2024. 8. 6. 00:44ㆍSelf Heal
늑대를 양 우리에 넣은 양치기
양을 잡아먹는 늑대가 있었습니다. 사나운 늑내는 밤마다 몰래 우리에 접근해서 양을 잡아먹었습니다.
양치기는 그 늑대가 너무나 얄미웠습니다. 그래서 야의 우리를 지키도록 개를 풀어놓았습니다. 개들은 잠도 못 자고 양을 지켰습니다. 그러나 늑대는 보이지 않았습니다.
며칠 후에 늑대를 지키다가 지친 개들은 그만 잠이 들었습니다. 늑대는 개들이 잠든 틈을 이용해서 또다시 양을 잡아 갔습니다.
“멍청한 녀석들! 양들도 제대로 지키지 못하다니...”
다음날 양을 제대로 지키지 못했던 개들은 양치기에게 몹시 혼 났습니다. 그래서 또 다시 며칠 밤을 새워 보았지만 늑대는 나타나지 않았습니다. 그러다가 개들이 지쳐서 잠들면 또 늑대가 나타나서 양을 잡아갔습니다.
개들이 잠잘 때 양을 늑대에게 빼앗기는 일이 계속 반복되었습니다. 그래서 양치기는 한 가지 꾀를 내어서 개들이 잠들 때 몰래 숨어서 우리를 지키기로 했습니다. 개들이 모두 잠들자 드디어 늑대가 나타났습니다. 늑대는 우리 주변을 어슬렁거리면서 개들이 잠든 것을 확인했습니다. 개들이 모두 잠든 것을 보고 안심한 늑대는 양을 잡기 위해 우리 안으로 들어갔습니다.
양치기는 늑대가 들어가자 재빨리 빗장을 걸어서 우리 속에 늑대를 가두어 버렸습니다. 그러자 늑대는 사납게 날뛰면서 양들을 해치기 시작했습니다. 그 소리를 듣고 깨어난 개가 깜짝 놀라면서 주인을 보고 말했습니다.
“양을 키우면서 살아가는 사람이 어떻게 양의 우리에 늑대를 가둘 생각을 했죠?”
양치기는 늑대를 잡으려다가 많은 양들을 잃게 되었습니다. 물론 늑대는 잡겠지만 그것에 비해 큰 손해를 입었습니다. 양치기가 조금만 더 깊이 생각했다면 늑대를 잡기 위해 다른 방법을 생각해낼 수 있었을 것입니다.
양치기는 양들이 있는 우리에 늑대를 가두었습니다. 양치기의 행동은 어떤 결과를 가져왔나요?
늑대를 막을 수 있는 다른 방법은 없었을까요? 만약 여러분이 양치기라면 어떻게 했을까요?
The Shepherd Who Put a Wolf in the Sheepfold
There was a wolf that preyed on the sheep. The fierce wolf would sneak into the fold every night and catch the sheep.
The wolf annoyed the shepherd, so he released dogs to guard the fold. The dogs stayed awake all night to protect the sheep, but the wolf was nowhere to be seen.
After a few days, the tired dogs fell asleep while guarding the fold. The wolf took advantage of this and caught the sheep again.
“You foolish creatures! How could you not even protect the sheep properly…”
The next day, the shepherd harshly scolded the dogs for not guarding the sheep properly. So, they stayed awake for several more nights, but the wolf did not appear. Then, when the dogs got tired and fell asleep, the wolf appeared again and caught the sheep.
This cycle of the wolf catching the sheep while the dogs slept continued. So, the shepherd devised a plan to guard the fold while the dogs slept secretly. When all the dogs fell asleep, the wolf finally appeared. The wolf stalked around the fold, confirming that the dogs were asleep. Assured all the dogs were sleeping, the wolf entered the fold to catch the sheep.
The shepherd locked the gate as soon as the wolf entered, trapping the wolf inside the fold. The wolf then began to rampage and harm the sheep. Hearing the commotion, the dogs woke up and were shocked. They looked at their master and said,
“How could someone who raises sheep think of putting a wolf in the sheepfold?”
The shepherd lost many sheep while trying to catch the wolf. Although he noticed the wolf, the loss was significant. If the shepherd had thought a bit more deeply, he could have devised another way to catch the wolf.
The shepherd put the wolf in the sheepfold where the sheep were. What was the result of the shepherd’s actions?
Was there another way to stop the wolf? If you were the shepherd, what would you have done?
Paw Patrol Saves the Sheepfold
There was a wolf that preyed on the sheep. The fierce wolf would sneak into the fold every night and catch the sheep.
The wolf annoyed Farmer Al, so he called the Paw Patrol to guard the fold. The pups stayed awake all night to protect the sheep, but the wolf was nowhere to be seen.
After a few days, the tired pups fell asleep while guarding the fold. The wolf took advantage of this and caught the sheep again.
“You foolish creatures! How could you not even protect the sheep properly…” Farmer Al scolded.
The next day, Ryder and the Paw Patrol devised a plan to guard the fold while the pups slept secretly. When all the pups fell asleep, the wolf finally appeared. The wolf stalked around the fold, confirming that the pups were asleep. Assured all the pups were sleeping, the wolf entered the fold to catch the sheep.
As soon as the wolf entered, Ryder and the Paw Patrol quickly locked the gate, trapping the wolf inside the fold. The wolf then began to rampage and harm the sheep. Hearing the commotion, the pups woke up and were shocked. They looked at Ryder and said,
“How could someone who raises sheep think of putting a wolf in the sheepfold?”
Ryder realized that although they caught the wolf, the loss was significant. They could have devised another way to see the wolf if they had thought more deeply.
The Paw Patrol put the wolf in the sheepfold where the sheep were. What was the result of their actions?
Was there another way to stop the wolf? If you were Ryder, what would you have done?