족제비와 줄칼

2024. 8. 6. 00:34Self Heal


족제비와 줄칼

족제비 한 마리가 먹을 것을 찾아서 마을로 내려갔습니다. 족제비는 주위를 둘러보다가 마을의 대장간으로 들어갔습니다. 대장간에는 신기한 물건들이 많이 있었습니다.

 족제비는 호기심이 가득 담긴 눈빛으로 대장간을 두리번 거렸습니다. 호미나 낫과 같은 농기구들도 보였습니다. 나무꾼이 사용하는 도끼도 있었습니다.

그러다가 족제비는 대장간의 작업장에서 줄칼을 발견했습니다. 줄칼은 쇳조각을 자를 수 있는 톱같은 것인데, 족제비가 처음 보는 물건이었다.

이건 뭐지? 먹어도 되는 걸까?”

줄칼이 어디에 쓰이는 것인지 몰랐던 족제비는 먹는 것인지 시험해 보려고 그것을 혀로 핥아보다 혓바닥에서 붉은 피가 흘러나오기 시작했다. 그런데 족제비는 그것이 자기 피인 줄도 모르고 무엇인가 먹었다고 생각하면서 좋아했다.

 족제비는 계속 줄칼을 핥았고, 어리석은 족제비는 자기 혓바닥에서 흘러나오는 피를 열심히 핥아먹었다. 그래서 결국 줄칼을 핥아대던 족제비의 혓바닥은 몽땅 없어지고 말았다.

 나중에 족제비는 지금까지 핥아먹었던 것이 줄칼이 아니라 자기의 혓바닥 이였다는 것을 알게 되었고, 눈물을 흘리면서 후회했지만 소용이 없었다.

 실제로 어런 일이 생길 수는 없겠지요? 이솝은 사람들에게 눈앞의 즐거움 때문에 중요한 것을 잃어버리지 않도록 하려고 이 이야기를 만들었답니다. 가령 담배와 술을 마시는 경우와 비슷할 것입니다.

 족제비는 줄 칼이 어디에 쓰이는 물건인지도 모르고 그것을 혀로 핥았습니다. 원래 줄칼은 어디에 쓰이는 물건인가요?

 결국 줄칼을 핥은 족제비는 어떻게 되었나요? 그리고 여러분은 족제비의 어리석은 행동에 대해서 어떻게 생각합니까?


The Weasel and the File

A weasel came to the village in search of food. After looking around, it entered the village blacksmith’s shop, filled with many fascinating items.

The weasel looked around the shop with curious eyes. It saw farming tools like hoes and sickles. Woodcutters also used an axe. Then, the weasel discovered a file in the blacksmith’s workshop. A file is a tool used to cut metal pieces, something the weasel had never seen before. “What is this? Can I eat it?” Not knowing what the file was used for, the weasel decided to test if it was edible by licking it. As it licked the file, red blood started to flow from its tongue. However, the weasel, not realizing it was its blood, thought it was eating something and felt pleased.

The weasel continued to lick the file, and the foolish weasel eagerly licked up the blood flowing from its tongue. Eventually, the weasel’s tongue was gone entirely from licking the file.

Later, the weasel realized that what it had been licking and eating was not the file but its tongue. It cried and regretted its actions, but it was too late.

In reality, such a thing would not happen. Aesop created this story to teach people not to lose something important because of immediate pleasure. It is similar to smoking and drinking alcohol.

The weasel did not know what the file was used for and licked it. Initially, what is a file used for?

In the end, what happened to the weasel that licked the file? And what do you think about the weasel’s foolish behaviour?


Marshall and the File

One day, Marshall, the fire pup from Paw Patrol, was exploring Adventure Bay in search of something interesting. As he looked around, he wandered into the blacksmith’s shop, filled with many fascinating items.

Marshall looked around the shop with curious eyes. He saw farming tools like hoes and sickles. Woodcutters also used an axe. Then, Marshall discovered a file in the blacksmith’s workshop. A file is a tool used to cut metal pieces, something Marshall had never seen before. “What is this? Can I eat it?” Not knowing what the file was used for, Marshall decided to test if it was edible by licking it. As he licked the file, red blood started to flow from his tongue. However, not realizing it was his blood, Marshall thought he was eating something and felt pleased.

Marshall continued to lick the file, and the foolish pup eagerly licked up the blood flowing from his tongue. Eventually, Marshall’s tongue was gone entirely from licking the file.

Later, Marshall realized that what he had been licking and eating was not the file but his tongue. He cried and regretted his actions, but it was too late.

In reality, such a thing would not happen. This story teaches us not to lose something important because of immediate pleasure. It is similar to smoking and drinking alcohol.

Marshall did not know what the file was used for and licked it. Initially, what is a file used for?

In the end, what happened to Marshall, who licked the file? And what do you think about Marshall’s foolish behaviour?

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