2024. 8. 6. 00:59ㆍSelf Heal
여우와 낼개 잘린 독수리
어던 사냥꾼이 동물을 잡기 위해 숲속으로 들어갔습니다. 그러다가 사냥꾼은 바위에 앉아서 쉬고 있던 독수리 한 마리를 잡았습니다. 사냥꾼은 독수리가 날아가지 못하도록 깃털을 잘랐습니다. 그리고 자기 집 마당에 풀어놓고 닭이나 거위와 함께 살도록 했습니다.
깃털이 잘린 독수리는 슬픔에 잠겨서 고개를 숙인 채 아무것도 먹으려고 하지 않았습니다. 새들의 왕 독수리는 감옥에 갇힌 것처럼 비참한 신세가 되고 말았던 것입니다.
그러던 어느 날 다른 남자가 그 독수리를 발견했습니다. 그 남자는 독수리를 가엾게 여겨 사냥꾼에게 말했습니다.
“이 독수리를 나에게 팔지 않겠나요?”
“값을 후하게 주시면 당신에게 독수리를 팔겠습니다.”
사냥꾼이 고개를 끄덕이면서 대답햇습니다. 그 남자는 돈을 지불하고 독수리를 샀습니다.
독수리를 산 남자는 날개의 깃털을 잘 다듬어주고 약을 발라서 새 깃털이 자라도록 보살펴 주었습니다.
얼마 있지 않아서 독수리의 날개가 다시 되살아났습니다. 다시 튼튼한 날개를 갖게 된 독수리는 하늘 높이 날아올라서 마음껏 사냥할 수 있게 되었습니다.
힘차게 하늘로 날아오른 독수리는 토끼 한 마리를 잡아서 자기를 구해준 남자가 있는 곳으로 날아갔습니다. 그리고 방금 잡은 토끼를 그 남자에게 선물로 주었습니다.
그런데 그 광경을 지켜보고 있던 여우가 부러운 나머지 독수리에게 한 마디 했습니다.
“독수리야, 나는 왜 네가 그 사람에게 토끼를 주었는지 이해할 수가 없구나. 차라리 사냥꾼에게 그 토끼를 주었어야지.”
독수리는 여우의 말을 이해할 수가 없었습니다. 독수리가 이상하다는 듯이 물었습니다.
“그건 왜지? 그 사라밍 나를 치료해준 고마운 분이잖아.”
“물론 그 남자가 친절한 건 사실이야. 하지만 그 남자는 원래 착한 성격이니까 선물을 주지 않아도 너를 괴롭히지 않을거야. 하지만 마음씨 나쁜 사냥꾼에게 선물을 주면, 다시 네가 잡히게 되더라도 날개를 잘리는 신세가 되지는 않을거야.”
독수리는 여우의 말이 어느 정도 일리가 있다고 생각했지만, 자신의 날개를 잘랐던 사냥꾼에게 선물을 주고 싶지 않았습니다.
독수리처럼 자기를 구해준 사람의 은혜에 보답하는 것은 당연한 일입니다. 하지만 여우처럼 약삭빠른 사람들은 원래 친절한 사람에게는 아무런 보답도 하지 않아도 된다고 생각합니다. 그보다는 자기를 못살게 구는 사람에게 선물을 주면서 아양을 떠는 것입니다. 만약 독수리가 사냥군에게 선물을 준다면, 그 사냥꾼은 또 다른 선물을 받기 위해 독수리를 더욱 괴롭힐 것입니다. 하지만 여우는 그 사실을 모르고 있습니다.
독수리의 태도와 여우의 태도 가운데 어떤 것이 더 현명한 것일까요? 독수리와 여우의 생각을 서로 비교해 보세요.
똑같은 선물이라도 첫번째 주인에게 주는 것과 두번째 주인에게 주는 것은 어떻게 다른가요?
여우의 충고에 대해서 여러분은 어떻게 생각하나요? 그럴 듯하게 여겨지는 점과 또 여우가 잘못 생각하고 있는 점을 이야기 해보세요.
