2024. 7. 29. 12:05ㆍSelf Heal
Hello, this is Korean Canada Daddy. I’m here with a new corner to tell you about the power of the mind and everything in the world. Whether in the economic or career field or any other area, when you want to achieve as much as you want and succeed, how far can our brain help us? There are many sayings here and there that the brain is great and should utilize its power, but in everyday life, we don’t often have the opportunity to feel this, nor do we get the feeling. When you want to succeed, I will tell you today about the shocking, if not actual, cases and research results that help you succeed, the brain. Let’s look at the powerful and amazing cases of brain plasticity or neuroplasticity individually. Brain plasticity and neuroplasticity are the same thing, but I will unify it as brain plasticity today since brain plasticity is shorter. First of all, what is brain plasticity? The brain can change its wiring in response to external stimuli, environmental changes, etc. If I tell you straight away, there is underfloor heating, right? There is underfloor heating wiring under the floor. But when the severe cold comes, the underfloor heating wiring under the floor changes to heat more. Our brain does this, which is impossible. This has only been revealed about 20 years ago. The dominant thought in the academic world about the brain was this. A normal brain that has not received any training gradually develops when it is a child, reaches its peak in its 20s and early 30s, and gradually regresses as it ages. Here comes an important point. It presupposes a normal brain that has not received any training, right? But now the research equipment is developing. Until then, the only way was to dissect and look at the brain when a person died, but now we can scan the brain of a living person. And amazing research results are starting to come out. If you train and manage your brain, the brain wiring expands as much as Yun Hyung-gi, and the period to maintain that state is almost unlimited. So we can keep using our brains until we die, and we can achieve the best performance we want. One of the world’s top authorities in neuroscience, Dr. Amen, is not the heart but the anxious brain. When I introduced the book, I showed you an amazing brain picture. At that time, the doctor was in his 30s, and he was really into his body and only researched, so he didn’t train his brain. On the other hand, the doctor’s grandmother consistently managed her brain with a restaurant and study. If you compare the pictures of these two brains, the brain of the elderly grandmother is much cleaner and healthier than that of Dr. Amen, who was in his 30s. This brain picture was also a big issue in academia at the time. Yes, everyone, from today, even if it’s just a joke, I can’t say that I’m getting old and blinking. I can’t say that my head is hard because I’m old, and I can’t do it even if I want to because I’m old. You shouldn't say this even if your current state is like that. The words we unconsciously spit out are essential. I’ll stop talking about this part here today, and let’s feel how powerful this brain is today. First, let’s look at the great cases where you can pull up this brain according to your will, even if a part of the brain is seriously damaged. There was a young man named Ian. He loved sports from a young age and was a healthy young man who was active as a lacrosse player during his school days. Unfortunately, this young man had a big injury, hitting his head on a rock while travelling with his friends when he was just 20 years old. His life was ruined. As a result of this accident, Ian suffered major damage to the central nervous system, and his ability to run around was colourless. He became a paralytic state where he could not even move his hands on his own. The data shows that all brain areas responsible for motor nerves were damaged. The doctor said at the time, you would need the help of a family or caregiver 24 hours a day. Yes, he was crazy. He was a very healthy young man who wanted to achieve his dream of being an athlete, but his life turned hell. The doctor asked if he wanted to implant a chip in his brain. Your brain’s motor cortex is dead. This chip will signal to move to the wrist instead of the dead motor cortex. If you implant a chip, is that it? Not. This chip will never automatically make you normal. So you have to implant a chip in your brain and then input visual and auditory signals into your brain while watching a video of writing with your hand hundreds of times. While trying to move the hand that does not move, you have to repeat so that the normal brain can replace the role of the dead motor cortex, and then the chip will deliver the collected nerve signals to the wrist. In the end, you have to make an effort. For him, who had hit rock bottom instantly, the story of sitting still and watching the same video hundreds and thousands of times and practicing was not a hardship. Rather, it was a pleasure like a god. He watched the scene on the screen without sleeping time and tried to move his hand incessantly. Not only that, but because he had to inject the brain’s auditory and visual signals, his concentration was also tremendous. He fills up a whopping thousand hours. In the morning, the chip in his brain rewarded his efforts and resonated with the brain’s signals, and as a result, his hand began to move. Thus, with the healthy part of the brain and even the ability that the damaged part of the brain had, he could move his hand even after removing the chip. He is now drinking water directly and is said to be gradually increasing the range of motion in his body. But now there is a much more pitiful and authentic story. It’s a real case of a child living with half a brain from the beginning. When he was three years old, he had seizures so often that his daily life was difficult. The doctor says it’s because of a rare chronic inflammation in the brain. There is no way. To save his life, he must expose all the inflammation on his left. Do parents have another choice? After the surgery, the state of the small three-year-old baby was indescribable. After a few years, the child grew up to the point where he could receive treatment. His parents started to consistently give him physical therapy, rehabilitation therapy, and language therapy. But something strange happened. In the third month, he speaks like a peer. And he starts to control his body on his own. At the time, the medical staff said, the remaining right brain, instead of the removed left brain, quickly takes in visual, auditory, olfactory, and tactile stimuli coming into the body. It makes appropriate judgments to give instructions to the motor environment. After 20 years, he entered college. Yes, everyone, he was admitted to college with only half a brain. While attending college, he worked part-time at a restaurant, answered customers over the phone, smiled brightly, and even received a salary, impressing his parents. There are many cases where a part of the brain, even if it cannot function at all or even if half of the brain is missing, can live with the power of brain plasticity if we have the will. Then, here comes this question. Does brain plasticity mean anything to an old brain? Of course. As we saw in the case of Dr. Amen’s grandmother earlier, the brain has nothing to do with age. No, this is not an accurate expression. To be more precise, you can even age backwards.
