제우스와 거북이

2024. 7. 30. 11:25Self Heal


제우스는 수많은 그리스 신들 중에서도 우두머리 신입니다. 제우스 신은 모든 신들의 왕일 뿐만 아니라 3천 명의 정령을 보내서 우주를 다스렸습니다. 이 세상에서 벌어지는 나쁜 일들은 반드시 찾아내어서 벌을 주는 그런 정의로운 신입니다.

어느 날 제우스 신이 올림포스 산에서 헤라 여신과 결혼을 하게 되었습니다. 하늘이 새롭게 열리는 아주 경사스러운 날 이 었습니다. 제우스 신은 우주를 다스리는 모든 신들을 부르고 지구에서 살고 있는 모든 동물들을 불러서 성대한 결혼식을 올리기로 했습니다.

결혼식 날이 되자 모두들 화려하게 차려입고 제우스와 헤라의 결혼을 축하하기 위해 올림포스 산으로 모여들었습니다. 

모든 신들이 제우스 신의 결혼을 축하해 주었습니다.

"제우스여, 아름답고 지혜로운 신부를 맞아 결혼하신 것을 축하합니다."

제우스는 이렇게 모든 신들이 자신의 결혼을 축복해 주는 것을 보자, 마음이 흡족했습니다. 

다음은 지구에서 살고 있는 모든 동물들이 제우스 신에게 축하 인사를 하게 되었습니다. 지상에 있는 동물들이 차례로 나와서 인사를 드렸습니다.

그런데 거북이 차례가 되었는데도 거북이의 모습은 보이지 않았습니다. 거북이는 그날 결혼식장에 오지 않았던 것입니다. 

결혹식이 끝나고 며칠 후에 제우스 신은 거북이를 불러서 물어보았습니다. 

"모든 동물들이 참석했는데 너는 왜 내 결혼식에 오지 않았느냐?"

거북이가 제우스를 처다보면서 대답했습니다.

"자기 집보다 좋은 것이 어디 있겠습니까?"

무엇인가 특별한 이유가 있을 것이라고 예상하고 있던 제우스 신은 거북이의 태도에 그만 크게 화를 내고 말았습니다. 제우스 신은 거북이가 자신을 무시했다고 생각하면서 이렇게 말했습니다. 

"네 집이 그렇게도 소중했느냐! 이 세상의 모든 신들과 동물들이 참석한 내 결혼식에 오기보다는 네 집에서 편히 쉬는것이 더 좋다는 말이구나! 네 집이 그렇게 좋다고 하니, 어디를 가든 집을 영원히 등에 짊어지고 살거라!"

이렇게 해서 거북이는 어디렐 가나 집을 등에 짊어지고 다니게 되었다고 합니다. 


이 세상을 살아가다 보면 자신이 하고 싶은 일만 하면서 살 수는 없습니다. 왜냐하면 세상은 나 혼자만 살아가는 것이 아니라 함께 의지하면서 살아가는 곳이기 때문입니다. 우리의 주위에 있는 가족, 이웃, 친구에게 보이는 관심은 더불어 살아가기 위해 가장 필요한 것입니다. 


1. 여러분은 거북이의 행동에 대해 어떻게 생각하나요?

2. 거북이가 일생 동안 집을 등에 짊어지고 살게된 이유는 무엇일가요?

3. 이솝 우화에 나오는 그리스 신들에 대해 조사해 보세요. 어떤 신들이 있으며 그 신들은 제 각기 어떤 특성을 지니고 있는지 알아보세요.


Zeus is the leader among the many Greek gods. He is the king of all gods and rules the universe by sending 3,000 spirits. He is a righteous god who finds and punishes all the bad things in this world.

One day, Zeus got married to Hera on Mount Olympus. It was an auspicious day when the sky opened anew. Zeus decided to hold a grand wedding by calling all the gods who rule the universe and all the animals living on Earth.

When the wedding day came, everyone dressed up splendidly and gathered on Mount Olympus to celebrate Zeus and Hera’s wedding.

All the gods congratulated Zeus on his wedding.

“Zeus, congratulations on your marriage to a beautiful and wise bride.”

Zeus was satisfied when he saw all the gods blessing his wedding.

Next, all the animals living on Earth congratulated Zeus. The animals on the ground came out in turn and greeted him.

But when it was the turtle’s turn, the turtle was nowhere to be seen. The turtle did not come to the wedding that day.

A few days after the wedding, Zeus called the turtle and asked,

“All the animals attended; why didn’t you attend my wedding?”

The turtle looked at Zeus and answered,

“Where could be better than one’s own home?”

Expecting some particular reason, Zeus got very angry at the turtle’s attitude. Zeus thought that the turtle was ignoring him and said,

“So your home was so precious! You’d rather rest comfortably at home than attend my wedding, which all the gods and animals in this world attended! Since you like your home, wherever you go, you will carry your home on your back forever!”

And so, it is said that the turtle carries its home on its back wherever it goes.

In this world, you can’t just do what you want because the world is not where I live alone but where we live together. The interest shown to family, neighbours, and friends around us is the most necessary thing to live together.

  1. What do you think about the turtle’s behaviour?
  2. Why does the turtle carry its house on its back all its life?
  3. Research the Greek gods that appear in Aesop’s fables. What gods are there, and what characteristics do each of them have?

Ryder is the leader among the many Paw Patrol pups. He is the team leader and coordinates the pups’ missions by sending them out to help Adventure Bay. He is a responsible leader who finds and solves all the problems in Adventure Bay.

One day, Ryder decided to hold a grand celebration in Adventure Bay. It was an auspicious day when the sky opened anew. Ryder decided to call all the pups and all the animals living in Adventure Bay.

When the celebration day came, everyone dressed up splendidly and gathered in Adventure Bay.

All the pups congratulated Ryder on his celebration.

“Ryder, congratulations on your grand celebration.”

Ryder was satisfied when he saw all the pups celebrating.

Next, all the animals living in Adventure Bay congratulated Ryder. The animals came out in turn and greeted him.

But when it was the turtle’s turn, the turtle was nowhere to be seen. The turtle did not come to the celebration that day.

A few days after the celebration, Ryder called the turtle and asked,

"All the animals attended; why didn’t you attend my celebration?”

The turtle looked at Ryder and answered,

“Where could be better than one’s own home?”

Expecting some particular reason, Ryder was amazed at the turtle’s attitude. Ryder thought that the turtle was ignoring him and said,

“So your home was so precious! You’d rather rest comfortably at home than attend my celebration, which all the pups and animals in Adventure Bay attended! Since you like your home, wherever you go, you will carry your home on your back forever!”

And so, it is said that the turtle carries its home on its back wherever it goes.

In this world, you can’t just do what you want because the world is not where I live alone but where we live together. The interest shown to family, neighbours, and friends around us is the most necessary thing to live together.

What do you think about the turtle’s behaviour? Why does the turtle carry its house on its back all its life? Research the Paw Patrol pups. What pups are there, and what characteristics do each of them have?

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