2024. 7. 18. 16:56ㆍSelf Heal
1. Hello, I’m a dad from Canada. Many of you have requested me to invite this person to the Mind Chair. This person is a New York Times best-selling author and has been selected as one of the most influential spiritual people in the world for eight consecutive years. This person’s story is about lymphoma that spreads throughout the body. In other words, when the organs were stopped due to cancer, the doctors said that they might not be able to survive the night. At that very moment, on the boundary between death and life, they had an incredible experience and woke up from a coma precisely 30 hours later. Exactly a week later, all the cancer cells in the body disappeared. Then, eating the chocolate ice cream that her husband bought, she confidently walked out of the hospital and surprised the world. This person is Anita Moorjani. I had a hard time arranging an interview. I want to ask you to introduce yourself to our channel subscribers briefly.
Hello, thank you for inviting me. My name is Anita Moorjani, and I had a near-death experience in 2006. I was a terminal cancer patient, but I survived, and my story received a lot of attention. I wrote a book about my experience and thus became known to the world. I am happy to share my experience in this interview today.
2. Let’s get straight to the point. Can you vividly explain what happened to you on February 2, 2006?
Yes, that day was February 2, 2006. At that time, I was suffering from terminal lymphoma. The medical staff informed my family that I would die within 24 hours. The cancer had spread throughout my body through the lymphatic system, and they said it had spread from the top of my sternum to my neck, arms, chest, and even abdomen. The tumours were the size of golf balls, and my lungs were full of water. My skin was full of wounds, my weight was 85 pounds at the time, I couldn’t walk, and my muscles were utterly weakened. I was in great pain and discomfort at the time, and my organs began to shut down. According to the doctors, my condition was multiple organ failure, and I was in a complete coma. My family was unfortunate, upset, and frustrated. But they didn’t know what I was going through. Although my body was in a coma and my eyes were closed, my soul was out of my body, and I was in an excellent mood. For the first time, I felt lightness, freedom, and an unbelievably good feeling. It was an incredibly good feeling; all the pain and fear disappeared. Before I was afraid of others, I was fearful of cancer treatment, and I was scared of death, but all these things disappeared, so I felt like I was going to fly. This experience was the first in my life. Above all, I felt very loved. I felt surrounded by love, not the love received from a specific person, but the energy itself, and I realized that there were other souls around me. They were there to help and guide me somewhere, and I could recognize a few of them. It was my father who passed away ten years ago. Yes, they were all there to help me. And while lying down, as usual, I could see what was happening in my body. I could see what the doctors were doing to my body and my family around me. So, I was aware of what was happening in both the physical world and the world of the soul. At some point, I had to make a choice. At that point, I had to decide whether to return to my body. I had to make a choice. According to the message I received at the time, I had to make that choice immediately, and if I waited any longer, I would not be able to return to my body. But I didn’t want to go back to my body. Because the world I experienced at that time was so beautiful, it was amazing. Because my physical body was dying, I didn’t want to go back to my body, but then my father told me that it was not my time yet. I haven’t fulfilled my purpose yet. Go back and fulfill your purpose. Your husband’s purpose is also related to your purpose. So you have to go back. So I decided to return and my father said, “Now that you have realized who you truly are and the truth, you have to live your life without fear.” I started to wake up from a coma.
3. Oh, it’s new to hear the contents I heard through the CNN interview and the contents I saw in the book directly from the author’s mouth. You realized through the process you just mentioned that the body is just clothes. If you feel this and go back, my cancer cells will disappear as if they were washed. You said that you realized that the big cancer masses that were only golf balls would disappear so naturally, but how could you be so sure at that moment? I would like to know that part.
