2024. 8. 6. 01:53ㆍSelf Heal
제우스 신의 선물
이 세상에 사람이 처음 태어났을 때에는 지혜를 가지고 있지 않았습니다. 그러므로 사람은 다른 동물들과 마찬가지로 깊이 생각할 줄 모르는 존재였습니다. 게다가 육체적으로 연약하기 짝이 없는 사람은 여러가지 측면에서 다른 동물보다 더 부족해 보였습니다.
사자처럼 날카로운 이빨을 갖지도 못했으며, 새처럼 빨리 날 수 있는 날개도 없었습니다. 그렇다고 추위를 이겨낼 만한 가죽이나 털도 없었습니다.
제우스 신은 다른 동물에 비해 가진 것이 아무것도 없는 사람에게 귀중한 선물을 주기로 결심했습니다. 그래서 솜씨좋은 헤르메스 신을 불렀습니다.
“사람들에게 선물을 한 가지 주는 것이 좋겠다. 사람들에게 생각할 줄 아는 지혜를 불어넣어 주거라.”
헤르메스 신은 사람들에게 열심히 지혜를 불어놓어 주었습니다. 헤르메스 신은 지혜를 똑같은 양으로 만들어서 몸집이 큰 사람에게나 작고 마른 사람에게나 공평하게 불어놓어 주었습니다.
몸집이 작아서 헤르메스 신이 부어준 지혜가 온몸으로 퍼져나간 사람은 꾀보가 되었습니다.
하지만 헤르메스 신이 부어준 지혜의 양으로 온몸을 모두 덮을 수 없었던 키가 큰 사람들은 싱거운 사람이라는 소리를 듣게 되었다고 합니다.
이 우화는 외형적으로 화려하고 힘이 있는 것처럼 보이지만 생각할줄 모르는 어리석은 사람들에 대한 것입니다. 키가 크고 덩치가 좋다고 해서 모든 일에 뛰어난 것은 아닙니다. 가장 고귀하고 소중한 것은 육체의 아름다움이 아니라 영혼의 아름다움입니다.
이 우화에 따르면 정신과 육체는 어떤 관계를 가지고 있나요?
우리가 겉모습만 보고 사람에 대해 가지는 편견 중에는 어떤 것들이 있을까요? 친구들과 서로 이야기를 해 보세요.
The Gift of Zeus
When humans first appeared in this world, they did not possess wisdom. Therefore, humans could not think deeply, just like other animals. Moreover, physically weak humans seemed to lack more than other animals in many aspects.
They did not have sharp teeth like lions or wings to fly quickly like birds. They also did not have fur or skin to withstand the cold.
Zeus decided to give humans a precious gift, as they had nothing compared to other animals. So, he called upon the skillful god Hermes.
“It would be good to give humans a gift. Breathe wisdom into them so they can think.”
Hermes diligently breathed wisdom into humans. He made the wisdom equally and fairly and breathed it into large, tiny, thin humans.
Those who were small in stature and had wisdom spread throughout their bodies became clever.
However, those tall and unable to cover their entire bodies with the wisdom Hermes imparted were considered foolish.
This fable is about people who appear glamorous and powerful on the outside but are foolish because they cannot think. Being tall and having a good physique does not mean excelling in everything. The most noble and precious thing is not the body's beauty but the soul's beauty.
According to this fable, what is the relationship between the mind and the body?
What are some prejudices we have about people based on their appearance? Discuss with your friends.
The Gift of Zeus
When the Paw Patrol pups first appeared in Adventure Bay, they did not possess wisdom. Therefore, the pups could not think deeply, just like other animals. Moreover, physically small pups seemed to lack more than other animals in many aspects.
They did not have sharp claws like lions or wings to fly quickly like birds. They also did not have fur or skin to withstand the cold.
Zeus gave the Paw Patrol pups a precious gift, as they had nothing compared to other animals. So, he called upon the skillful god Hermes.
“It would be good to give the pups a gift. Breathe wisdom into them so they can think.”
Hermes diligently breathed wisdom into the pups. He made the wisdom equally and fairly and breathed it into large, tiny, thin pups.
Those who were small in stature and had wisdom spread throughout their bodies became clever.
However, those tall and unable to cover their entire bodies with the wisdom Hermes imparted were considered foolish.
This fable is about pups who appear glamorous and powerful on the outside but are foolish because they cannot think. Being tall and having a good physique does not mean excelling in everything. The most noble and precious thing is not the body’s beauty but the soul’s beauty.
According to this fable, what is the relationship between the mind and the body?
What are some prejudices we have about people based on their appearance? Discuss with your friends.
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