2024. 8. 1. 02:16ㆍSelf Heal
드 넓은 들판에서 사자가 살고 있었습니다. 사자는 프로 메테우스에게 자신을 동물들의 와으로 만들어 달라고 애원 했습니다. 프로메테우스는 사자에게 아주 멋있고 우람한 외모를 주었습니다. 그뿐만 아니라 날카로운 이빨과 발톱을 주어서 다른 어떤 동물들보다도 강한 힘을 지니도록 했습니다. 강한 힘과 우람한 체구를 갖게 된 사자는 동물들의 왕으로서 부족함이 없었습니다. 하지만 사자에게는 한 가지 걱정이 있었습니다.
"프로메테우스 님, 저에게 동물들의 왕이 될 만한 강한 힘과 우람한 체구를 주셨지만 저는 아직도 수탉이 무섭답니다."
프로메테우스는 답답한 표정을 지으면서 사자에게 말했습니다.
"또 뭐가 불만이냐? 내가 줄 수 있는 모든 재능을 너에게 주었다. 그러니까 너는 천하무적이다."
"알고 있어요. 그래도 저는 바보 같아요, 저는 대책 없는 겁쟁이입니다. 차라리 죽어버렸으면 좋겠어요. 너무 부끄러워요."
사자가 얼굴을 붉히면서 말했습니다. 사자는 수탉이 아무런 힘도 없다는 사실을 잘 알고 있었지만 그래도 무서운 것은 어쩔 수가 없었습니다.
그런데 어느 날 사자는 지나가던 코끼리와 이런저런 대화를 나누게 되었습니다. 그러다가 코끼리가 귀를 계속 펄럭거리는 것을 보고 사자가 그 이유를 물어보았습니다.
"왜 그래요? 잠시라도 귀를 가만히 놔둘 수 없나요?"
바로 그 순간에 모기가 코끼리의 머리에 앉았습니다.
"아, 저 시끄럽게 앵앵거리는 곤충을 보세요. 저 모기가 내 귀로 들어오면 큰일이에요. 난 죽을 거라고요."
코끼리의 말을 듣고 사자는 고개를 끄덕였습니다.
"당신 말을 듣고 보니 나야말로 부끄러워할 필요가 없는 것 같군요. 덩치 큰 당신이 모기를 두려워하는 걸 보니까 내가 수탉을 두려워하는 것도 그리 부끄러운 것만은 아니군요. 그래도 수탉이 모기보다는 더 크고 무서운 준대 아닌가요."
아무리 천부적인 재능과 능력을 타고났다고 해도 스스로가 자신의 능력을 알지 못하고 마음껏 펼칠 만한 자신감을 가지고 있지 않으면 아무런 소용이 없습니다. 사자는 프로메테우스로부터 온갖 재능을 다 선물받았지만 자신의 힘을 믿지 못했습니다. 중요한 것은 타고난 재능이 아니라 자신의 능력을 최대한 발휘하려고 하는 마음가짐인 것입니다.
코끼리가 모기를 무서워하는 것과 사자가 수탉을 무서워하는 것을 서로 비교해 보세요. 코끼리는 모기를 두려워할만한 정당한 이유가 있나요? 또 사자의 경우에는 어떤가요?
사자는 모기를 두려워하는 코끼리를 보고, 수탉이 모기보다 더 덩치가 크다는 이유만으로 수탉을 두려워하는 자신을 부끄러워하지 않게 되었습니다. 사자의 생각은 과연 올바른 것일까요? 잘못된 점이 있다면 어떤 것인가요?
In a vast field, there lived a lion. The lion begged Prometheus to make him the king of the animals. Prometheus gave the lion a very majestic and imposing appearance. Not only that, but he also gave the lion sharp teeth and claws, making him more substantial than any other animal. With his muscular power and imposing physique, the lion lacked nothing as the king of the animals. However, the lion had one worry.
“Prometheus, you gave me the strength and imposing physique to be the king of the animals, but I’m still afraid of roosters.”
Prometheus, with a frustrated expression, said to the lion,
“What else are you dissatisfied with? I have given you all the talents I can. So you are invincible.”
“I know. But I still feel like a fool, a helpless coward. I wish I could die. I’m so ashamed.”
The lion said, blushing. The lion knew well that the rooster had no real power, but he couldn’t help being afraid.
One day, the lion happened to be conversing with an elephant passing by. Seeing the elephant constantly flapping its ears, the lion asked why.
“Why are you doing that? Can’t you keep your ears still for a moment?”
At that moment, a mosquito landed on the elephant’s head.
“Ah, look at that noisy buzzing insect. If that mosquito gets into my ear, I’m in big trouble. I’ll die.”
Hearing the elephant’s words, the lion nodded.
“Listening to you, I realize I have no reason to be ashamed. Seeing a big creature like you afraid of mosquitoes, I don’t feel so bad about being afraid of a rooster. After all, a rooster is bigger and scarier than a mosquito, right?”
No matter how much innate talent and ability one has, it is useless if one does not know their skills or have the confidence to utilize them fully. The lion received all of Prometheus's talents but did not trust his strength. What is essential is not the innate talent but the mindset to maximize one’s abilities.
Compare the elephant's fear of the mosquito to the lion's fear of the rooster. Does the elephant have a legitimate reason to fear the mosquito? What about the lion?
Seeing the elephant afraid of the mosquito, the lion no longer felt ashamed of being scared of the rooster, thinking that the rooster was more significant than the mosquito. Is the lion’s thinking correct? If there is something wrong, what is it?
In Adventure Bay, there lived a brave pup named Chase. Chase begged Ryder to make him the leader of the Paw Patrol. Ryder gave Chase a very majestic and imposing uniform. Not only that, but he also gave Chase sharp senses and strong paws, making him more capable than any other pup. With his muscular power and imposing physique, Chase lacked nothing as the leader of the Paw Patrol. However, Chase had one worry.
“Ryder, you gave me the strength and imposing physique to be the leader of the Paw Patrol, but I’m still afraid of chickens.”
Ryder, with a frustrated expression, said to Chase,
“What else are you dissatisfied with? I have given you all the talents I can. So you are invincible.”
“I know. But I still feel like a fool, a helpless coward. I wish I could hide. I’m so ashamed.”
Chase blushed. He knew the chicken had no real power, but he couldn’t help being afraid.
One day, Chase happened to be conversing with an elephant passing by. Seeing the elephant constantly flapping its ears, Chase asked why.
“Why are you doing that? Can’t you keep your ears still for a moment?”
At that moment, a mosquito landed on the elephant’s head.
“Ah, look at that noisy buzzing insect. If that mosquito gets into my ear, I’m in big trouble. I’ll be so annoyed.”
Hearing the elephant’s words, Chase nodded.
“Listening to you, I realize I have no reason to be ashamed. Seeing a big creature like you afraid of mosquitoes, I don’t feel so bad about being afraid of a chicken. After all, a chicken is bigger and scarier than a mosquito, right?”
No matter how much innate talent and ability one has, it is useless if one does not know their skills or have the confidence to utilize them fully. Chase received all of Ryder’s talents but did not trust his strength. What is essential is not the innate talent but the mindset to maximize one’s abilities.
Compare the elephant’s fear of mosquitoes to Chase’s fear of the chicken. Does the elephant have a legitimate reason to fear the mosquito? What about Chase?
Seeing the elephant afraid of the mosquito, Chase no longer felt ashamed of being scared of the chicken, thinking that the chicken was more significant than the mosquito. Is Chase’s thinking correct? If there is something wrong, what is it?