2024. 8. 6. 01:06ㆍSelf Heal
활 쏘는 사람과 사자
어느 마을에 활을 아주 잘 쏘는 사람이 있었습니다. 그의 활솜씨는 너무나 훌륭해서 멀리 떨어져 있는 과녁도 정확하게 맞추었습니다.
하루는 활을 아주 잘 쏘는 사람이 사냥을 하기 위해 산으로 올라갔습니다. 그 사람이 나타나자 그가 얼마나 활을 잘 쏘는지 소문을 들어서 알고 있던 동물들은 모두 허겁지겁 도망을 쳤습니다.
하지만 사자는 도망가지 않고 그 사람과 싸우기 위해 버티고 있었습니다. 사자는 사나운 기세로 으르렁거리면서 활 쏘는 사람을 위협했습니다.
활 쏘는 사람은 침착하게 사자를 향해 화살을 날렸습니다. 결국 사자는 그가 쏜 화살에 맞고 말았습니다. 화살에 맞은 사자는 너무나 아파서 그 자리에 주저앉고 말았습니다. 활쏘는 사람이 사자를 향해 소리쳤습니다.
“어떠냐, 내 화살 맛이? 이번에는 내 손으로 직접 너를 상대해 주겠다.”
활 쏘는 사람이 다가오자 상처를 입은 사자는 너무나 무서워서 꽁무니를 빼고 달아나기 시작했습니다. 여우가 사자를 향해 용기를 내어서 싸우라고 소리쳤습니다.
“사자님, 저 사람은 별로 힘이 없어요. 다시 싸우세요.”
그러자 사자는 이렇게 말했습니다.
“웃기지 마. 가느다란 화살을 맞아도 이렇게 아픈데, 저 삶이 직접 덤비면 나는 어떻게 되겠니?”
화살을 맞은 사자는 멀리 달아나고 말았습니다. 사자는 화살을 맞고서 활 쏘는 사람이 아주 힘이 셀 거라고 생각했던 것입니다. 적에게 한 번 지고 나면 대적할 용기를 잃어버리게 됩니다. 하지만 용기를 내어서 끝가지 겨루어 본다면 결과는 달라질 수도 있습니다.
사자는 왜 끝까지 활 쏘는 사람과 싸우지 않고 도망쳤나요?
여우는 무엇 때문에 사자에게 활쏘는 사람과 싸우라고 충고했을까요?
활쏘는 사람이 활을 쏘지 않고 사자와 직접 싸웠다면 과연 사자를 이길 수 있었을까요?
The Archer and the Lion
In a village, a man was very skilled at archery. His archery skills were so excellent that he could precisely hit targets from a great distance.
One day, the archer went up the mountain to hunt. Having heard of his remarkable archery skills, all the animals fled quickly when he appeared.
However, the lion did not run away and stood, ready to fight the archer. The lion roared fiercely, threatening the archer.
The archer calmly aimed his arrow at the lion and shot. The arrow hit the lion, and he fell to the ground in pain. The archer shouted at the lion,
“How do you like the taste of my arrow? This time, I will face you directly with my own hands.”
As the archer approached, the wounded lion, terrified, turned and ran away. A fox, seeing this, shouted to the lion to muster the courage to fight.
“Lion, that man is not very strong. Fight him.”
The lion replied,
“Don’t be ridiculous. If a thin arrow hurts this much, what would happen if that man attacked me directly?”
The lion, hit by the arrow, ran far away. Because of the pain caused by the arrow, the lion thought that the archer must be very strong. Once defeated by an enemy, one loses the courage to confront them again. However, the outcome might be different if one musters the courage to fight to the end.
Why did the lion run away instead of fighting the archer?
Why did the fox advise the lion to fight the archer?
Had the archer fought the lion directly without using his bow, could he have defeated the lion?
Paw Patrol and the Lion
In Adventure Bay, Ryder was very skilled at archery. His archery skills were so excellent that he could precisely hit targets from a great distance.
One day, Ryder went up the mountain to practice his archery. Having heard of his remarkable archery skills, all the animals fled quickly when he appeared.
However, the lion did not run away and stood, ready to face Ryder. The lion roared fiercely, threatening Ryder.
Ryder calmly aimed his arrow at the lion and shot. The arrow hit the lion, and he fell to the ground in pain. Ryder shouted at the lion,
“How do you like the taste of my arrow? This time, I will face you directly with my own hands.”
As Ryder approached, the wounded lion, terrified, turned and ran away. Chase, seeing this, shouted to the lion to muster the courage to face Ryder.
“Lion, Ryder is not very strong. Face him.”
The lion replied,
“Don’t be ridiculous. If a thin arrow hurts this much, what would happen if Ryder attacked me directly?”
The lion, hit by the arrow, ran far away. Because of the pain caused by the arrow, the lion thought that Ryder must be robust. Once defeated by an enemy, one loses the courage to confront them again. However, the outcome might differ if one musters the courage to face the challenge.
Why did the lion run away instead of facing Ryder?
Why did Chase advise the lion to face Ryder?
Had Ryder faced the lion directly without using his bow, could he have defeated the lion?
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