바다 위의 나뭇단

2024. 8. 8. 04:30Self Heal


바다 위의 나뭇단


해난가를 거닐던 사람들이 높은 절벽을 발견하고는 그 꼭대기까지 올라가 보기로 했습니다. 절벽 꼭대기에 올라가면 먼 바다가 보이고 무엇인가 새로운 것이 보일지도 모른다고 생각했던 것입니다.


그들은 가파른 절벽을 터벅터벅 올라가서 마침내 정상에 도착했습니다. 저 멀리 바다 위에는 검은 물체가 둥둥 떠다니고 있었습니다. 그것은 다름 아닌 나뭇가지 다발이었습니다. 하지만 사람들은 검은 물체를 보고 깜짝 놀랐습니다.


저게 뭘까?”

다른 나라에서 보낸 군함이 아닐까? 우리나라를 침략하기 위해서...”

정말 그럴지고 몰라. 어떻게 하면 좋을까?”


그들은 몹시 긴장하면서 그 물체를 계속 관찰했습니다. 그러는 동안 나뭇가지 다발은 파도에 밀려 점점 더 가까이 다가왔습니다.


사람들은 그 검은 물체가 생각한 것보다 상당히 작은 것을보고 이번에는 아마 화물선일 거라고 추측했습니다.


저건 먼 나라에서 온 화물선일 거야.”

그래, 분명히 신기한 물건들이 잔뜩 실려 있겠지.”


마침내 검은 물체가 해안 아주 가까이 다가왔습니다. 그것을 지켜보고 있던 사람들은 화물선을 맞이하기 위해 서둘러 절벽 꼭대기에서 해안가로 내려갔습니다. 얼마 후 바닷가에 도착한 사람들은 그것이 한 뭉치의 나뭇가지에 불과하다는 사실을 알았습니다.


그들은 스스로의 어리석음을 한탄하면서 입을 모아 말했습니다.


아무것도 아닌 것을 그토록 애타게 기다리다니....우리도 참 어리석군.”


절벽 꼭대기까지 올라간 사람들은 멀리 떠 있는 나뭇가지 다발을 보고 자기 나름대로 잔뜩 기대를 가졌습니다. 하지만 기대가 무너지자 크게 실망을 했습니다. 우리는 종종 아무런 근거도 없이 아주 큰 기대를 하는 경우가 있습니다. 하지만 기대가 크면 클수록 실망도 그만큼 큰 법입니다.


사람들은 왜 나무가지 다발을 보고 군함이나 화물선이라고 생각했을까요? 그 이유에 대해 각자 자신의 생각을 말해 보세요.


검은 물체를 보고 함부로 판단한 사람들이 이 우화에 나오는 것처럼 실수를 하지 않으려면 어떻게 해야 할까요?


The Bundle of Sticks on the Sea

People walking along the seashore discovered a high cliff and decided to climb to the top. They thought they might see the distant sea and something new from the top of the cliff.

They trudged up the cliff and finally reached the top. Far out on the sea, there was a black object floating. It was none other than a bundle of sticks. However, the people were startled by the black object.

“What could that be?” “Could it be a warship sent from another country to invade our country?” “It really might be. What should we do?”

They continued to observe the object with great tension. Meanwhile, the bundle of sticks was being pushed closer by the waves.

The people then guessed that the black object was probably a cargo ship, which seemed much smaller than they initially thought.

“That must be a cargo ship from a distant country.” “Yes, it must be loaded with fascinating goods.”

Finally, the black object came very close to the shore. The people watching it hurried down from the top of the cliff to the beach to greet the cargo ship. After a while, they reached the shore and realized it was just a bundle of sticks.

They lamented their foolishness and said in unison,

“How foolish we were to wait for something that was nothing eagerly… We are truly foolish.”

The people who climbed to the top of the cliff had high expectations when they saw the bundle of sticks floating in the distance. But when their expectations were shattered, they were greatly disappointed. We often have very high expectations without any basis. However, the higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

Why did the people think the bundle of sticks was a warship or a cargo ship? Share your thoughts on the reason.

How can people avoid making the same mistake as those in the fable who hastily judged the black object?


The Bundle of Sticks on the Sea

The Paw Patrol pups were walking along the seashore when they discovered a high cliff and decided to climb to the top.  They thought they might see the distant sea and something new from the top of the cliff.

They trudged up the cliff and finally reached the top. Far out on the sea, there was a black object floating. It was none other than a bundle of sticks. However, the pups were startled by the black object.

“What could that be?” asked Chase. “Could it be a warship sent from another country to invade Adventure Bay?” wondered Marshall. “It really might be. What should we do?” said Skye.

They continued to observe the object with great tension. Meanwhile, the bundle of sticks was being pushed closer by the waves.

The pups then guessed that the black object was probably a cargo ship, which seemed much smaller than they initially thought.

“That must be a cargo ship from a distant country,” said Rubble. “Yes, it must be loaded with fascinating goods,” added Rocky.

Finally, the black object came very close to the shore. The pups watching it hurried down from the top of the cliff to the beach to greet the cargo ship. After a while, they reached the shore and realized it was just a bundle of sticks.

They lamented their foolishness and said in unison,

“How foolish we were to wait for something that was nothing eagerly… We are truly foolish.”

The pups who climbed to the top of the cliff had high expectations when they saw the bundle of sticks floating in the distance. But when their expectations were shattered, they were greatly disappointed. We often have very high expectations without any basis. However, the higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

Why did the pups think the bundle of sticks was a warship or a cargo ship? Share your thoughts on the reason.

How can people avoid making the same mistake as those in the fable who hastily judged the black object?

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