황소와 송아지

2024. 8. 4. 03:21Self Heal


어느 농부가 황소와 송아지를 기르고 있었습니다. 그런데 황소와 송아지는 농부에게서 다른 대접을 받았습니다. 

날마다 황소는 밭으로 나가서 힘든 농사일을 해야만 했습니다. 그러나 송아지는 농사일을 전혀 하지 않았습니다. 황소가 힘들게 일을 하는 동안 송아지는 한가롭게 놀면서 맛있는 풀을 뜯어먹는 겅이 일이 었습니다. 

황소가 땀을 뻘뻘 흘리면서 쟁기질을 하고 있을 때, 송아지가 다가오면서 말했습니다.

"정말 안 되었어요. 날마다 힘든 일만 하다니...아저씨가 일만 하는 황소로 태어난 게 너무 불쌍해요. 하지만 주인 어른은 나를 무척 귀여워하고 있어요. 그래서 나는 자유롭게 뛰어다닐 수 있는 거예요."

송사지는 황소를 동정하는 눈빛으로 바라보았습니다. 하지만 황소는 아무런 대답도 하지 않았습니다. 그냥 묵묵히 자기 일만 했습니다.

그러다가 신에게 제사를 드려야 하는 날이 다가왔습니다. 농부는 정성스럽게 제물을 마련한 후에 송아지를 잡기 위한 준비를 했습니다. 농부는 신에게 송아지를 제물로 바치기로 마음 먹었던 것입니다. 농부는 송아지를 끌고 도살장으로 갔습니다.

송아지는 도살장으로 끌려가면서 눈물을 흘려습니다. 그 모습을 지켜보던 황소가 측은한 눈길로 송아지를 바라보면서 말했습니다. 

"송아지야, 이것이 지금까지 네가 일을 하지 않고 빈둥거리고 놀았던 이유란다. 너는 제물로 바쳐지기로 이미 예정되어 있었단다."

농부가 송아지를 기른 것은 신에게 제물로 바치기 위해서였습니다. 하지만 송아지는 그 사실을 모르고 주인이 자신을 귀여워하기 때문이라고 생각했습니다. 이렇게 한치 앞을 내다보지 못하고 잘난 척하는 사람들이 우리 주위에도 가끔 있습니다. 그런 사람들은 자기 앞에 어떤 위험이 도사리고 있는지 모르고 있는 것입니다.

송아지와 황소의 처지를 서로 비교해 보세요. 좋은 점은 무엇이고 나쁜 점은 무엇인가요?

송아지는 어떤 사실을 모르고 있었나요?

이 세상에 공짜로 주어지는 것은 없습니다. 송아지는 편안한 생활을 한 대신에 목숨을 대가로 지불했으며, 황소는 오랫동안 살 수 있었지만 그 대신에 힘든 일을 해야만 했습니다. 여러분은 송아지와 황소 가운데 누가 어떤 점에서 더 낫다고 생각합니까?


A farmer was raising an ox and a calf. However, the farmer treated the ox and the calf differently.

The ox had to go out to the field daily and do hard farm work. But the calf did not do any farm work at all. While the ox worked hard, the calf played leisurely and ate delicious grass.

One day, while the ox was sweating and plowing the field, the calf approached and said,

“It’s miserable. You have to do hard work every day… It’s so sad that you were born as an ox that only works. But the master loves me very much. That’s why I can run around freely.”

The calf looked at the ox with pity. But the ox did not respond and just continued to work silently.

Then came the day when the farmer had to offer a sacrifice to the gods. The farmer prepared the offering carefully and got ready to catch the calf. The farmer decided to offer the calf as a sacrifice to the gods and took the calf to the slaughterhouse.

As the calf was being led to the slaughterhouse, it shed tears. The ox, watching this with pity, said to the calf,

“Calf, this is why you have been playing and not working all this time. You were already destined to be offered as a sacrifice.”

The farmer raised the calf to offer it as a sacrifice to the gods. But the calf did not know this and thought the master loved it. There are people around us who sometimes boast without seeing what lies ahead. Such people do not know what dangers are lurking in front of them.

Compare the situations of the calf and the ox. What are the good points and bad points?

What fact was the calf unaware of?

Nothing in this world is given for free. The calf lived a comfortable life but paid with its life, while the ox could live longer but had to do hard work. Who do you think is better in what aspect, the calf or the ox?


In Adventure Bay, Farmer Yumi raised a strong pup named Rubble and a playful pup named Marshall. However, Farmer Yumi treated Rubble and Marshall differently.

Rubble had to go to the field daily and do hard farm work. But Marshall did not do any farm work at all. While Rubble worked hard, Marshall played leisurely and enjoyed delicious treats.

One day, while Rubble was sweating and plowing the field, Marshall approached and said,

“It’s miserable. You have to do hard work every day… It’s so sad you were born as a pup that only works. But Farmer Yumi loves me very much. That’s why I can run around freely.”

Marshall looked at Rubble with pity. But Rubble did not respond and just continued to work silently.

Then came the day when Farmer Yumi had to offer a special treat to the Mayor. Farmer Yumi prepared the offering carefully and got ready to catch Marshall. Farmer Yumi decided to offer Marshall as a special treat to the Mayor and took Marshall to the Town Hall.

As Marshall was being led to the Town Hall, he shed tears. Rubble, watching this with pity, said to Marshall,

“Marshall, this is why you have been playing and not working all this time. You were already destined to be offered as a special treat.”

Farmer Yumi raised Marshall to offer him as a special treat to the Mayor. But Marshall did not know this and thought Farmer Yumi loved him. There are pups around us who sometimes boast without seeing what lies ahead. Such pups do not know what dangers are lurking in front of them.

Compare the situations of Marshall and Rubble. What are the good points and bad points?

What fact was Marshall unaware of?

Nothing in this world is given for free. Marshall lived a comfortable life but paid with his freedom, while Rubble could live longer but had to work hard. Who do you think is better in what aspect, Marshall or Rubble?

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