북풍과 태양

2024. 7. 29. 11:34Self Heal


북풍과 태양이 말다툼을 벌이고 있었습니다. 북풍과 태양은 서로 자신의 힘이 더 세다고 우기다가 말다툼이 벌어지게 된 것이었습니다.

북풍이 태양을 쳐다보면서 소리쳤습니다.

"그렇다면 누구의 힘이 더 센지 시합을 해 보는 것이 어떨까?"

태양은 고개를 끄덕이며 북풍의 제안을 받아들였습니다.

"좋은 생각이야. 그런데 무슨 시합을 할까?"

북풍은 주위를 두리번거리다가 길을 가는 나그네를 발견 했습니다. 북풍은 태앙을 향해 말했습니다.

"저 나그네의 외투를 먼저 벗기는 쪽이 이기는 거야."


태양이 모소를 지으면서 대답했습니다. 북풍은 세찬 바람을 잔뜩 몰고 오면서 소리쳤습니다.

"내가 입김을 약간만 불어도 저 사람의 외투를 벗길 수 있을 거야."

북풍이 큰소리를 쳤습니다. 북풍은 나그네를 향해 세찬 바람을 불었습니다. 나그네는 바람을 피하기 위해 허리를 숙이며 외투의 단추를 꼭꼭 채웠습니다.

"날씨가 참 이상하구나. 하늘이 아주 많은데 갑자기 세찬 바람이 불어오다니..."

나그네의 외투가 좀처럼 벗겨지지 않자, 북풍은 더욱 힘을 주면서 입김을 불었습니다. 그러자 나그네는 추위를 피하기 위해 더욱 단단히 옷깃을 여몄습니다. 북풍은 점점 더 바람을 세차게 불었습니다. 그러나 나그네의 외투를 벗길 수는 없었습니다. 북풍은 몹시 실망하면서 뒤로 물러났습니다.

태양이 미로를 지으면서 말했습니다. 

"자, 이제는 내 차례야."

태양은 처음에는 아주 부드러운 빛을 비추었습니다. 나그네는 단단히 여미고 있던 외투의 단추를 풀었습니다. 태양은 다시 뜨거운 열기를 내뿜었습니다. 

"날씨가 왜 이렇게 변덕스럽지? 조금 전에는 갑자기 바람이 세차게 불더니만 이제는 너무 덥구나."

잠수 후 나그네는 더위를 견디지 못하고 옷을 모두 벗은 채 강으로 달려가서 목욕을 했습니다.


거친 폭력보다 부드러운 햇빛이 더욱 강한 힘을 발휘할 수 있습니다. 다른 사람을 진정으로 사랑하는 사람은 그 무엇보다도 큰 힘을 발휘할 수 있습니다. 폭력은 사람의 몸을 움직이도록 할 수는 있지만 마음을 움직일 수는 없습니다. 사람의 마음을 움직일 수 있는 것은 사랑의 힘입니다.


1. 북퐁과 태양은 무엇때문에 나그네의 외투를 벗기는 시합을 했던 것일까요?

2. 북풍이 나그네의 옷을 벗기지 못했던 이유는 무엇인가요? 그 반면에 태양이 옷을 벗길 수 있었던 이유는 무엇인가요?


The North Wind and the Sun were arguing. Each insisted that their power was more substantial, which led to a dispute.

The North Wind shouted at the Sun.

“Then, how about we compete to see whose power is stronger?”

The Sun nodded, accepting the North Wind’s proposal.

“That’s a good idea. But what kind of competition should we have?”

The North Wind looked around and spotted a traveller on the road. The North Wind spoke to the Sun.

“The one who can first remove that traveller’s coat wins.”


The Sun replied, squinting. The North Wind blew a fierce wind and shouted.

“I can remove that person’s coat with just a little breath.”

The North Wind boasted. The wind blew fiercely towards the traveller, who bent over to avoid the wind and tightly fastened the buttons of his coat.

“The weather is bizarre. The sky is apparent, but a fierce wind is blowing…”

The North Wind blew harder as the traveller’s coat was hardly removed. Then, the traveller fastened his coat even tighter to avoid the cold. The wind blew even more fiercely. However, the traveller’s coat could not be removed. The North Wind retreated, greatly disappointed.

The Sun spoke, squinting.

“Now, it’s my turn.”

The Sun first shone a very gentle light. The traveller unbuttoned his tightly fastened coat, and the sun emitted a hot heat again.

“Why is the weather so fickle? A little while ago, a fierce wind was suddenly blowing, but now it’s too hot.”

After a while, the traveller could not stand the heat and ran to the river to bathe, removing all his clothes.

A gentle sunlight can exert a more robust power than rough violence. A person who truly loves others can exert the most incredible energy. Violence can move a person’s body, but it cannot move the heart. The energy that can move a person’s heart is love.

  1. Why did the North Wind and the Sun compete to remove the traveller’s coat?
  2. Why couldn’t the North Wind remove the traveller’s coat? On the other hand, why could the Sun remove the coat?

Chase and Marshall from the Paw Patrol were having a friendly debate. Each insisted that their abilities were more vital, which led to a playful dispute.

Chase barked at Marshall.

“Then, how about we compete to see whose ability is stronger?”

Marshall wagged his tail, accepting Chase’s proposal.

“That’s a good idea. But what kind of competition should we have?”

Chase looked around and spotted a traveller on the road. Chase spoke to Marshall.

“The one who can first remove that traveller’s coat wins.”


Marshall replied, wagging his tail. Chase blew a strong gust of wind with his police siren and barked.

“I can remove that person’s coat with just a little wind.”

Chase boasted. The wind blew fiercely towards the traveller, who bent over to avoid the wind and tightly fastened the buttons of his coat.

“The weather is bizarre. The sky is clear, but a fierce wind is blowing…”

Chase blew harder as the traveller’s coat was hardly removed. Then, the traveller fastened his coat even tighter to avoid the cold. The wind blew even more fiercely. However, the traveller’s coat could not be removed. Chase retreated, greatly disappointed.

Marshall barked, wagging his tail.

“Now, it’s my turn.”

Marshall first shone a very gentle light with his firefighter flashlight. The traveller unbuttoned his tightly fastened coat, and then Marshall emitted a warm heat with his firefighter equipment.

“Why is the weather so fickle? A little while ago, a fierce wind was suddenly blowing, but now it’s too hot.”

After a while, the traveller could not stand the heat and ran to the river to bathe, removing all his clothes.

A gentle light can exert a more robust power than rough wind. A pup who truly loves others can exert the most incredible energy. Wind can move a person’s body, but it cannot move the heart. The energy that can move a person’s heart is love.

Why did Chase and Marshall compete to remove the traveller’s coat? Why couldn’t Chase remove the traveller’s coat? On the other hand, why could Marshall remove the coat?

This is a Paw Patrol version of the story. I hope you enjoy it! 😊





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