What I realized when I was in the other world was, um, why did I get cancer? I found out the reason. I realized that I had always lived my life in fear. Fear of disappointing others, fear of my shortcomings, fear of what I can’t do, I always felt like I was a daughter who disappointed my father; I couldn’t feel that I was truly loved, so I was always afraid to express myself, I was scared to be my true self. So, for a long time, I suppressed and suppressed myself with that fear, and that’s why I got it because of that fear. But I realized that I had cancer of fear, and I realized that I should not live in fear, and so what I found out is that every one of us, you and I, are much stronger than we have believed so far. Our mind and soul are much bigger and stronger than our body, but we think that we are just incapable of our body and life. When I realized this, I understood why my father told me to live without fear. My father told me to realize I am a strong being now. So while I was there, I realized what my true self is, the truth, and that I am much stronger than I know. Once I knew this, my body was just healed. Our body is just a reflection of the soul and consciousness, and when our soul, our consciousness, knows the truth, our body also accepts that truth. Then, can we call this physical world a simulation? What is your perspective on this view? Yes, in some ways, this material world is a simulation that reflects what we feel inside and in our hearts. From this, most people live in fear and stress, so we think and live our lives as meaningless, just to make a living. Because so many people live like this, the world is made and they do things, but if all of us truly know who I am. We know that we are here for our eternal purpose, if we find joy to find a purpose and find a passion, if we live pursuing such things, we can see that our life will be happy. Our lives will also change. This will attract new jobs or opportunities and new people, and thus the life of the outside will reflect what is happening inside us. What we believe and what we feel. But we are learning the opposite. Completely the opposite, we think we must find happiness when our outside changes. It’s the other way around. If you go to your inner self and realize what makes you happy and how to follow your passion, and if you understand these things, then when you execute them, it is reflected on the outside, and your life changes.
4. This is now turning the point a little forward and asking a question. At that time, I think you were healed in a hospital in Hong Kong. What was the reaction of the competent doctors and even the entire hospital doctors?
At first, they couldn’t believe it. They initially told me that it was utterly impossible. And they said, cancer doesn’t disappear; we have to test until we find the cancer cells. So, for several weeks, they searched for cancer cells through various tests. Yet, they couldn’t find anything. So, I finally left the hospital and returned home. But the doctor said, “I don’t know what to write in your medical record.” Yes, they were shocked. In the end, fear makes the body sick.
5. As someone who has not experienced a near-death experience, it is an unknown area. There are also many people here who are as sick as I used to be. What should I do? What message do you want to convey?
I want to give a lot of messages to everyone. One of them is that you have to ask yourself this. If you were 100% healthy, what would you do in life? How would you live, and what would you want to do for the rest of your life? And you have to live according to it. You have to live as if you are healthy. Even if you are sick, if you are terrified of your disease, you will feel extreme stress. That stress will be the biggest obstacle to your recovery. So I tell people, even if they are currently sick, they have to find something to look forward to. You have to find your passion in life. If there is a reason to live, if there is a passion for living, that is, if there is a passion for life itself, you will have a higher chance of recovery. But if you hate the life you live and have nothing to look forward to, your chances of recovery will be lower because you don’t even expect to get better. Because you hate your life itself now. So if someone is sick, I say, find a passion, meaning, and purpose in your life. And one essential thing is that if your doctor and medical staff increase your fear and stress more, you have to replace them and find new doctors. What you need is doctors who think you will be born. So I’m saying that the doctors, nurses, and medical workers in charge of you have to believe in you. They have to think that you will recover. If even the people who treat you don’t believe in the possibility of the job, that is, if they say to you that you are terminally ill. There is no possibility that your chances of recovery will decrease because you will feel their fear. And because you will believe what they say. So the most important thing is to be with doctors and medical staff who think you will recover. And I deliver this message every day. I tell doctors every day. Please don’t let patients lose hope. Having hope is the most important thing. Thank you very much for asking this question.
6. This is very important. Your message wasn’t just about looking at the medical process of being sick and receiving treatment mechanically or technically. You gave us a lot of important insights that many people can use.
