아이와 까마귀

2024. 8. 1. 02:52Self Heal


오랫동안 아이를 갖지 못해서 애를 태우다가 뒤늦게 아이를 낳은 한 여자가 있었습니다. 이 여자는 힘들게 얻은 아이를 몹시 소중하게 길렀습니다.

"혹시라도 병이 나지는 않을까? 누가 훔쳐가지는 않을까?"

그 여자는 항상 걱정이 되었습니다. 아이를 위해 온갖 정성을 다 기울였지만 그래도 불안한 마음을 떨칠 수가 없었습니다. 

어느 날 그 여자는 마을에서 가장 용하다는 점장이를 찾아갔습니다. 그리고 그녀의 어린 아들에 대해 점을 쳐보았습니다. 점장이는 점을 치다가 이렇게 말했습니다. 

"어린 아이는 어른이 되기도 전에, 까마귀 부리에 머리를 쪼여서 죽게 될 운명입니다."

점장이의 말을 듣고 여자는 기절할 듯이 놀랐습니다. 그리고 서둘러 집으로 달려가서 작은 구멍이 뚫린 커다란 나무 상자를 만들었습니다. 

여자는 상자 속에 어린 아이를 집어넣어 그렇게 하면 까마귀가 어린 아이 근처에 접근할 수 없을 거라고 생각했던 것입니다.

여자는 날마다 정해진 시간에만 상자를 열고 아이에게 음식과 마실 것을 주었습니다. 그 이외의 시간에는 절대로 상자 밖으로 어린 아이를 꺼내놓지 않았습니다. 

그러던 어느 날 여자가 상자를 열었다가 다시 닫으려고 할때, 바깥 세상에 대해 호기심이 생긴 어린 아이가 머리를 밖으로 내밀었을때 그 순간 상자의 문 손장이에 달려 있던 까마귀 부리 모양의 갈고리가 하필이면 어린 아이의 머리 위로 떨어져 아이는 죽고 말았습니다.

여자는 어린 아이를 지나치게 보호하려고 하다가 결국 죽게 말드고 말았습니다. 만약 여자가 어린 아이의 운명을 점장이에게 물어보지 않고 다른 아이들처럼 평범하게 키웠더라면 결과가 달라질 수도 있었을 것입니다. 지나친 집착과 보호는 오히려 더욱 커다란 불행을 불러올 수도 있습니다. 

어린 아이가 죽음을 당한 이유는 무엇일까요?

여자가 어린 아이를 사랑하는 방법은 상자 속에넣고 키우는 것이었습니다. 그런데 과연 그 방법이 올바른 것이었을까요?

우리나라의 속담에 "인명은 재천'이라는 말이 있습니다. 이 속담의 의미를 알아보세요. 

A woman had been anxious for a long time because she couldn’t have a child. Finally, she gave birth to a child and cherished him dearly.

“What if he gets sick? What if someone kidnaps him?”

She was always worried. Despite all her efforts to care for the child, she couldn’t shake off her anxiety.

One day, she visited the most renowned fortune teller in the village to have her young son’s fortune told. The fortune teller said,

“Before this child grows up, he will die from a crow pecking his head.”

The woman was shocked and hurried home to make a large wooden box with small holes. She put her child inside the box, thinking that this would keep crows away from him.

She opened the box at specific times daily to give him food and drink and never let him out of it.

One day, as she was about to close the box after opening it, the curious child stuck his head out to see the outside world. At that moment, the crow-shaped hook on the box’s door fell on the child’s head, and he died.

The woman, in her excessive attempt to protect her child, ended up causing his death. The outcome might have been different if she had raised him like other children without consulting the fortune teller. Excessive obsession and protection can lead to greater misfortune.

Why did the child die?

The woman’s way of loving her child was to keep him in a box. But was that the right way?

A proverb says, “Life and death are in the hands of heaven.” Discuss this meaning with your friends and families

Paw Patrol

Once upon a time in Adventure Bay, a woman named Katie had been anxious for a long time because she couldn’t have a child. Finally, she adopted a puppy and cherished him dearly.

“What if he gets sick? What if someone kidnaps him?”

She was always worried. Despite all her efforts to care for the puppy, she couldn’t shake off her anxiety.

One day, she visited the most renowned fortune teller in the village, Mayor Goodway, to have her young puppy’s fortune told. Mayor Goodway said,

“Before this puppy grows up, he will have an accident involving a crow.”

Katie was shocked and hurried home to make a large wooden crate with small holes. She put her puppy inside the crate, thinking that this would keep crows away from him.

She opened the crate at specific times daily to give him food and water, and she never let him out of it.

One day, as she was about to close the crate after opening it, the curious puppy stuck his head out to see the outside world. At that moment, the crow-shaped hook on the crate’s door fell on the puppy’s head, and he got hurt.

Katie's excessive attempt to protect her puppy ended up injuring him. The outcome might have been different if she had raised him like other puppies without consulting the fortune teller. Excessive obsession and protection can lead to greater misfortune.

Why did the puppy get hurt?

Katie loved her puppy by keeping him in a crate, but was that the right way?

A proverb says, “Life and death are in the hands of fate.” Discuss this meaning with your friends and families.

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