세 마리의 황소와 사자

2024. 7. 28. 05:31Self Heal


세 마리의 황소가 살고 있었습니다. 세 마리의 황소는 사이가 아주 좋았습니다.

그런데 세 마리의 황소가 사는 곳 근처에서는 사자가 한 마리 살고 있었지요. 사자는 세 마리의 황소를 무척 잡아먹고 싶었습니다. 그래서 항상 호시탐탐 기회를 노렸지요.

"어떻게 하면 저 녀석들을 잡아먹을 수 있을까?"

하지만 황소들은 항상 세 마리가 함께 행동했기 때문에 사자 혼자의 힘으로는 당할 수가 없었습니다.

얼마 전에 사자는 황소를 사냥하기 위해 나선 적이 있었는데 황소를 잡아먹기 위해 가가이 다가가면 다른 황소가 달려와 뿔로 받으려 했지요. 그래서 그 황소를 쫒아가면 다시 다른 황소가 달려들고, 사자는 세 마리의 황소가 사나운 기세로 공격하자 멀리 달아날 수밖에 없었습니다. 

사자는 세 마리의 황소를 직접 공격하지 않고 서로를 이간 질해서 따로따로 공격하는 것이 좋겠다고 생각했지요.

사자는 세 마리의 황소를 찾아가 말을 걸었습니다.

"황소들아, 이 세상에서 가장 힘이 센 황소가 누구지?" 

그러자 황소들은 제각기 자기가 힘이 세다고 말했이죠. 

"내가 제일 힘이 세지."

"아니야, 너보다는 내가 힘이 셀 거야."

"웃기지 마. 이 세상에서 나를 당할 자는 없어."

그러자 사자가 황소들을 쳐다보며 말했지요.

"그렇게 말로 해서 알 수 있겠어? 아무래도 이 중에는 가장 힘이 센 황소가 없는 것 같구나."

사자는 머리를 흔들며 그 자리를 떠났습니다. 황소들은 저마다 서로 자기가 힘이 세다고 하면서 다투기 시작했지요. 그러다가 세 마리의 황소는 뿔을 부딪치며 치열하게 싸웠습니다. 하지만 힘이 엇비슷한 황소들은 결판을 낼 수가 없었으며, 서로 헐뜯기 시작했습니다. 사자의 계획대로 사이가 아주 나쁘게 되었고, 결국 세마리의 황소는 사자의 식사로 변하게 되었습니다.


사이가 좋았던 황소들은 사자의 이간질 때문에 서로 싸우고 말았습니다. 결국 황소들은 모두 사자의 먹이가 되었지요. 사자라는 적을 앞에 두고 친구들끼리 싸운 결과이죠. 만약 황소들이 사이 좋게 힘을 모아 대향했다면 사자도 끝까지 달려들지 못했을 것입니다. 


1. 처음에 사자는 어째서 세 마리의 황소를 공격할 수 없었던 것일까요?

2. 황소들은 서로 자기의 힘이 세다고 다투었습니다. 그 이유는 무엇입니까?

3. 사자는 왜 황소들에게 이간질을 시켰던 것일까요?

이것을 코파일럿의 도움을 받아 영문으로 번역한뒤 브류의 도움을 받아 영상제작을 합니다. 


Three bulls were living together. The three bulls were very close to each other.

However, near where the three bulls lived, there was a lion. The lion wanted to eat the three bulls, so it always sought an opportunity.

“How can I eat those guys?”

But because the bulls always acted together, the lion couldn’t handle them alone.

There was a time when the lion went out to hunt the bulls, but when it approached to eat a bull, another bull would run up and try to fend it off with its horns. So if the lion chased that bull, another bull would run in, and the lion had no choice but to run away when the three bulls attacked fiercely.

The lion thought it would be better to attack the bulls separately, not directly, by causing discord among them.

The lion went to the three bulls and started a conversation.

“Bulls, who is the strongest bull in the world?”

Then, the bulls each said they were the strongest.

“I’m the strongest.”

“No, I’m stronger than you.”

“Don’t make me laugh. No one in this world can beat me.”

Then the lion looked at the bulls and said,

“Can you tell by just saying that? It seems that there is no strongest bull among you.”

The lion shook its head and left the place. The bulls each started arguing, saying they were the strongest. Then, the three bulls fought fiercely, clashing their horns. But the bulls, who were about the same strength, couldn’t decide, and they started tearing each other apart. As the lion planned, the relationship became very bad, and eventually, the three bulls became the lion’s meal.

The bulls, who were close to each other, fought because of the lion’s discord. In the end, all the bulls became the lion’s prey. It resulted from friends fighting with the enemy, the lion, in front of them. If the bulls had united and faced the lion, the lion wouldn’t have been able to run to the end.

Here are some things to think about:

  1. Why couldn’t the lion attack the three bulls at first?
  2. The bulls argued that each of them was the strongest. What is the reason for this?
  3. Why did the lion cause discord among the bulls?

다음은 스토리의 중심을 제 콘텐츠에 맞게 변영해다라고 한다음 


Once upon a time in Adventure Bay, there were three pups in the Paw Patrol: Chase, Marshall, and Rubble. They were the best of friends and always worked together on their missions.

However, near Adventure Bay, a mischievous cat named Mayor Humdinger lived. Mayor Humdinger always wanted to outdo the Paw Patrol and constantly looked for opportunities to cause trouble.

“How can I outsmart those pups?”

But because the pups always worked together, Mayor Humdinger couldn’t handle them alone.

There was a time when Mayor Humdinger tried to create chaos in Adventure Bay, but whenever he caused trouble, another pup would run up and solve the problem. So if Mayor Humdinger caused trouble for one pup, another pup would run in, and Mayor Humdinger had no choice but to retreat when the three pups worked together to restore peace.

Mayor Humdinger thought it would be better to cause discord among the pups and create chaos in Adventure Bay.

Mayor Humdinger went to the three pups and started a conversation.

“Pups, who is the bravest pup in the world?”

Then, the pups each said they were the bravest.

“I’m the bravest,” said Chase.

“No, I’m braver than you,” said Marshall.

“Don’t make me laugh. No pup in this world can beat me,” said Rubble.

Then-Mayor Humdinger looked at the pups and said,

“Can you tell by just saying that? It seems that there is no bravest pup among you.”

Mayor Humdinger shook his head and left the place. The pups each started arguing, saying they were the bravest. Then, the three pups began to compete with each other instead of working together. But the pups, who were equally brave, couldn’t decide who was the most daring, and they started to argue with each other. As Mayor Humdinger planned, their relationship strained, and Adventure Bay became chaotic.

The pups, who were close to each other, argued because of Mayor Humdinger’s discord. In the end, Adventure Bay became chaotic. It resulted from friends arguing with each other in front of their common enemy, Mayor Humdinger. If the pups had united and faced Mayor Humdinger, he wouldn’t have been able to create chaos in Adventure Bay.

Here are some things to think about:

  1. Why couldn’t Mayor Humdinger create chaos in Adventure Bay at first?
  2. The pups argued that each of them was the bravest. What is the reason for this?
  3. Why did Mayor Humdinger cause discord among the pups?

이것도 브류를 사용해 영상으로 제작해서 올리면 됩니다. 
스토리가 궁금하다면 
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As a father of a 4-year-old son. He's most loving character is the Paw Patrol so that I am going to create at least one entertainment daily so Please Subscribe my channel and Stay Tune for daily updates. Thank you in advance for your watching.



들어오셔서 구독 좋아요~ 

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