낙타를 처음 보았을 때

2024. 7. 29. 11:53Self Heal


낙타를 처믕 보았을 때, 사람들은 굉장히 무서운 생각이 들었습니다. 낙타는 아주 커다란 몸집을 가지고 있었으며 등에는 혹가지 달고 있었던 것입니다. 게다가 낙타는 다른 동물들이 제대로 살아갈 수 없는 사막을 마음대로 돌아다닐 수도 있었습니다. 

"저게 무슨 동물일까? 등에 달린 혹이 참 신기하게 생겼네. 물도 없는 사막에서 어떻게 오랫동안 견딜 수 있을까?"

그래서 사람들은 낙타를 보면 무서워서 근처에도 가지 않으려고 했습니다. 커다란 몸집을 가진 낙타에게 혹시 공격당하지 않을까 걱저했던 것입니다. 사람과 낙타는 오랫동안 서로 멀리 떨어져 살았습니다.

그러다가 사막에서 사는 사람들은 낙타가 온순한 동물이라는 사실을 알게 되었습니다. 낙타는 풀을 뜯어벅고 살았으며 다른 동물들을 좀처럼 괴롭히자 않았기 때문입니다.

얼마 후에 사막에 사는 사람들 가운데 낙타를 잡아서 길들이려고 하는 사람들이 생겼습니다. 낙타는 사막에서 말보다 잘 달릴 뿐만 아니라 힘도 세고 물이 부족해도 얼마든지 견딜 수 있었습니다. 그래서 말처럼 타고 다니거나 짐을 운반하는 일에는 아주 적합할 것이라고 생각했던 것입니다.

그러던 어느 날 용감한 사람이 낙타를 사로잡았습니다. 그리고 낙타를 길들이기 위해 노력했습니다.

"이 낙타를 반드시 길들이고 말겠어."

낙타가 말을 잘 따르게 되자, 사람들은 이제 낙타를 타고 다니기 시작했습니다. 낙타는 사막을 여행하거나 짐을 나르는 일에 아주 유용한 교통수단이 되었습니다.

사람들이 더 이상 낙타를 두려워하지 않게 되었습니다. 그리고 차츰 낙타가 좀처럼 화를 내지 않는다는 사실도 알아치리게 되었습니다. 결국 사람들은 낙타에게 굴레를 씌우고 아이들도 끌고 다닐 수 있도록 고삐를 쥐여줄 정도로 얕잡아보게 되었습니다. 


낙타는 이렇게 해서 사람들과 함께 살아가게 되었습니다. 만약 낙타가 처음부터 무섭게 행동했거나 사람의 말을 듣지 않았다면 가축이 되지는 않았을 것입니다. 용기 있는 사람이 무서움을 극복한 덕분에 사막에서 새로운 교통수단으로 낙타를 이용하게 되었습니다.


1. 처음에 사람들은 왜 낙타를 보고 무서워 했나요?

2. 낙타를 길들이게 되자, 사람들은 어린 아이의 손에도 고삐를 쥐여줄 정도로 얕보게 되었습니다. 사람들이 낙타를 두려워하지 않게된 것은 무엇 때문일까요?

3. 사막에 사는 사람들에게 낙타는 아주 유용한 교통 수단입니다. 사막에서 낙타가 하는 일에는 어떤 것들이 있을까요?

When people first saw a camel, they were pretty scared. The camel had a considerable body and had humps on its back. Moreover, the camel could freely roam the desert, while other animals could not survive properly.

“What kind of animal is that? The hump on its back looks very strange. How can it endure long in a desert without water?”

So, people were scared to even go near the camel when they saw it. They were afraid that the large-bodied camel might attack them. Humans and camels lived far apart for a long time.

Then, people living in the desert discovered that the camel was a gentle animal. The camel lived by grazing grass and hardly ever bothered other animals.

After a while, some people in the desert tried to catch and tame camels. The camel could run better than a horse in the desert, was strong, and could endure even a lack of water. So, they thought it would be very suitable for riding or carrying loads like a horse.

Then, one day, a brave person caught a camel. And he tried to tame the camel.

“I will tame this camel.”

As the camel began to obey well, people started to ride it. The camel became a beneficial means of transportation for travelling in the desert or carrying loads.

People were no longer afraid of the camel. Gradually, they also discovered that the camel hardly ever gets angry. Eventually, people looked down on the camel to the extent that they put a harness on it and even let children hold the reins.

So, the camel came to live with people. If the camel had acted scary from the beginning or did not listen to people’s words, it would not have become livestock. Thanks to the brave person who overcame fear, the camel was used as a new means of transportation in the desert.

  1. Why were people initially scared when they saw the camel?
  2. When the camel was tamed, people looked down on the camel to the extent that they even let children hold the reins. Why did people stop being afraid of the camel?
  3. The camel is a beneficial means of transportation for people living in the desert. What are some things that camels do in the desert?



When the people of Adventure Bay first saw a new vehicle, they were pretty scared. The car was large and had a hump-like structure on its back. Moreover, the vehicle could freely roam the desert areas where other cars could not operate properly.

“What kind of vehicle is that? The hump on its back looks very strange. How can it endure long in a desert without water?”

So, people were scared to even go near the vehicle when they saw it. They were afraid that the large-bodied vehicle might be dangerous. Humans and this new vehicle stayed far apart for a long time.

Then, the people living in Adventure Bay discovered that the vehicle was a gentle and safe machine. The car operated smoothly and hardly ever caused any trouble.

After a while, some people in Adventure Bay tried to catch and tame this vehicle. The vehicle could run better than a horse in the desert, was strong, and could endure even a lack of water. So, they thought it would be very suitable for riding or carrying loads like a horse.

Then, one day, a brave person, Ryder, caught the vehicle and tried to tame it.

“I will tame this vehicle.”

As the vehicle began to obey well, people started to ride it. The car became a beneficial means of transportation for travelling in the desert or carrying loads.

People were no longer afraid of the vehicle. Gradually, they also discovered that the car hardly ever gets angry. Eventually, people looked down on the vehicle to the extent that they even let children hold the reins.

So, the vehicle came to live with people. If the vehicle had acted scary from the beginning or had not listened to people’s words, it would not have become a part of their community. Thanks to the brave person, Ryder, who overcame fear, the vehicle was used as a new means of transportation in the desert.

Why were people initially scared when they saw the vehicle? When the car was tamed, people looked down on it to the extent that they even let children hold the reins. Why did people stop being afraid of the car? The vehicle is a beneficial means of transportation for people living in Adventure Bay. What are some things that vehicles do in the desert?



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