강둑의 여우들

2024. 8. 8. 04:46Self Heal


강둑의 여우들


며칠 동안 비가 내려서 강물이 많이 불어났습니다. 모처럼 비가 그치자 여우들은 사냥을 나섰습니다. 여우들은 토끼를 잡아서 배불리 먹었습니다.


여우들은 몹시 목이 말랐습니다. 그래서 여우들은 갈증을 달래기 위해 강가로 모여들었습니다.


하지만 강물은 크게 불어나 있었고 물살이 너무 거칠고 빠랐습니다. 그것을 본 여우들은 겁이 나서 아무도 선뜻 물가로 접근하지 못했습니다.


그런데 여우들 가운데 한 마리가 나머지 친구들을 겁쟁이라고 놀리며서 앞으로 나섰습니다. 지금자기가 앞장을 선다면 모두가 자신을 용감한 여우라고 칭찬할 거라고 생각했던 것입니다.


너희들은 정말 겁이 많구나. 하지만 걱정하지 않아도 좋아. 나처럼 용감한 여우가 있다는 걸 다행으로 알라구. 내가 안전하게 물을 마실 수 있는 장소를 가르쳐 주겠어.”


여우는 자기가 용감하다는 것을 보여주기 위해 굽이치는 물살 위로 용감하게 뛰어들었습니다. 그러나 물살은 그 여우의 몸을 인정사정없이 휘감고 강 한가운데로 끌고 갔습니다.  여우는 발버둥을 쳤지만 아무런 소용이 없었습니다.


강둑에 남아 있던 여우들은 용감한 여우가 수영을 하고 있는 것이라고 생각했습니다. 여우들은 용감한 여우를 향해 소리쳤습니다.


이봐! 우리를 버리고 가지 마! 어서 돌아와서 우리가 안전하게 강물을 마실 수 있는 곳이 어디인지 가르쳐 달란 말이야.”


강물에 빠진 여우는 허우적 거리다가 그 소리를 들었습니다. 금방 강물에 빠져 죽을 상황이 되었으면서도 그 여우는 이렇게 대답했습니다.


나는 지금 아랫마을게 가서 사람들에게 급히 전해야 할 이야기가 있어. 지금 당장 가지 않으면 안돼! 나중에 내가 돌아와서 안전하게 물을 마실 수 있는 곳을 가르쳐 줄게.”


정말 어리석은 일입니다. 자신의 용기를 자랑하려다가 스스로 우험에 빠진 것입니다. 그래도 여우는 반성할 줄 모르고 끝까지 허세를 부리며 거짓말까지 하고 있습니다.


이 여우는 무엇 때문에 위험한 강물로 뛰어들었을까요?


강둥에 남아 있던 여우들은 용감한 여우를 보면서 어떤 오해를 하고 있습니까?


여러분은 용기만용에 대해서 어떻게 생각합니까? 그 차이를 말해 보세요.


The Foxes by the Riverbank

After several days of rain, the river had swollen significantly. When the rain finally stopped, the foxes went out hunting. They caught rabbits and ate their fill.

The foxes were very thirsty. So, they gathered by the riverbank to quench their thirst.

However, the river was swollen, and the current was too rough and fast. Seeing this, the foxes were scared, and none dared to approach the water.

But among the foxes, one stepped forward, mocking the others for being cowards. This fox thought that if it took the lead, everyone would praise it as a brave fox.

“You are all such cowards. But don’t worry. Be glad that you have a brave fox like me. I will show you a safe place to drink water.”

To show its bravery, the fox boldly jumped into the swirling current. However, the current mercilessly swept the fox away to the middle of the river. The fox struggled, but it was of no use.

The foxes left on the riverbank thought the brave fox was swimming. They shouted to the brave fox,

“Hey! Don’t leave us behind! Come back and show us where we can safely drink water.”

The fox, struggling in the water, heard their cries. Even though it was about to drown, the fox replied,

“I have an urgent message to deliver to the people in the village downstream. I must go right now! I’ll return later and show you where to drink water safely.”

What a foolish thing to do. The fox put itself in danger to show off its bravery. Yet, the fox did not reflect on its actions and continued to boast and lie until the end.

Why did the fox jump into the dangerous river?

What misunderstanding did the foxes on the riverbank have about the brave fox?

What do you think about the difference between ‘courage’ and ‘recklessness’? Explain the difference.


The Pups by the Riverbank

After several days of rain, the river had swollen significantly. When the rain finally stopped, the Paw Patrol pups went out exploring. They found some interesting things and had a great time.

The pups were very thirsty. So, they gathered by the riverbank to quench their thirst.

However, the river was swollen, and the current was too rough and fast. Seeing this, the pups were scared, and none dared to approach the water.

But among the pups, one stepped forward, mocking the others for being cowards. This pup thought that if it took the lead, everyone would praise it as a brave pup.

“You are all such cowards. But don’t worry. Be glad that you have a brave pup like me. I will show you a safe place to drink water.”

To show its bravery, the pup boldly jumped into the swirling current. However, the current mercilessly swept the pup to the middle of the river. The pup struggled, but it was of no use.

The pups left on the riverbank thought the brave pup was swimming. They shouted to the brave pup,

“Hey! Don’t leave us behind! Come back and show us where we can safely drink water.”

The pup, struggling in the water, heard their cries. Even though it was about to drown, the pup replied,

“I have an urgent message to deliver to the people in the village downstream. I must go right now! I’ll return later and show you where to drink water safely.”

What a foolish thing to do. The pup put itself in danger to show off its bravery. Yet, the pup did not reflect on its actions and continued to boast and lie until the end.

Why did the pup jump into the dangerous river?

What misunderstanding did the pups on the riverbank have about the brave pup?

What do you think about the difference between ‘courage’ and ‘recklessness’? Explain the difference.


The Donkey and the Driver

A driver was leading a donkey. However, the donkey did not listen to the driver. When the driver pulled the reins forward, the donkey would resist by planting its feet firmly and had to be dragged along.

One day, the driver was holding the donkey’s reins and walking along a path. They were passing a steep slope when the donkey slipped and ended up hanging on the edge of a cliff.

Trying to save the donkey, the driver grabbed its tail and pulled with all his might. He struggled to pull the donkey up from the cliff.

However, the stubborn donkey resisted by planting its feet firmly when the driver pulled its tail.

The driver was exasperated by the donkey’s refusal to be pulled up.

“Oh, you stubborn donkey. Come up here right now.”

When the driver pulled harder, the donkey frantically struggled to avoid being pulled up.

After a long struggle, the driver became exhausted. He had no choice but to let go of the donkey’s tail and said,

“I give up. But you will fall off the cliff because of your stubbornness.”

The donkey fell off the cliff because of its unnecessary stubbornness. Hazardous situations can arise when we are on the wrong path and refuse to listen to others’ advice.

Why didn’t the donkey listen to the driver? Was there a justifiable reason?

Why did the driver let go of the donkey’s tail?

Have you ever been stubborn, knowing you were wrong out of spite or embarrassment? Share your experiences.

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