2024. 8. 8. 04:35ㆍSelf Heal
흑인 노예
고대 그리스에서는 노예제도가 시행되고 있었습니다. 노예가 된 사람은 주인의 명령에 무족건 복종해야 하고 주인은 노예를 마음대로 부려먹을 수 있었습니다.
그런데 어떤 사람이 에티오피아 출신의 노예를 사게 되었습니다. 그런데 그 사람은 자신이 산 노예가 새까만 피부를 가진 것이 불만스러웠습니다.
“노예에게 얼마나 지저분한 일을 시켰으면, 이렇게 피부가 새까맣게 되었을까?”
그 사람은 자기 노예의 피부가 그렇게 새까만 것은 전 주인이 그 노예을 잘 보살피지 않았기 때문이라고 생각했습니다.
하지만 사실 그렇지 않았습니다. 에티오피아 사람들은 모두 새까만 피부를 가지고 있었던 것입니다.
노예를 집으로 데리고 온 그 남자는 새까만 노예의 피부를 조금이라도 하얗게 만들기 위해 비누로 몸을 씻겼습니다. 하지만 비누로 씻는다고 해서 피부가 하얗게 되지는 않았습니다.
비누로 아무리 씻겨도 효과가 없자 그 사람은 돌로 문지르거나 빳빳한 솔로 열심히 노예의 피부를 닦았습니다. 그는 자기가 알고 있는 방법을 모두 동원했지만 노예의 피부색은 조금도 변하지 않았습니다.
결국 그 사람은 지나치게 무리를 한 나머지 병에 결려서 앓아눕고 말았습니다.
이 우화는 노예 주인의 한심한 행동을 보여주고 있습니다 모든 것에는 고유한 특지이 있습니다. 우리는 그 고유한 특징을 있는 그대로 인정해야 합니다. 우리와 피부색이 다르다고 해서 혹은 우리와 인종이 다르다고 해서 무조건 차별해서는 안 될 것입니다.
노예를 산 사람은 어떤 점에서 어리석다고 할수 있을까요? 여러분의 생각을 말해 보세요.
노예 주인이 병에 걸린 이유는 무엇일까요?
이세상에는 다양한 문화가 존재하고 있습니다. 여러분은 다른 사회의 문화에 대해 어떤 생각을 가지고 있나요?
The Black-Skinned enslaved person
In ancient Greece, there was a system of slavery. Those who became enslaved had to obey their master’s commands unconditionally, and the master could use the enslaved people as they pleased.
One day, a man bought an enslaved person from Ethiopia. However, the man was displeased that the enslaved person he bought had very black skin.
“How dirty must the work have been for the slave to have such black skin?”
The man thought that the enslaved person’s skin was so black because the previous owner had not taken good care of the enslaved person.
But that was not the case. Ethiopians naturally had very black skin.
The man brought the black-skinned slave home and tried to make the enslaved person’s skin whiter by washing him with soap. However, washing with soap did not make the skin any whiter.
When washing with soap had no effect, the man scrubbed the enslaved person’s skin with stones or stiff brushes. He used all the methods he knew, but the enslaved person’s skin colour did not change at all.
In the end, the man overexerted himself and fell ill.
This fable shows the foolish actions of the enslaver. Everything has its unique characteristics. We must recognize and accept those unique characteristics as they are. We should not discriminate against others just because their skin colour or race is different from ours.
In what ways can the person who bought the enslaved person be considered foolish? Share your thoughts.
Why did the enslaver fall ill?
There are various cultures in this world. What are your thoughts on the cultures of other societies?
The Black-Spotted Pup
In Adventure Bay, there was a system where pups had to follow the commands of their leaders unconditionally, and the leaders could use the pups as they pleased.
One day, a man bought a pup from a distant land. However, the man was displeased that the pup he bought had very black spots.
“How dirty must the work have been for the pup to have such black spots?”
The man thought the pup’s spots were so black because its previous owner had not cared for it.
But that was not the case. The pups from that land naturally had very black spots.
The man brought the black-spotted pup home and tried to make its spots whiter by washing it with soap. However, washing with soap did not make the spots any whiter.
When washing with soap had no effect, the man scrubbed the pup’s spots with stones or stiff brushes. He used all the methods he knew, but the pup’s spots did not change at all.
In the end, the man overexerted himself and fell ill.
This fable shows the man's foolish actions. Everything has unique characteristics. We must recognize and accept those unique characteristics as they are. We should not discriminate against others because their appearance or background differs from ours.
In what ways can the person who bought the pup be considered foolish? Share your thoughts.
Why did the man fall ill?
There are various cultures in this world. What are your thoughts on the cultures of other societies?