2024. 8. 6. 00:28ㆍSelf Heal
돼지와 개
어느 농가에 돼지와 개가 살고 있었습니다. 그들은 같은 집에서 오랫동안 살았으면서도 사이가 무척 나빴습니다. 그리고 서로 상대방보다 자신이 모든 면에서 더 낫다고 생각하면서 사소한 일에도 지지 않으려고 했습니다.
“나는 너보다 몸이 훨씬 크단 말이야.”
돼지가 커다란 몸을 자랑하면서 말했습니다.
“하지만 난 아주 빨리 달릴 수 있지.”
그러자 개도 자신의 빠른 발을 자랑했습니다. 돼지와 개는 서로를 노려보면서 조금도 양보하려고 하지 않았습니다.
그러던 어느 날 돼지와 개는 각자 새기들을 거느리고 마당으로 나왔습니다. 그리고 은근히 자기 자랑을 하기 시작했습니다.
“이 세상에서 나처럼 새끼를 잘 낳는 동물도 없을 거야. 한꺼번에 건강한 새끼들을 열 마리씩 낳으니 우리 주인이 나를 좋아하는 것도 당연하지.”
돼지는 토실토실 살이 오른 어린 새끼들을 흐뭇한 눈길로 바라보면서 말했습니다.
그러자 개도 지지 않고 으시대면서 말했습니다.
“나는 이 세상 동물 중에서 가장 빨리 새끼를 낳는다고. 그러니까 새끼를 낳는 일에 있어서는 네가 나를 쫓아올 수 없어.”
그러자 돼지가 개에게 말했습니다.
“네가 새끼를 빨리 낳는 것은 사실이야. 하지만 너는 겨우 눈도 못뜨는 새끼밖에 못 낳는다는 사실을 명심해야지.”
개는 돼지에게 반박할 말이 없었습니다. 어떤 일을 하는 과정에 있어서 보다 중요한 것은 누가 그 일을 빨리 이루었는가 하는 점이 아니라 그 일을 얼마나 신중하고 완벽하게 처래했는가 하는 점입니다.
돼지와 개를 사람에 비유한다면, 돼지와 개는 각각 일을 하는데 있어서 무엇을 더 중요하게 생각하는 사람들 일까요?
여러분은 어떤 일을 처리하는 과정에 있어서 가장 중요한 것이 무엇이라고 생각하나요?
조급한 행동 때문에 실패했던 경험이 있으면 이야기를 해 보세요.
On a farm, there lived a pig and a dog. Although they had lived in the same house for a long time, they did not get along well. Each thought they were better than the other in every way and did not want to lose even in trivial matters.
“I am much bigger than you,” the pig boasted about its large body.
“But I can run very fast,” the dog boasted about its quick legs. The pig and the dog glared at each other, unwilling to yield.
One day, the pig and the dog came out to the yard with their offspring. They began to subtly boast about themselves.
“There is no animal in this world that gives birth to as many healthy offspring as I do. I give birth to ten healthy piglets at a time, so it’s natural that our owner likes me,” the pig said, looking at its plump piglets with satisfaction.
The dog, not wanting to be outdone, boasted,
“I give birth to the fastest offspring in the world. So, when it comes to giving birth, you can’t catch up with me.”
Then the pig said to the dog,
“It’s true that you give birth quickly. But remember, you can only give birth to puppies that can’t even open their eyes.”
The dog had no rebuttal to the pig. In the process of doing something, what is more important is not who accomplished it quickly but how carefully and perfectly it was done.
If we compare the pig and the dog to people, what do you think each values more in their work?
What do you think is the most important aspect of handling a task?
Share an experience where you failed due to hasty actions.
Paw Patrol
In Adventure Bay, there lived a pup named Rubble and another pup named Chase. Although they had lived in the same Lookout for a long time, they did not get along well. Each thought they were better than the other in every way and did not want to lose even in trivial matters.
“I am much stronger than you,” Rubble boasted about his strength.
“But I can run very fast,” Chase boasted about his speed. Rubble and Chase glared at each other, unwilling to yield.
One day, Rubble and Chase came out to the yard with their pup packs. They began to subtly boast about themselves.
“There is no pup in this world that can build as well as I do. I can construct buildings quickly and efficiently, so it’s natural that Ryder likes me,” Rubble said, looking at his construction work with satisfaction.
Chase, not wanting to be outdone, boasted,
“I can catch the fastest criminals in the world. So, when it comes to catching bad guys, you can’t catch up with me.”
Then Rubble said to Chase,
“It’s true that you catch criminals quickly. But remember, you can only catch them because I build the traps.”
Chase had no rebuttal to Rubble. In the process of doing something, what is more important is not who accomplished it quickly but how carefully and perfectly it was done.
If we compare Rubble and Chase to people, what do you think each values more in their work?
What do you think is the most important aspect of handling a task?
Share an experience where you failed due to hasty actions.