"Hello, this is Canada Daddy. I’ve started a new segment to help you understand the power of the mind and to share everything about the world. Whether in the economic or career field or any other area, when you want to achieve as much as you like and succeed, how far can our brain help us? There are many sayings here and there that the brain is excellent and should utilize its power, but in everyday life, we don’t often have the opportunity to feel this, nor do we get the feeling. When you want to succeed, I will tell you today about the shocking, if not actual, cases and research results that help you grow your brain. The powerful and exceptional cases of brain plasticity or neuroplasticity are individually presented. Brain plasticity and neuroplasticity are the same thing, but I will unify it as brain plasticity today since brain plasticity is shorter. First of all, what is brain plasticity? The brain can change its wiring in response to external stimuli, environmental changes, etc. If I tell you straight away, there is underfloor heating, right? There is underfloor heating wiring under the floor. But when the severe cold comes, the underfloor heating wiring under the floor changes to heat more. Our brain does this, which is impossible. This has only been revealed about 20 years ago. The dominant thought in the academic world about the brain was this. A normal brain that has not received any training gradually develops when it is a child and reaches, to be more precise, you can even age backwards. There’s a reason why I say you can age backwards. If you don’t train if a person doesn’t show the will to succeed, the brain naturally ages in the same sequence as other organs. There is a world-renowned scholar in brain plasticity, Dr. Michael Merzenich. In 2017, he received a lot of attention for talking about the brain that overcomes dementia in our country. He was 75 years old then, and his brain utilization was 990, in the top 10%. The average brain utilization of a 40-year-old adult is 83, so at the time, the doctor’s brain utilization was incredibly high regardless of age. Dr. Merzenich said this: the double-edged sword of brain plasticity is because the ability to control it is in the individual. Finding the correct answer will be the key to human survival. Because when you continue to make the right choices, the body and brain continue to develop.
He speaks more intensely and doesn’t take dementia for granted. In neurology, dementia is still considered a natural disease of our life. But based on the theory of brain plasticity, dementia is just a collision of the last train of life. You have to brake to prevent the collision. The wife who trains the brain has a lot of noise and regular signals that interfere with the smooth flow. We leave such noise-like electrical signals alone, so naturally, the brain becomes increasingly weak as we age. Dr. Merzenich has the results of a test conducted on thousands of people. If you don’t train your brain and leave it, the perception speed, auditory comprehension, vision, sound analysis ability, etc., drop by 1 minute every ten years from the peak of 30 years old. But here, the doctor says, when a 20-year-old and a 90-year-old are trained similarly, people develop at the same rate. A 70-year-old who received training improved to the same level as a 20-year-old who did not receive training. Of course, if a 20-year-old gets the same training, it will be better, but a 75-year-old can be at the same level as a 25-year-old.
Of course, showing positive effects in concentration and processing speed is possible when there is a physical change in the brain through training in various ways. Here, Dr. Merzenich shows a fantastic piece of data. He recruited men and women who were over 75 years old and living normally. And they trained their brains for 10 to 16 hours. The program is a well-known program called Brain HQ. I won’t go into detail in today’s video. Just because everyone over 75 received training without difficulty, brain training is not as massive as we vaguely think. And now a shocking result comes out. After training the brains of participants over 75 years old, the brain speed has improved to 20 years old. It has improved up to twice as much as before. The doctor says the brain speed was twice as fast even a year later. They gave them 2 to 4 hours more training and tested again after two years, and it was almost the same level, and it was much better than the beginning, even at the age of 85, 10 years after the first experiment.
