 것은 아닙니다. 그것이 오히려 고통이 될 수도 있기 때문입니다.

아마란스가 장미꽃을 부러워한 이유는 무엇인가요?

장미꽃이 아마란스에게 오히려 부럽다고 한 의미는 무엇인가요?

여러분이 꽃이라면 어던 꽃이 되고 싶나요? 그리고 어떤 인생을 살고 싶은지 말해 보세요. 


In a beautiful garden, a rose and an amaranth were growing side by side. When the dazzling month of May arrived, the rose budded and bloomed into a beautiful flower.

People admired and praised the rose. Its sweet scent filled the garden, attracting butterflies and bees.

Watching this, the amaranth looked at the rose with envy and admiration. The amaranth sighed and spoke to the rose.

“You are wonderful! Your beauty pleases both gods and people. Anyone would be amazed by your beauty and fragrance. Compared to you, my flowers are plain and insignificant. Moreover, I don’t even have a fragrant scent. I envy you.”

The rose swayed and replied,

“No! I envy you.”

The amaranth, feeling down, was surprised to hear the rose’s words.

“What do you mean? How can you, the queen of flowers, envy a humble flower like me?”

The rose said,

“Amaranth, I can only live for a few days. I wither and become unsightly very quickly. But your flowers always remain young and beautiful.”

The rose is admired for its beautiful flowers, but they wither within a few days. However, with its plain flowers, the amaranth can bloom for a very long time. Beauty and splendour are not always the best things. They can sometimes be a source of suffering.

Why did the amaranth envy the rose?

What did the rose mean when it said it envied the amaranth?

If you were a flower, what kind of flower would you want to be? And what kind of life would you like to live?


Skye and Everest lived in Adventure Bay's beautiful garden. When the dazzling month of May arrived, Skye bloomed into a beautiful pup with her pink fur shining brightly.

People admired and praised Skye. Her sweet scent filled the garden, attracting butterflies and bees.

Watching this, Everest looked at Skye with envy and admiration. Everest sighed and spoke to Skye.

“You are wonderful! Your beauty pleases both pups and people. Anyone would be amazed by your beauty and fragrance. Compared to you, my fur is plain and insignificant. Moreover, I don’t even have a fragrant scent. I envy you.”

Skye swayed and replied,

“No! I envy you.”

Everest, feeling down, was surprised to hear Skye’s words.

“What do you mean? How can you, the queen of pups, envy a humble pup like me?”

Skye said,

“Everest, I can only shine for a few days. I wither and become unsightly very quickly. But your fur always remains young and beautiful.”

Skye receives admiration for her beautiful fur but withers within a few days. However, with her plain fur, Everest can shine long. Beauty and splendour are not always the best things. They can sometimes be a source of suffering.

Why did Everest envy Skye?

What did Skye mean when she said she envied Everest?

If you were a pup, what kind of pup would you want to be? And what kind of life would you like to live?

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