당나귀와 마부

2024. 8. 8. 04:49Self Heal

당나귀와 마부 마부가 당나귀 한 마리를 몰고 가고 있었습니다. 그런데 당나귀는 마부의 말을 잘 듣지 않았습니다. 고삐를 앞으로 당기면 다리에 힘을 주고 버티다가 억지로 끌려가곤 했습니다. 그러던 어느 날 마부는 당나귀의 고삐를 잡고 길을 가고 있었습니다. 마침 마부와 당나귀가 가파른 비탈길을 지나가고 있을 때였습니다. 당나귀가 그만 실수로 미끄러져서 절벽끝에 매달리게 되었습니다. 마부는 당나귀를 구하기 위해 당나귀의 꼬리를 힘것 잡아 당겼습니다. 그리고 절벽에서 당나귀를 끌어올리기 위해 안간힘을 썼습니다. 하지만 고집스러운 당나귀는 마부가 꼬리를 잡아당기자 다리에 힘을 주고 버텼습니다. 마부는 당나귀가 끌려오지 않으려고 버티는 것이 너무나 한심했습니다. “이런! 고집스러운 당나귀 같으니라구. 어서 이리 올라오란 말이야.” 마부가 다시 힘을 주자 당나귀는 끌려가지 않기 위해 미친듯이 발버둥을 쳤습니다. 한참 동안이나 실랑이를 하다가 마부는 힘이 빠지고 말았습니다. 마부는 어쩔 수 없이 당나귀의 꼬리를 놓으면서 이렇게 말했습니다. “어쩔 수 없구나. 내가 졌다. 하지만 너는 그 고집 때문에 절벽에서 떨어지고 마는 거야.” 당나귀는 쓸데없는 고집 때문에 절벽에서 떨어지고 말았습니다. 자기가 잘못된 길을 가고 있으면서도 남의 충고를 듣지 않을 때에는 아주 위험한 일이 발생하게 됩니다. 당나귀는 왜 마부의 말을 듣지 않았을까요? 그럴 만한 정당한 이유가 있었습니까? 마부는 왜 당나귀의 꼬리를 놓았을까요? 여러분에게도 자기가 잘못하고 있는 줄 알면서 심술이냐 쑥스러움 때문에 계속 고집을 부린 적이 있는지 이야기해 보세요.

The Donkey and the Driver

A driver was leading a donkey. However, the donkey did not listen to the driver. When the driver pulled the reins forward, the donkey would resist by planting its feet firmly and had to be dragged along.

One day, the driver was holding the donkey’s reins and walking along a path. They were passing a steep slope when the donkey slipped and ended up hanging on the edge of a cliff.

Trying to save the donkey, the driver grabbed its tail and pulled with all his might. He struggled to pull the donkey up from the cliff.

However, the stubborn donkey resisted by planting its feet firmly when the driver pulled its tail.

The driver was exasperated by the donkey’s refusal to be pulled up.

“Oh, you stubborn donkey. Come up here right now.”

When the driver pulled harder, the donkey frantically struggled to avoid being pulled up.

After a long struggle, the driver became exhausted. He had no choice but to let go of the donkey’s tail and said,

“I give up. But you will fall off the cliff because of your stubbornness.”

The donkey fell off the cliff because of its unnecessary stubbornness. Hazardous situations can arise when we are on the wrong path and refuse to listen to others’ advice.

Why didn’t the donkey listen to the driver? Was there a justifiable reason?

Why did the driver let go of the donkey’s tail?

Have you ever been stubborn, knowing you were wrong out of spite or embarrassment? Share your experiences.


The Pup and the Handler

A handler was leading a pup. However, the pup did not listen to the handler. When the handler pulled the leash forward, the pup would resist by planting its paws firmly and had to be dragged along.

One day, the handler held the pup’s leash and walked along a path. They were passing a steep slope when the pup slipped and ended up hanging on the edge of a cliff.

The handler, trying to save the pup, grabbed its tail and pulled with all his might. He struggled to pull the pup up from the cliff.

However, the stubborn pup resisted by planting its paws firmly when the handler pulled its tail.

The handler was exasperated by the pup’s refusal to be pulled up.

“Oh, you stubborn pup. Come up here right now.”

When the handler pulled harder, the pup frantically struggled to avoid being pulled up.

After a long struggle, the handler became exhausted. He had no choice but to let go of the pup’s tail and said,

“I give up. But you will fall off the cliff because of your stubbornness.”

The pup fell off the cliff because of its unnecessary stubbornness. Hazardous situations can arise when we are on the wrong path and refuse to listen to others’ advice.

Why didn’t the pup listen to the handler? Was there a justifiable reason?

Why did the handler let go of the pup’s tail?

Have you ever been stubborn, knowing you were wrong out of spite or embarrassment? Share your experiences.

'Self Heal' 카테고리의 다른 글

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