좋은일과 나쁜일

2024. 8. 6. 00:26Self Heal


좋은일과 나쁜일

나쁜 일은 좋은 일의 힘이 약하다는 걸 알고 그 뒤를 따라다니면서 훼방을 놓았습니다. 좋은 일은 나쁜 일을 떼어놓고 혼자 다니고 싶었습니다. 왜냐하면 좋은 일이 있는 곳에서는 사람들의 웃음이 넘치고 활기가 있었지만 나쁜 일이 나타나서 방해를 하면 사람들이 울상을 짓기 때문입니다.

좋은 일은 사람들이 항상 웃고 다니는 모습을 보고 싶었습니다. 그런데 나쁜 일 때문에 울상을 짓는 사람들을 보면 몹시 마음이 아팠습니다. 그래서 좋은 일은 나쁜 일에게 화를 내면서 말했습니다.

"너 왜 자꾸만 내 뒤를 쫒아다니는 거야? 네가 없으면 사람들이 항상 웃으면서 살아갈 수 있을텐데, 너 때문에 모두들 슬퍼하잖아!"

"그건 내 맘이야. 넌 사람들의 웃는 얼굴이 좋아보이겠지만, 난 찡그린 얼굴이 훨씬 더 좋아."

나쁜 일은 좋은 일을 비웃으면서 계속 말했습니다.

"게다가 나 혼자 가서 사람들을 곯여주는 것보다 네 뒤를 따라다니면서 웃다가 우는 사람들을 보면 더 재미있거든..."

좋은 일은 자기 혼자의 힘으로는 나쁜 일이 쫓아다니는 것을 막을 수가 없을 것 같았습니다. 그래서 하늘에 있는 제우스 신을 찾아가 의논하는 것이 좋겠다고 생각했습니다. 

"제우스 신이여, 나쁜 일이 내 뒤를 쫓아다니지 못하도록 할 수는 없을까요?"

좋은 일은 제우스 신에게 나쁜 일이 쫓아오지 않고 좋은일만 생길 수 있도록 해 달라고 빌었습니다. 좋은 일의 말을 듣고 난 제우스 신은 말했습니다. 

"그렇다면 이렇게 해 보아라. 좋은 일 너만 이곳 하늘에 숨어 있다가, 나쁜 일 몰래 사람들을 찾아가거라."

제우스 신의 말을 듣고, 좋은 일은 나쁜 일이 사람들을 괴롭히는 것을 하늘에서 보고 있다가 나쁜 일이 다른 곳에 신경을 쓸 때, 살며시 사람들을 찾아가서 웃음과 기쁨을 주었습니다. 

그 이루로 사람들은 가까이 살고 있는 나쁜 일은 자주 만나게 되었지만, 하늘에서 살고 있는 좋은 일은 가끔씩 만나게 되었습니다. 

우리가 살아가는 동안 좋은 일을 많이 만날 없는 것은 자연스러운 일입니다. 왜냐하면 좋은 일은 우리가 흘린 땀과 노력의 결과로 돌아오는 것이기 때문입니다. 그저 쉽게 얻을 있는 것이 좋은 일이라면 거기에서 커다란 기쁨을 느낄 수는 없을 것입니다

우화는 사람들이 좋은 일보다는 나쁜 일이 많이 일어난다고 생각하고 있다는 사실을 보여줍니다. 그렇게 생각할까요?

나쁜 없이 항상 좋은 일만 일어난다면 어떻게 될까요? 각자 머리 속으로 상상한 것을 말해보세요


Bad things knew good things were weak, so they followed them around and caused trouble. Good things wanted to be alone without bad things because where there were good things, people were happy and lively, but when bad things appeared and interfered, people became sad.

Good things wanted to see people always smiling. However, seeing people sad because of bad things makes good things very sad. So, good things got angry and said terrible things,

“Why do you keep following me? If you weren’t here, people could always live happily, but because of you, everyone is sad!”

“That’s my choice. You may like seeing people smile, but I prefer seeing them frown.”

Bad things continued to mock good things and said,

“Besides, it’s more fun to follow you and see people go from laughing to crying than to bother them alone…”

Good things felt they couldn’t stop bad things from following them on their own. So, they thought it best to consult with Zeus in the sky.

“Zeus, can you stop bad things from following me?”

Good things begged Zeus to make it so that only good things would happen without bad things following. After hearing good things, Zeus said,

“Then try this. Good things, you hide here in the sky and secretly visit people when bad things are distracted.”

Following Zeus’s advice, good things watched from the sky as bad things bothered people. When bad things were distracted, good things quietly visited people, bringing them laughter and joy.

Since then, people have often encountered bad things while living nearby, but only occasionally have they encountered good stuff in the sky.

We naturally cannot encounter many good things in our lives. This is because good things result from our sweat and effort. If good things were easily obtained, we would not feel great joy from them.

This fable shows that people think bad things happen more often than good. Why do they believe that?

What would happen if only good things happened without bad things? Imagine and share your thoughts.


In Adventure Bay, bad things knew that good things were weak, so they followed them around and caused trouble. Good things wanted to be alone without bad things because where there were good things, the pups were happy and lively, but when bad things appeared and interfered, the pups became sad.

Good things wanted to see the pups always smiling. However, seeing the pups sad because of bad things made good things very sad. So, good things got angry and said terrible things,

“Why do you keep following me? If you weren’t here, the pups could always live happily, but because of you, everyone is sad!”

“That’s my choice. You may like seeing the pups smile, but I prefer seeing them frown.”

Bad things continued to mock good things and said,

“Besides, it’s more fun to follow you and see the pups go from laughing to crying than to bother them alone…”

The good things felt they couldn’t stop the bad stuff from following them on their own, so they thought it best to consult with Ryder.

“Ryder, can you stop bad things from following me?”

Good things begged Ryder to make it so that only good things would happen without bad things following. After hearing good things, Ryder said,

“Then try this. Good things, you hide here in the Lookout and secretly visit the pups when bad things are distracted.”

Following Ryder’s advice, good things watched from the Lookout as bad things bothered the pups. When bad things were distracted, good things quietly visited the pups, bringing them laughter and joy.

Since then, the pups have often encountered bad things while living nearby, but only occasionally have they encountered good stuff from the Lookout.

We naturally cannot encounter many good things in our lives. This is because good things result from our hard work and effort. If good things were easily obtained, we would not feel great joy from them.

This fable shows that people think bad things happen more often than good. Why do they believe that?

What would happen if only good things happened without bad things? Imagine and share your thoughts.

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