
2024. 7. 29. 10:30Self Heal


길가에 호두나무 한 그루가 서 있었습니다. 여름이 되면 호두나무는 사람들에게 시원한 나무 그늘을 만들어 주고 가을이 되면 굵고 고소한 호두열매를 주렁주렁 매달았습니다. 

마을 사람들은 호두나무에 열린 열매를 보면서 감탄했습니다. 

"호두 열매가 아주 많이 열렸구나."

그 나무에 달린 호두는 아주 맛있었습니다. 그래서 마을 사람들은 해마다 가을이 되면 호두를 따기 위해 호두나무가 있는 곳으로 몰려와서 돌을 던졌습니다.

호두 나무로 올라와서 마구 가지를 흔들거나 꺾는 사람들도 있었습니다. 호두 열매가 좀처럼 가지에서 떨어지지 않았기 때문입니다. 

호두 나무는 사람들이 많이 지나다니는 길가에 서 있었기 때문에 우연히 지나가던 사람들도 가지마다 잔뜩 열린 호두를 보고 그냥 지나치는 법이 없었습니다. 사람들은 호두를 떨어뜨리기 위해 마구 돌을 던졌습니다. 

사람들은 돌에 맞아서 떨어지는 호두 열매를 주워 담으면서 좋아했습니다. 하지만 호두 나무는 돌을 맞을 때마다 껍질이 벗겨지는 고통을 느꼈습니다. 호두나무는 날마다 사람들에게 시달렸습니다. 

호두 나무는 무거운 한숨을 내쉬면서 자신의 처지를 한탄했습니다. 

"해마다 이 모욕과 고통을 받으면서 살아야 하다니... 나는 얼마나 불행한 신에인가!"


많은 사람들이 좋아하는 열매를 주렁주렁 매달았던 호두 나무는 오히려 그 열매 때문에 고통을 받게 되었습니다. 만약 호두나무가 맛있는 열매를 맺지 않았거나 혹은 인적이 드문 깊은 숲속에서 살았다면 그런 고통을 당하지 않았을 것입니다.


1. 호두 나무가 많은 사람들로 부터 돌팔매질을 당했던 이유는 무엇일까요?

2. 만약 길가에 서 있는 나무가 호두 나무가 아니라 가시나무였다면 그래도 돌팔매질을 당했을까요?

3. 너무 많은 것을 가져서 불행한 경우와 오히려 아무것도 가지지 않아서 행복한 경우를 예로 들어보세요.


A walnut tree stood by the roadside. In the summer, it provided cool shade for people; in the fall, it hung thick and savoury walnuts.

The villagers admired the fruit that opened on the walnut tree.

“There are a lot of walnuts.”

The walnuts on that tree were very delicious. So, the villagers flocked to where the walnut tree was to throw stones and pick walnuts every fall.

People also climbed up the walnut tree and shook or broke the branches indiscriminately because the walnut fruit hardly fell from the branches.

Because the walnut tree stood by the road, where many people passed by, people who happened to pass by could not just pass by without seeing the walnuts that were full on each branch. People threw stones indiscriminately to drop walnuts.

People were happy to pick up and collect the walnut fruit that fell from a stone. However, the walnut tree felt the pain of peeling off its shell every time a stone hit it, and people tormented it daily.

The walnut tree sighed heavily and lamented its situation.

“I have to live with this insult and pain every year… How unhappy I am!”

The walnut tree, which had a lot of fruit that many people liked, was instead suffering because of that fruit. It would not have suffered such pain if the walnut tree did not bear delicious fruit or lived in a deep forest with few people.

  1. Why did the walnut tree get stoned by many people?
  2. If the tree standing by the road was not a walnut tree but a thorn tree, would it still have been stoned?
  3. Give an example of a case where having too much makes you unhappy and a case where nothing makes you happy.

강아지 구조대 이야기로 바꾼뒤 영상 만들어 올립니다.


Once upon a time, Adventure Bay had a tree known as the Pup-Treat Tree. During the summer, it provided cool shade for the Paw Patrol pups; it bore delicious pup treats in the fall.

The pups admired the treats that appeared on the Pup-Treat Tree.

“Look at all those treats!”

The treats on that tree were delicious. So, the pups would gather around the Pup-Treat Tree every fall to play fetch and collect treats.

Sometimes, the pups would climb up the Pup-Treat Tree and shake the branches because the treats hardly fell off.

Because the Pup-Treat Tree was in the park, where many pups played, any pup that happened to pass by couldn’t resist seeing the treats hanging from each branch. They would play fetch around the tree to knock down the treats.

The pups were happy to collect the treats that fell from the tree. However, the Pup-Treat Tree felt the pain of losing its treats every time a ball hit it, and the pups unknowingly caused it discomfort daily.

The Pup-Treat Tree sighed heavily and lamented its situation.

“I have to live with this discomfort and loss every year… How unhappy I am!”

The Pup-Treat Tree, which had many treats that many pups loved, was suffering because of those treats. It wouldn’t have suffered such pain if it didn’t bear delicious treats or was located in a less frequented part of the park.

Why did the Pup-Treat Tree get hit by so many balls? If the tree in the park was not a Pup-Treat Tree but a regular tree, would it still have been hit by balls? Can you think of a situation where having too many toys makes a pup unhappy and a situation where having no toys makes a pup happy?

This is a Paw Patrol version of the story. I hope you enjoy it! 😊




'Self Heal' 카테고리의 다른 글

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