말과 군인

2024. 7. 30. 10:13Self Heal


어느 날 평화롭게 지내던 나라가 이웃 나라의 공격을 받았습니다. 나라에서는 곧 전쟁이 일어난다는 사실을 시민들에게 알렸습니다. 평소에 전쟁이 일어나는 것을 대비하고 있었던 병사들은 말을 타고 전쟁터로 나갔습니다. 

좋은 먹이를 먹고 훈련을 잘 받은 말은 병사와 한 몸이 되어서 열심히 싸웠습니다. 온갖 위험을 무릅쓰고 열심히 싸운 덕분에 전재에서 이기게 되었습니다. 병사는 즐거운 마음으로 말과 한께 고향으로 돌아왔습니다.

그런데 고향으로 돌아온 병사는 전쟁이 일어나기 전처럼 말을 돌보지 않았습니다. 병사는 이웃 마을을 오갈 때마다 무거운 짐을 말에 싣고 다녔습니다. 먹을 것도 겨우 풀들만 주었습니다. 밭을 가는 힘든 일도 말이 하게 되었습니다. 고된 일에 시달리던 말은 점점 쇠약해졌습니다.

그러던 어느 날 갑자기 이웃 나라가 다시 전쟁을 일으켰다는 소식이 들렸습니다. 나라에서는 서둘러 모든 병사들을 불러 모았습니다. 병사도 또다시 전쟁에 나가게 되었습니다. 병사는 서둘러 짐을 꾸리고 말에 안장도 얹었습니다. 병사는 말을 타고 힘차게 전쟁터로 나갔습니다. 

그러나 말은 얼마 가지 않아서 다리를 절룩거리기 시작했습니다. 병사는 말이 제대로 움직이지 못하자 화를 내면서 말했습니다.

"이 녀석아! 제대로 달리지 못해!"

병사는 자기 뜻대로 말이 움직이지 않자 채찍으로 마구 때렸습니다. 그러나 말은 여전히 다리를 절룩거리면서 힘차게 달리지 못하는 것이 었습니다.

말이 병사를 쳐다보면서 말했습니다.

"이제부터 나를 타고 전쟁에 나갈 생각은 하지 마세요. 차라리 창을 들고 들판을 달려가는 것이 훨씬 나을 것입니다. 전쟁터에서 용감하게 싸울 수 있는 나를, 밭을 가는 일에 이용하고 먹이도 제대로 주지 않았어요. 당신은 용감한 군마를 당나귀로 바꾸어 놓았던 것입니다. 더 이상 나에게는 전쟁터에서 싸울 만한 힘이 남아 있지 않습니다."


사람이든 동물이든 능력에 맞는 역할과 배려가 주어졌을 때 더욱 큰 힘을 발휘할 수 있습니다. 지금 당장에는 필요없는 것이라고 해도 나중에 반드시 필요한 일이 생기게 됩니다. 미리 철저하게 준비를 해 두지 않으면 정작 필요한 일이 생겼을 때 후회를 하게 됩니다.


1. 처음에는 용감하게 싸우던 말이 다시 전쟁터에 나가서는 왜 제대로 싸우지 못했을까요?

2. 말을 기르던 병사의 잘못은 무엇일까요?

3. 우리나라에 '유비무환'이라는 고사성어가 있습니다. 그 의미를 알아보고 한문으로 적어봅시다. 


One day, a peaceful country was attacked by a neighbouring country. The government soon informed its citizens that a war would break out. Soldiers who had been preparing for war rode out to the battlefield.

The well-fed and well-trained horses fought hard, becoming one with the soldiers. They won the war thanks to their brave fight against all kinds of dangers. The soldier returned home with his horse in a joyful mood.

However, once back home, the soldier did not care for his horse as before the war. The soldier loaded heavy loads on the horse every time he went to the neighbouring village. He barely fed the horse grass. The horse was also made to do the hard work of going to the field. The horse, suffering from hard work, gradually weakened.

Then, one day, news came that the neighbouring country had started a war again. The government quickly gathered all the soldiers. The soldier had to go to war again. The soldier hurriedly packed his luggage and saddled his horse. The soldier rode his horse and went to the battlefield with vigour.

However, the horse began to limp after not going far. The soldier, angry that the horse couldn’t move properly, said,

“You! You can’t run properly!”

The soldier, angry that the horse didn’t move as he wanted, beat the horse with a whip. But the horse still limped and couldn’t run vigorously.

The horse looked at the soldier and said,

“Don’t think about riding me to war from now on. It would be much better to run across the field with a spear. You used me, who could fight bravely on the battlefield, for field work and didn’t feed me properly. You turned a brave warhorse into a donkey. I no longer have the strength to fight on the battlefield.”

Whether it’s a person or an animal, they can exert greater power when given a role and consideration that matches their abilities. Even if it’s not needed right now, it will definitely be needed later. If you don’t prepare thoroughly, you will regret it when you need it.

  1. Why couldn’t the horse, which fought bravely at first, fight properly when it went to the battlefield again?
  2. What was the mistake of the soldier who raised the horse?

Sure, let’s reimagine this story in the world of Paw Patrol:

One day, Adventure Bay was threatened by a neighbouring town, Foggy Bottom. Mayor Goodway quickly informed the residents that they might face some challenges. The Paw Patrol, who had been training for such situations, immediately jumped into their vehicles and headed out.

The well-trained pups fought bravely, working as a team to protect their town. Thanks to their courage and teamwork, they kept Adventure Bay safe. Ryder and the pups returned home with a sense of accomplishment.

However, once back home, Ryder didn’t take care of the pups’ vehicles as he used to. He loaded heavy loads on Chase’s police cruiser every time he went to Farmer Yumi’s. He barely maintained the vehicles. The vehicles were also made to do hard work, like plowing the field. The vehicles, suffering from hard work, gradually weakened.

Then, one day, news came that Foggy Bottom was causing trouble again. Mayor Goodway quickly gathered all the Paw Patrol. Ryder and the pups had to face challenges again. Ryder hurriedly packed his gear and got the pups ready. They all jumped into their vehicles and headed out with vigour.

However, Chase’s police cruiser began to slow down after not going far. Ryder frustrated that the cruiser couldn’t move properly, said,

“You! You can’t drive properly!”

Upset that the cruiser didn’t move as he wanted, Ryder tried to fix it hastily. But the cruiser still moved slowly and couldn’t drive vigorously.

Chase looked at Ryder and said,

“Don’t think about driving me to challenges from now on. Running across the field with my paws would be much better. You used me, who could bravely face challenges, for field work and didn’t maintain my cruiser properly. You turned a brave police pup into a farm dog. I no longer have the strength to face challenges.”

Whether it’s a person or a pup, they can exert greater power when given a role and consideration that matches their abilities. Even if it’s not needed right now, it will definitely be needed later. If you don’t prepare thoroughly, you will regret it when you need it.

Why couldn’t Chase, who fought bravely at first, face challenges properly when he had to do it again? What was Ryder's mistake in taking care of the pups?

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