2024. 8. 6. 01:34ㆍSelf Heal
아테네의 빚쟁이
많은 빚을 진 사람이 있었습니다. 그 사람은 몹시 가난했기 때문에 빚을 갚는 일이 몹시 힘들었씁니다.
그러던 어느 날 돈을 빌려주었던 사람이 빚을 받기 위해 그 사람을 불렀습니다.
“자, 약속한 날이니까 빨리 돈을 갚으시오.”
“지금은 형편이 어려우니까 제발 조금만 더 시간을 주십시오.”
재무자가 애원했습니다. 하지만 아무리 애원을 해도 채권자는 한사코 지금 돌려달라고 요구했습니다.
빚을 진 사람은 어쩔 수 없이 자신의 전재산이라고 할 수 있는 암퇘지 한 마리를 끌고 왔습니다.
“이 암퇘지를 팔아서 빚을 갚도록 하겠습니다. 잠시만 기다려 주십시오.”
그런데 마침 그곳을 지나가던 어떤 사람이 빚을 진 사람이 끌고 온 암퇘지를 보면서 물었습니다.
“이 돼지가 새끼를 낳을 수 있을까요?”
돼지 주인이 고개를 끄덕이면서 말했습니다.
“그 말을 어떻게 믿죠?”
돼지를 사려는 사람이 의심스러운 듯이 묻자 돼지 주인이 말했습니다.
“아, 이 돼지는 아주 많은 새끼를 낳을 수 있습니다. 엘레 우시스 제전 때에는 모조리 암퇘지들을 낳았고 파나테나이악 축제 때에는 전부 수퇴지들을 낳았답니다.”
돼지를 사러 온 사람은 그 이야기를 듣고 깜짝 놀랐습니다. 그것을 본 돈을 빌려준 사람이 조롱하는 말투로 이렇게 쏘아붙였습니다.
“만약 내가 당신이라면 하나도 놀라지 않겠소. 이 암퇘지는 디오니소스 축제가 다가오면 새끼 염소를 잔득 낳을 것이 분명하니까 말입니다.”
때때로 너무나 어렵고 힘든 상황에 처한 사람은 실현 불가능한 약속이나 맹세를 하게 됩니다. 그러므로 상대방의 말을 무조건 믿을 것이 아니라, 그 사람의 성품과 처한 상황까지 미리 생각해보는 것이 지혜로운 일입니다.
돈을 빌려준 사람을 채권자라고 하고 돈을 빌린 사람을 채무자라고 합니다. 그런데 채무자는 왜 돼지를 팔려고 했을가요?
돼지 주인의 말은 과연 사실일까요? 여러분은 그의 말을 믿을 수 있습니까?
여러분은 어던 상황에서 거짓말을 하게 되는지 이야기를 해 보세요.
The Debtor of Athens
A man owed a lot of money. Because he was inferior, repaying his debt was challenging.
One day, the lender called the man to collect the debt.
“It’s the promised day, so pay back the money quickly.”
“Please, give me a little more time. I’m in a difficult situation right now,” the debtor pleaded.
However, no matter how much he begged, the creditor immediately insisted on getting the money.
The debtor had to bring his only possession, a sow.
“I will sell this sow to repay the debt. Please wait a moment.”
Just then, a passerby saw the sow the debtor had brought and asked,
“Can this pig give birth to piglets?”
“Of course,” the pig owner nodded.
“How can I believe that?” the potential buyer asked skeptically.
The pig owner replied,
“Oh, this pig can give birth to many piglets. During the Eleusinian Mysteries, it gave birth to all female piglets, and during the Panathenaic Festival, it gave birth to all male piglets.”
The potential buyer was astonished by this story. Seeing this, the lender sarcastically remarked,
“If I were you, I wouldn’t be surprised at all. This show will surely give birth to many goat kids when the Dionysian Festival approaches.”
Sometimes, people in complicated situations make impossible promises or vows. Therefore, it is wise not to believe someone’s words unconditionally but to consider their character and circumstances.
The person who lends money is called a creditor, and the person who borrows money is called a debtor. Why did the debtor try to sell the pig?
Is the pig owner’s statement true? Do you believe his words?
In what situations do you find yourself lying? Share your stories.
The Debtor of Adventure Bay
A pup named Rubble owed a lot of treats. Repaying his debt was challenging because he was in a tough spot.
One day, the lender, Mayor Humdinger, called Rubble to collect the debt.
“It’s the promised day, so pay back the treats quickly.”
“Please, give me a little more time. I’m in a difficult situation right now,” Rubble pleaded.
However, no matter how much he begged, Mayor Humdinger insisted on getting the treats immediately.
Rubble had to bring his only possession, a toy pig.
“I will sell this toy pig to repay the debt. Please wait a moment.”
Just then, a passerby saw the toy pig Rubble had brought and asked,
“Can this toy pig make sounds?”
“Of course,” Rubble nodded.
“How can I believe that?” the potential buyer asked skeptically.
Rubble replied,
“Oh, this toy pig can make many sounds. It oinked all day during the Adventure Bay Festival, and during the Pup Pup Boogie Contest, it squealed with joy.”
The potential buyer was astonished by this story. Seeing this, Mayor Humdinger sarcastically remarked,
“If I were you, I wouldn’t be surprised at all. This toy pig will make even more sounds during the next Pup Pup Boogie Contest.”
Sometimes, people in complicated situations make impossible promises or vows. Therefore, it is wise not to believe someone’s words unconditionally but to consider their character and circumstances.
The person who lends treats is called a creditor, and the pup who borrows treats is called a debtor. Why did Rubble try to sell the toy pig?
Is Rubble’s statement true? Do you believe his words?
In what situations do you find yourself making promises you can’t keep? Share your stories.
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