2024. 7. 30. 11:46ㆍSelf Heal
깊은 산 속에서 독수리와 여우가 살고 있었습니다. 친구 사이가 된 독수리와 여우는 서로 가까운 곳에서 살기로 결심했습니다. 그렇게 가까이 살다보면 우정이 더욱 깊어질 것이라고 생각했던 것입니다.
"나는 나뭇가지 위에다가 둥지를 새로 짓겠어. 여우님도 이 근처로 이사를 오세요."
독수리가 친절한 목소리로 말했습니다.
"좋습니다. 그렇게 하지요."
여우는 고개를 끄덕이면서 대답했습니다. 그래서 독수리는 높은 나뭇가지 위에 둥지를 만들고, 여우는 독수릴 둥지밑에 있는 덤불 속에다가 새 보금자리를 꾸몄습니다. 독수리와 여우는 함께 살면서 사이좋게 지냈습니다.
그런데 독수리와 여우에게 한 가지 근심거리가 생겼습니다. 새끼들을 먹여야 하는데 숲에서 먹이를 구하기가 점점 힘이 들었던 것입니다.
여우는 새끼들을 먹이기 위해 일찍부터 집을 나갔습니다. 독수리의 둥지에서는 새끼들이 어미 독수리를 자꾸 보채기 시작했습니다.
"배가 고파요."
먹을 것이 부족했던 독수리는 덤불 속을 뒤져서 여우 새끼들을 잡아다가 자기 새끼들에게 먹였습니다.
얼마 후에 여우가 집으로 돌아왔습니다. 그런데 새끼들의 모습이 보이지 않고 독수리 깃털 몇 개만 남아 있는 것이었습니다. 여우는 독수리가 자기 새끼들을 잡아먹었다는 사실을 알게 되었습니다.
여우는 너무나 슬프고 화가 났지만 복수를 할 수 없었습니다. 땅에서 사는 여우가 날개 달린 독수리를 쫓아가서 잡을수는 없었기 때문이었습니다. 여우는 자신의 손이 닿지 않는 곳에 있는 독수리를 저주하면서 슬픔에 잠기는 것 외에는 할수 있는 일이 없었습니다. 그런데 얼마 있지 않아서 독수리는 자신이 저지른 죄에 대한 벌을 받게 되었습니다.
어느 날 독수리는 새끼들에게 먹일 먹이를 구하지 못해서 사람들이 사는 마을가지 날아가게 되었습니다. 사람들은 어린 양을 제물로 바치면서 제사를 드리고 있었습니다.
독수리는 불이 붙은 어린 양의 내장을 용감하게 나꿔채서는 서둘러 둥지로 돌아왔습니다. 독수리는 입에 물고 있던 어린 양의 내장을 새끼들에게 주었습니다.
그런데 세찬 바람이 불어와서 어린 양의 내장에 붙어 있던 불씨가 둥지의 지푸라기에 옮겨 붙고 말았습니다. 독수리 새끼들은 일제히 비명을 질렀지만 아직 하늘을 나는 법을 배우지 못했기 때문에 불이 붙은 둥지에서 벗어나려고 하다가 그만 땅바닥으로 떨어지고 말았습니다.
그러자 여우가 얼른 달려오더니 어미 독수리의 눈앞에서 독수리 새띠들을 잡아먹었습니다.
나 혼자만의 이익을 위해 남을 해치면 나에게도 똑같은 결과가 돌아온다는 사실을 알아야 합니다. 아무리 어렵더라도 서로 나누는 마음이 있다면 얼마든지 고통을 견딜 수 있습니다. 행복은 물질을 소유하는 것이 아니라 사랑을 나누는 과정에서 생기는 것입니다.
1. 여러분은 어미 독수리의 행동에 대해서 어떻게 생각하나요? 어미 독수리는 왜 친구를 배신했나요?
2. 여우는 왜 둥지에서 떨어진 새끼 독수리들을 잡아먹었을까요?
3. 이 우화는 불행한 결말고 끝나고 있습니다. 여러분이 행복한 결말이 되도록 다시 우화를 만들어 보세요. 여우와 독수리가 서로 위험에 처한 친구의 새끼를 구할 수 있도록 말입니다.
In the deep mountains, an eagle and a fox lived. The eagle and the fox, who became friends, decided to live close to each other, thinking that doing so would deepen their friendship.