Yes, you’re right. We need to believe that we can recover, and doctors must also think they can treat us. Fear is, in fact, one of the most primal emotions in humans, as stated in psychiatry. Without learning, humans are born with only two emotions, fear and anger. A lot of restrictions occur in living life due to this fear. So many people are struggling because of this, and there is a way to eliminate this fear. Yes, I think fear can be absent. Or you can know where fear comes from. One of the problems in our society is this. Regardless of the country, that is, wherever you are, all of our cultures are cultures that promote fear. For example, even if you only watch the news, there is no good news. It always comes out with bad news. Things that make you feel fear. Even when you go for a health check-up, they always try to find a disease. No one explains the meaning of your health. The point is that the focus is on eliminating diseases rather than highlighting the good points. So, you always get trapped in the fear of disease. This fear is everywhere. Education also focuses on education, but in the end, it is the fear of being unable to pass. Fear of not passing the test, not getting grades, or falling from the school you want are the driving forces of today’s education system. We don’t teach how to get smarter and wiser. So, the driving force of everything in our culture is fear. For example, even if you get a job, there is a fear of not being satisfied with it or unable to get ahead in your career. There is no driving force for our passion or how we can change the world. How to make a good company is not treated as a driving force. If we realize this fact and focus on it, we can see why everyone lives in fear 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you look at the world based on fear, even if you are dating, you worry like this. Am I too old? Am I a good enough person? Can I attract this person? Why don’t you think about improving the other person’s life? If you realize the fact that you are trained to think about fear, you will know why so many people are taking antidepressants. Why so many people are sick and get cancer, why many people are angry and why all these things happen? If we learned the opposite from when we were young in school, that is, if we realized that we should do what we are passionate about to live correctly, if we learned a different set of values from now, we would know that fear is not a significant value. We aim to find passion and joy and work to follow our calling. If we start learning values from when we were young, our lives could be different. Then, you would need fear only when your life is in danger. Fear is only valid when life is in danger, but even so, we have created a society where we have to live in fear 24 hours a day, seven days a week. So people get sick and depressed.
7. When I read your book, the story that hit me was the concept of time. I also told my subscribers that we live in 3D because we can’t see or understand the concept of time that exists in a higher dimension, 4D. So, I told our subscribers that time flows from the past to the present to the future, and we only understand it ourselves. So, I tell our subscribers that the life you want now, the real you, the real you, is already living very happily at a specific coordinate in the future. I want to ask you about this part.
Yes, you’re right. Because we live in a 3D world, it’s challenging to explain, but in the 3D world we live in, time flows in a straight line, so we can only mark one point. And our brain can only process it in that way. But when I was out of my body, I could see all the coordinates of time simultaneously. Of course, I could only see things related to me. I could see all my life’s purpose, future, and other lives simultaneously. Do you know that our soul has also gone through other lives? For example, lived. I also witnessed other lives, and now, in 3D, we recognize this as a past life, and what is currently there is a present life, and in the future, there will be a future life. But I could see all the hands simultaneously when I was out of my body. All at once. So I can see my future. Ah, let me explain it easily. Imagine a building. Let’s say it’s a seven-story building. There are seven floors, and you must be on one floor, one place at a specific time. Inside the building, you can take the elevator to the 5th floor or the 7th floor, but at one moment, you can only exist on one floor. Now, imagine that the building is you. Imagine that you came out of this building. This is the same as when the soul leaves the body. You can see the entire building at once if you are outside the building. You can see how many floors the building is and all seven floors, but when you are inside the building, you cannot see other floors. The only thing you can see is the floor you are currently on and the room you are currently in. What you are currently in. And to experience other floors, you have to walk out of that room and move to other floors. So, we can’t see the whole building while experiencing one life. We can’t see anything else; we can only see our present life. But when you leave this world, you will know that this is the journey my soul has to go through and that I must live all seven lives. But even if we are here now, we can peek a little. Even if you don’t have a near-death experience if you immerse yourself in deep thoughts or meditation, you can see a little bit—the image of your future. So, if you know your future, you can see that your future is calling you. I wanted to explain a little more to you. Yes, this is how you feel about your future. Ah, I hope you feel the excitement of peeking into the future. When I had a near-death experience and came back, when I woke up from a coma, I realized that my body would recover. My father told me, “Ah, now you realize who you are and the truth, your body will recover very quickly.” So I was very sure. Because I could see and feel my recovered future, my body followed it, so if you can see and feel a very positive future, you will manifest it and call it your life. You will be called to that future. I hope this message is well delivered.
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