The Fox and the Eagle with Clipped Wings
A hunter went into the forest to catch animals. He found an eagle resting on a rock and saw it. The hunter clipped the eagle’s wings so it couldn’t fly and released it into his yard to live with the chickens and geese.
With its wings clipped, the eagle was so sad that it hung its head and refused to eat. The king of birds had become a prisoner.
One day, another man saw the eagle and felt sorry for it. He said to the hunter,
“Would you sell me this eagle?”
“If you pay a good price, I’ll sell it to you,” the hunter replied.
The man paid the hunter and took the eagle. He carefully trimmed the eagle’s wings and applied medicine to help new feathers grow.
Soon, the eagle’s wings grew back. With its strong wings restored, the eagle soared high into the sky and hunted freely.
The eagle caught a rabbit and flew back to the man who had saved it, presenting the rabbit as a gift.
A fox, watching this, said to the eagle,
“Eagle, I don’t understand why you gave the rabbit to that man. You should have given it to the hunter.”
The eagle was puzzled and asked,
“Why would I do that? The man who saved me is kind.”
“True, the man is kind and won’t harm you even if you don’t give him a gift. But if you give a gift to the cruel hunter, he might not clip your wings again if he catches you.”
The eagle thought the fox’s words made some sense but didn’t want to give a gift to the hunter who had clipped its wings.
It’s natural to repay the kindness of those who help us, like the eagle did. However, cunning people like the fox think repaying kind people is unnecessary and prefer to flatter those who mistreat them. If the eagle gave a gift to the hunter, the hunter might continue to harm the eagle to receive more gifts. But the fox doesn’t understand this.
Which attitude is wiser, the eagle’s or the fox’s? Compare the thoughts of the eagle and the fox.
How is giving the same gift to the first owner different from giving it to the second?
What do you think of the fox’s advice? Discuss the points that seem reasonable and those where the fox is mistaken.
Paw Patrol and the Eagle with Clipped Wings
One day, a hunter went into the forest to catch animals. He found an eagle resting on a rock and saw it. The hunter clipped the eagle’s wings so it couldn’t fly and released it into his yard to live with the chickens and geese.
With its wings clipped, the eagle was so sad that it hung its head and refused to eat. The king of birds had become a prisoner.
One day, Ryder and the Paw Patrol saw the eagle and felt sorry for it. Ryder said to the hunter,
“Would you sell me this eagle?”
“If you pay a good price, I’ll sell it to you,” the hunter replied.
Ryder paid the hunter and took the eagle. The Paw Patrol carefully trimmed the eagle’s wings and applied medicine to help new feathers grow.
Soon, the eagle’s wings grew back. With its strong wings restored, the eagle soared high into the sky and hunted freely.
The eagle caught a rabbit and flew back to Ryder and the Paw Patrol, presenting the rabbit as a gift.
A fox, watching this, said to the eagle,
“Eagle, I don’t understand why you gave the rabbit to Ryder and the Paw Patrol. You should have given it to the hunter.”
The eagle was puzzled and asked,
“Why would I do that? Ryder and the Paw Patrol saved me and are kind.”
“True, they are kind and won’t harm you even if you don’t give them a gift. But if you give a gift to the cruel hunter, he might not clip your wings again if he catches you.”
The eagle thought the fox’s words made some sense but didn’t want to give a gift to the hunter who had clipped its wings.
It’s natural to repay the kindness of those who help us, like the eagle did. However, cunning people like the fox think repaying kind people is unnecessary and prefer to flatter those who mistreat them. If the eagle gave a gift to the hunter, the hunter might continue to harm the eagle to receive more gifts. But the fox doesn’t understand this.
Which attitude is wiser, the eagle’s or the fox’s? Compare the thoughts of the eagle and the fox.
How is giving the same gift to Ryder and the Paw Patrol different from giving it to the hunter?
What do you think of the fox’s advice? Discuss the points that seem reasonable and those where the fox is mistaken.
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