Compared to the group that did not receive training, safety while driving, reaction speed, and problem-solving ability also improved, and depression, which increases as you age, also decreased. They spent less time while maintaining a much better quality of life. Also, even if you do not receive training for seven or ten years, after 10 hours of brain training, the brain speed decreases by 30%. The doctor emphasizes that if this brain checkup is taken for granted, like the ordinary tests we go to the hospital, such as blood pressure checks and gastroscopy, it can prevent or delay dementia. Yes, everyone, we have now realized that our brain differs from other organs. Unlike other organs, you can make the brain younger through training. Whether you will live being eroded by a brain that is frighteningly shrinking without any training or whether you will live with full support from this brain as a stepping stone to the success you want depends on your will. It’s up to you to choose. Then how do you train this?
I’ll tell you the thrilling ways to train your brain quickly in your daily life. The first is the book Alice in Wonderland. If you don’t have it at home, you can borrow it from the library or buy a book. You read Alice in Wonderland once a week. You might wonder what this absurd training method is. The brain tends to be more activated when encountering a ridiculous situation that doesn’t make sense and feeling anxious. According to a paper published in Psychological Science last month by a research team at the University of California, Santa Barbara campus, people who read strange and absurd content have twice as much ability to analyze data or learn new patterns. It is said that somewhat odd, silly, and ridiculous stories unconsciously stimulate and train the brain. Also, people who have experienced culture shock by travelling to a strange country have a 20% increase in problem-solving ability. Paul Sloan, a computer software expert who graduated from the University of Cambridge in the UK and works as an author, has researched when human creativity wakes up. The result was that creativity wakes up on a somewhat complicated and messy desk rather than a perfectly organized desk. It is also surprisingly helpful for the brain to wake up flexibility by asking a bit of a stupid question among close friends. The second way to train your brain is to go to a suitable cafe using your head. This is in the same context as reading Alice in Wonderland. According to the University of Illinois results, our hearing is also more creative when there is a little noise. At this point, you might wonder why abstract thinking and creativity are critical in brain training. Ultimately, waking up this brain plasticity means expanding the brain's wiring into more branches. The ability to come up with different thoughts than what we have been doing so far makes the brain younger; that is, it makes the brain speed faster. The third method is aerobic exercise.
The effect of aerobic exercise on the brain has already been introduced in a previous video. If you want to refer to more content, please refer to the video with the thumbnail that says, “This makes people suddenly smart.” Primarily, an experimental result compares this aerobic exercise with other exercises. Aerobic exercise increases the volume of the brain area that governs memory and concentration. According to the results of the University of Illinois, aerobic exercise, such as jogging and walking for about three to four hours a week, not three to four hours a day, strengthens the protein that helps the growth of neurons. So even if you’re exhausted and your body is heavy, I urge you to do aerobic exercise for a few minutes a day. It strengthens the brain. Conversing with yourself while mumbling is the fourth thrilling way to enhance the brain. A research team at the University of Thessaly in Greece has found that mumbling alone, that is, talking as if having a conversation, is a way to strengthen the brain. If you look at world-class sports players such as the Major League and the Olympics, you will see them mumbling something to themselves before or during the game. That’s right. But this has an effect. As I always say, muttering to oneself is a tremendous help when conversing with me. As I keep saying, don’t be embarrassed. What’s embarrassing about mumbling alone? If you’re ashamed, I’ll give you a perfect solution. Wear a mask. It’s not a joke; it’s real. It would be best if you enjoyed talking to yourself. No, it would be best if you enjoyed it. The last one is to breathe deeply. Research psychologist Douglas Herman announced the results of a trick: when there is a stressful event, people who complain immediately are observed to have slower learning speeds and decreased memory. Nurses working in the hospital's intensive care unit had a lot of memory loss compared to nurses working in the general ward. But this was improved by deep breathing. You can't avoid the blow when a stressful situation occurs in your daily life. Then, take a deep breath slowly. This is now supplying fresh oxygen to the brain. Just this alone can largely resolve the stress response. This is how to prevent the decline of brain ability. Yes, everyone, today we looked at various cases of brain plasticity and talked about how to quickly train your brain in your daily life to maintain a young brain and even make the brain younger even though the body is aging. But this is what everyone will know. Even if I tell you all this, very few people practice this daily. After all, moving this into action is also the power of the mind. And if you keep that power, the brain will fully support you. Tomorrow, as much as today, I will tell you about the tremendous power of the mind based on extensive research results. If you have a topic you want to know about, such as how great the power of the reason is, please request it in the comments. Our team will collect all the research cases in the world and produce a video that can help you. I hope you have a more successful day with a 1% younger brain today, and this has been Canadian Daddy."
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