까마귀와 여우

2024. 8. 6. 00:53Self Heal


까마귀와 여우


까마귀가 사람이 사는 마을에서 커다란 고깃덩어리 한 조각을 훔쳤습니다. 먹이가 생겨서 신이 난 까마귀는 높은 나뭇가지에 앉아서 잠시 쉬고 있었습니다.


그런데 까마귀가 앉아 있는 나무 밑을 지나가던 여우가 그것을 보았습니다. 여우는 배가 고파서 먹을 것을 찾아나선 길이었습니다.


여우는 까마귀가 커다란 고깃덩어리를 물고 나뭇가지에 앉아 있는 것을 보고는 군침을 삼켰습니다.


까마귀 녀석, 어디에서 저런 큰 고깃덩어리를 찾았을까?’

여우는 까마귀가 물고 있는 고깃덩어리를 빼앗고 싶었습니다. 여우는 까마귀가 앉아 있는 나무 밑으로 가서는 까마귀를 쳐다보면서 말을 걸었습니다.


까마귀야! 나는 데가 이 세상의 모든 새들 중에서 가장 아름다운 새라고 생각해. 우아한 몸매와 윤기가 흐르는 깃털! 까마귀는 충분히 모든 새들을 다스리는 왕이 될 수 있어.”


까마귀는 여우의 칭찬을 듣고 흐뭇한 표정을 지었습니다. 그러자 여우는 계속 말을 이었습니다.


그 깃털만큼 아름다운 목소리를 낼 수만 있다면, 너는 진정 새들의 왕이 될 수 있을텐데.”


자신의 목소리에는 아무런 이상이 없다는 것을 알리고 싶어진 까마귀는 우쭐한 기분에 입을 크게 벌리고 목청껏 노래 했습니다.


까옥, 까옥, 까옥....”


까마귀가 자기 목소리를 뽐내가 위해 입을 크게 벌리자마자 고깃덩어리가 밑으로 떨어지고 말았습니다. 여우는 재빨리 입을 벌려서 떨어지는 고깃덩어리를 물었습니다. 그리고 까마귀를 향해서 이렇게 말했습니다.


까마귀야, 만약 네가 현명한 판단력까지 갖추었다면 정말 새들의 왕으로서 부족함이 없었을 거야.”


까마귀는 여우의 칭찬을 듣고 기분이 우쭐해서 노래를 부렀습니다. 그러다가 기껏 마련한 고깃덩어리를 빼앗기고 말았습니다. 우리를 칭찬하는 말을 들으면 기분이 좋지만, 감정에 치우쳐서 자칫 판단을 잘못 하면 안되겠지요.


여우는 왜 까마귀가 새들의 왕이 될 수 있다고 칭찬했을까요?

어리석은 까마귀는 노래를 부르다가 그만 고깃덩어리를 빼앗기고 말았습니다. 까마귀가 노래를 부른 이유는 무엇일까요?


The Crow and the Fox

A crow stole a large piece of meat from a village where people lived. Excited to have found food, the crow perched on a high branch to rest for a while.

However, a fox passing under the tree saw the crow. The fox was hungry and searching for food.

Seeing the crow with the large piece of meat, the fox’s mouth watered.

“Where did that crow find such a big piece of meat?” thought the fox.

The fox wanted to take the meat from the crow. So, the fox went under the tree where the crow was sitting and started talking to the crow.

“Crow, I think you are the most beautiful bird in the world. With your elegant body and glossy feathers, you could easily be the king of all birds .”

Hearing the fox’s praise, the crow felt pleased. The fox continued to speak.

“If only you could sing as beautifully as your feathers look, you would truly be the king of birds.”

Wanting to show that there was nothing wrong with its voice, the proud crow opened its beak wide and sang loudly.

“Caw, caw, caw…”

The meat fell to the ground as soon as the crow opened its beak to show off its voice. The fox quickly grabbed the falling meat and said to the crow,

“Crow, if you had wisdom and beauty, you would truly be the king of birds.”

The crow, feeling proud from the fox’s praise, sang and lost the piece of meat it had worked hard to get. While it feels good to hear praise, we must be careful not to let our emotions cloud our judgment.

Why did the fox praise the crow, saying it could be the king of birds?

The foolish crow sang and lost the piece of meat. Why did the crow sing?


Paw Patrol and the Clever Fox

One day, Chase found a large piece of meat in Adventure Bay. Excited to have found food, he perched on a high lookout tower to rest for a while.

However, a clever fox passing by saw Chase. The fox was hungry and searching for food.

Seeing Chase with the large piece of meat, the fox’s mouth watered.

“Where did Chase find such a big piece of meat?” thought the fox.

The fox wanted to take Chase's meat, so it went under the lookout tower where Chase was sitting and started talking to him.

“Chase, you are the most amazing pup in the world. With your strong body and shiny fur, you could easily be the leader of all pups.”

Hearing the fox’s praise, Chase felt pleased. The fox continued to speak.

“If only you could bark as beautifully as you look, you would truly be the leader of all pups.”

Wanting to show that his bark was not offensive, the proud Chase opened his mouth wide and barked loudly.

“Woof, woof, woof…”

The meat fell to the ground when Chase opened his mouth to show off his bark. The fox quickly grabbed the falling meat and said to Chase,

“Chase, if you had wisdom and strength, you would truly be the leader of all pups.”

Feeling proud of the fox’s praise, Chase barked and lost the piece of meat he had worked hard to get. While it feels good to hear praise, we must be careful not to let our emotions cloud our judgment.

Why did the fox praise Chase, saying he could be the leader of all pups?

The foolish Chase barked and lost the piece of meat. Why did Chase bark?

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