2024. 8. 6. 01:11ㆍSelf Heal
성스러운 조각상을 파는 사람
그리스의 많은 신들 주에는 헤르메스라는 신이 있었습니다. 헤르메스는 신의 말을 전하는 일을 하기도 하지만 약삭빠른 말과 교활한 속임수에 뛰어나서 웅변가, 상인, 도적의 신이기도 합니다.
어느 날 한 남자가 나무를 깎아서 만든 헤르메스 신의 조각상을 들고 시장에 팔러 나왔습니다. 한참을 기다려도 헤르메스 신의 조각상을 사러오는 사람은 없었습니다. 시장에 나온 사람들은 다른 곳을 여기저기 기웃거릴 뿐 조각상에는 관심조차 보이지 않았습니다.
사람들이 찾아주기를 기다리다가 지친 그 남자는 사람들을 불러모으기로 결심했습니다. 그 남자는 헤르메스 신의 조각상을 머리 위로 높이 들고는 큰 소리로 외쳤습니다.
“헤르메스 신을 집에다가 두십시오. 여러분에게 행운과 재물을 선사할 것입니다. 이것만 집에 갖다 두시면 좋은 일이 많이 일어날 것입니다.”
그러자 몇 명의 사람들이 비로소 관심이 생기는 듯이 그남자 주위로 다가왔습니다. 그때 지나가던 어떤 사람이 그말을 듣고는 이렇게 말했습니다.
“헤르메스 신의 조각상이 그토록 좋은 것이라면 당신이나 그걸 이용해서 부자가 되지 않고 왜 팔려고 합니까?”
그 남자는 태연한 목소릴로 대답했습니다.
“아, 그건 그렇지가 않습니다. 나는 지금 당장 돈이 필요하지만 이 신께서는 그렇게 금방 돈을 벌게 해 주지는 않거든요.”
어떤 물건을 사면 마치 이 세상의 모든 고민이 다 해결될 것처럼 선전하는 경우가 가끔씩 있습니다. 그러나 어떤 물건을 소유한다고 해서 저절로 좋은 일이 생기거나 문제가 해결도니느 법은 없습니다.
조각상을 파는 사람이 좋은 일과 재물을 선사하는 헤르메스 신상을 자신이 갖지 않고 팔려고 한다는 것은 무엇을 의미하나요?
돈으로 살수있는 것과 살수 없는 것에는 어떤 것들이 있을까요? 구체적인 예를 들어보고 그 차이점을 생각해 보세요.
여러분에게도 행운을 갖다준다고 여겨지는 물건이 있나요? 어떤 것인지 친구들에게 소개해 보세요.
The Man Who Sells Sacred Statues
Among the many gods of Greece, there was a god named Hermes. Hermes was known for delivering messages from the gods, but he was also skilled in cunning speech and deceit, making him the god of eloquence, merchants, and thieves.
One day, a man came to the market with a wooden statue of Hermes that he had carved. He waited for a long time, but no one came to buy the statue. The people in the market were busy looking around at other things and showed no interest in the statue.
Tired of waiting for customers, the man decided to call out to the people. He held the statue of Hermes high above his head and shouted,
“Bring the statue of Hermes into your home. It will bring you luck and wealth. If you keep this in your house, many good things will happen.”
A few people finally showed some interest and approached the man. At that moment, a passerby heard the man’s words and said,
“If the statue of Hermes is so good, why don’t you use it to become rich yourself instead of selling it?”
The man calmly replied,
“Oh, that’s not the case. I need money right now, but this god doesn’t bring wealth quickly.”
Sometimes, advertisements make it seem like buying a specific item will solve all your problems. However, owning something does not automatically bring good things or solve problems.
What does it mean that the man selling the statue of Hermes, which is supposed to bring good things and wealth, does not keep it for himself?
What are some things that can and cannot be bought with money? Consider specific examples and the differences.
Do you have any items that you believe bring you luck? Please share them with your friends.
The Pup Who Sells Lucky Statues
In Adventure Bay, a pup named Rocky was known for his resourcefulness and creativity. One day, Rocky carved a wooden statue of a lucky charm and brought it to the market to sell. He waited for a long time, but no one came to buy the statue. The people in the market were busy looking around at other things and showed no interest in the statue.
Tired of waiting for customers, Rocky decided to call out to the people. He held the statue high above his head and shouted,
“Bring this lucky statue into your home. It will bring you luck and happiness. If you keep this in your house, many good things will happen.”
A few people finally showed some interest and approached Rocky. At that moment, a passerby heard Rocky’s words and said,
“If the statue is so good, why don’t you use it to become lucky yourself instead of selling it?”
Rocky calmly replied,
“Oh, that’s not the case. I need treats, but this statue doesn’t bring luck quickly.”
Sometimes, advertisements make it seem like buying a specific item will solve all your problems. However, owning something does not automatically bring good things or solve problems.
What does it mean that Rocky, who is selling the lucky statue, does not keep it for himself?
What are some things that can and cannot be bought with money? Consider specific examples and the differences.
Do you have any items that you believe bring you luck? Please share them with your friends.
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