2024. 8. 6. 01:47ㆍSelf Heal
농부와 늑대
소에 멍에를 씌워서 농사일을 하는 농부가 있었습니다. 농부는 소를 끌고 열심히 밭을 갈았습니다. 농부의 이마에는 땀이 송글송글 맺히고 소도 지쳐서 숨을 헐떡거렸습니다.
농부는 소에게 물을 먹이기 위해 잠시 멍에를 풀었습니다.
“수고했다, 소야.”
농부는 소를 시냇가로 데리고 갔습니다. 그 사이에 먹을 것을 찾아서 헤매고 있던 늑대 한 마리가 나타났습니다. 늑대는 농부가 밭을 일구던 곳으로 다가왔습니다.
굶주린 늑대는 무엇인가 먹을 것이 없을까 하고 주위를 두리번거렸습니다. 그러다가 늑대는 소가 플아놓은 멍에를 발견했습니다. 멍에가 어떤 것인지 전혀 모르는 늑대는 입맛을 다시면서 멍에의 안쪽 가죽을 핥았습니다.
늑대는 자기도 모르는 사이에 멍에 속으로 머리를 조금씩 집어넣었습니다. 그러다가 그만 멍에의 가죽에 머리가 끼고 말았습니다. 늑대는 몹시 당황하면서 뒤로 물러났습니다.
“이것은 먹을 것이 아니라 덫이었구나.”
그렇게 생각한 늑대는 목을 이리저리 움직였습니다. 하지만 늑대가 모을 흔들자 멍에는 늑대의 목을 더욱 세게 조였습니다. 멍에에서 목을 빼낼 수 없게 되어버린 늑대는 무거운 멍에를 질질 끌고 다닐 수밖에 없었습니다.
잠시 후에 소를 끌고 시냇가에 갔던 농부가 돌아왔습니다. 농부는 늑대가 멍에를 쓰고 쟁기를 끌면서 밭에서 허둥지둥 하는 모습을 보았습니다.
농부는 웃으면서 늑대에게 말했습니다.
“이런 못된 늑대 같으니라구. 네가 우리 가축들을 도둑칠 하지 않고 그렇게 밭에서 일이나 한다면 오죽이나 좋겠니?”
사람은 누구나 열심히 일할 수 있는 능력을 가지고 있습니다. 양을 훔치기만 하던 늑대도 마음만 먹는다면 쟁기를 끌고 밭을 갈 수 있는 것입니다. 열심히 일을 하면 반드시 그 보답이 돌아오게 됩니다.
늑대는 왜 멍에를 쓰게 되었나요?
멍에를 맨 소와 멍에를 맨 늑대의 차이는 무엇일까요?
The Farmer and the Wolf
A farmer used a yoke to plow his fields with an ox. The farmer worked hard, sweat beaded on his forehead while the ox panted from exhaustion.
The farmer decided to give the ox a break and removed the yoke.
“Good job, ox,” the farmer said, leading the ox to a stream for a drink.
Meanwhile, a hungry wolf, searching for food, approached the field where the farmer had been working.
The starving wolf looked around for something to eat and discovered the yoke left by the ox. Not knowing what it was, the wolf licked the leather inside the yoke.
Unknowingly, the wolf gradually inserted its head into the yoke. Eventually, the wolf’s head got stuck in the leather. The wolf panicked and tried to pull back.
“This isn’t food; it’s a trap,” the wolf thought.
The wolf moved its neck back and forth, but the more it struggled, the tighter the yoke became around its neck. Unable to free itself, the wolf had to drag the heavy yoke around.
Soon, the farmer returned with the ox from the stream. He saw the wolf struggling with the yoke and plow in the field.
The farmer laughed and said to the wolf,
“You wicked wolf. If only you worked in the field instead of stealing our livestock, how much better it would be!”
Everyone can work hard. Even a wolf that only stole sheep could plow the field if it wanted to. Hard work always brings rewards.
Why did the wolf end up wearing the yoke?
What is the difference between an ox wearing a yoke and a wolf wearing a yoke?
The Farmer and the Wolf
Farmer Al used a yoke to plow his fields with his trusty friend, Chase, the police pup. Farmer Al worked hard, sweat beading on his forehead, while Chase panted from exhaustion.
Farmer Al decided to give Chase a break and removed the yoke.
“Good job, Chase,” Farmer Al said, leading Chase to a stream for a drink.
Meanwhile, a hungry wolf, searching for food, approached the field where Farmer Al had been working.
The starving wolf looked around for something to eat and discovered the yoke left by Chase. Not knowing what it was, the wolf licked the leather inside the yoke.
Unknowingly, the wolf gradually inserted its head into the yoke. Eventually, the wolf’s head got stuck in the leather. The wolf panicked and tried to pull back.
“This isn’t food; it’s a trap,” the wolf thought.
The wolf moved its neck back and forth, but the more it struggled, the tighter the yoke became around its neck. Unable to free itself, the wolf had to drag the heavy yoke around.
Soon, Farmer Al returned with Chase from the stream. He saw the wolf struggling with the yoke and plow in the field.
Farmer Al laughed and said to the wolf,
“You wicked wolf. If only you worked in the field instead of stealing our livestock, how much better it would be!”
Everyone can work hard. Even a wolf that only stole sheep could plow the field if it wanted to. Hard work always brings rewards.
Why did the wolf end up wearing the yoke?
What is the difference between Chase wearing a yoke and the wolf wearing a yoke?
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