“I will build a new nest on the tree branch. Fox, you should move nearby.”
The eagle said in a kind voice.
“Okay, let’s do that.”
The fox nodded and replied. So, the eagle built a nest on a high tree branch, and the fox made a new home in the bushes under the eagle’s nest. The eagle and the fox lived together in harmony.
However, the eagle and the fox had one concern. They had to feed their young, but finding food in the forest was getting more complicated.
The fox left home early to feed her young. In the eagle’s nest, the young ones kept nagging their mother's eagle.
“I’m hungry.”
The eagle, short on food, searched the bushes, caught the fox’s young ones, and fed them to her young ones.
After a while, the fox returned home. But there was no sign of her young ones; only a few eagle feathers were left. The fox realized that the eagle had eaten her young ones.
The fox was unfortunate and angry but couldn’t take revenge. The fox, who lives on the ground, couldn’t chase and catch the winged eagle. The fox had nothing to do but curse the eagle out of reach and sink into sorrow. But soon, the eagle received punishment for her sin.
One day, the eagle couldn’t find food to feed her young ones and flew to the village where people lived. There, they offered a young lamb as a sacrifice.
The eagle bravely snatched the burning innards of the young lamb and hurried back to the nest. The eagle gave the young lamb’s innards in her mouth to her young ones.
But a strong wind blew, and the spark attached to the young lamb’s innards caught on the nest's straw. The eagle’s young ones screamed all at once, but they hadn’t learned to fly yet, so they tried to escape from the burning nest and fell to the ground.
Then the fox dashed and ate the eagle’s young ones before the mother eagle.
You should know that the same result will return to you if you harm others for your benefit. No matter how hard it is, you can endure any pain if you have a shared heart. Happiness is not owning material things, but it comes from sharing love.
- What do you think about the behaviour of the mother eagle? Why did the mother eagle betray her friend?
- Why did the fox eat the eagle’s young ones that fell from the nest?
- This fable ends with an unhappy ending. Please rewrite the fable to have a happy ending. The fox and the eagle should be able to save each other’s young ones in danger.
In Adventure Bay, a German Shepherd named Chase and a mixed breed pup named Rocky, who were part of the PAW Patrol, decided to live close to each other, thinking that doing so would deepen their friendship.
“I will build a new lookout on the tree branch. Rocky, you should move your recycling truck nearby.”
Chase said in a kind voice.
“Okay, let’s do that.”
Rocky nodded and replied. So, Chase built a lookout on a high tree branch, and Rocky parked his recycling truck under Chase’s lookout. Chase and Rocky lived together in harmony.
However, Chase and Rocky had one concern. They had to feed their young, but finding food in Adventure Bay was getting more complicated.
Rocky left early to feed his children. In Chase’s lookout, the children kept nagging their father, Chase.
“I’m hungry.”
Chase, short on food, searched the bushes, caught Rocky’s young ones, and fed them to his young ones.
After a while, Rocky returned. But there was no sign of his young ones; only a few of Chase’s fur were left. Rocky realized that Chase had eaten his young ones.
Rocky was unfortunate and angry but couldn’t take revenge. Rocky, who lives on the ground, couldn’t chase and catch the winged Chase. Rocky had nothing to do but curse Chase out of reach and sink into sorrow. But soon, Chase received punishment for his sin.
One day, Chase couldn’t find food to feed his young ones and flew to the village where people lived. There, they offered a young lamb as a sacrifice.
Chase bravely snatched the burning innards of the young lamb and hurried back to the lookout. Chase gave the young lamb’s innards in his mouth to his young ones.
But a strong wind blew, and the spark attached to the young lamb’s innards caught on the lookout’s straw. Chase’s young ones screamed all at once, but they hadn’t learned to fly yet, so they tried to escape from the burning lookout and fell to the ground.
Then Rocky dashed and ate Chase’s young ones before the father, Chase.
You should know that the same result will return to you if you harm others for your benefit. No matter how hard it is, you can endure any pain if you have a shared heart. Happiness is not owning material things, but it comes from sharing love.
What do you think about Chase's behaviour? Why did Chase betray his friend? Why did Rocky eat Chase’s young ones who fell from the lookout? This fable ends with an unhappy ending. Please rewrite the fable to have a happy ending. Rocky and Chase should be able to save each other’s young ones in danger.