2024. 7. 28. 06:36ㆍSelf Heal
어부들이 바닷가에서 그물을 던졌습니다. 그런데 그 물을 던지자마자 아주 묵직한 것이 걸렸습니다. 그물이 무척이나 무거웠기 때문에 어부들은 아주 커다란 물고기가 잡혔을 것이라고 생각하며 힘을모아 커다란 그물읗 끌어 당겼습니다. 그물은 쉽게 끌려오지 않았습니다.
"이거 봐라? 정말 큰 놈이 잡힌 것 같은데..."
"그래, 참치가 분명해."
"대단한 걸, 난 지금까지 이렇게 큰 놈을 잡아본 적이 없는어."
어부들은 한참 동안이나 땀을 흘리면서 열심히 그물을 잡아당겼습니다. 그러나 막상 그물을 끌어올리고 보니 그물에는 커다란 돌멩이가 걸겨 있었습니다. 정작 물고기는 몇마리 되지 않았지요. 그것도 아주 작은 물고기들이 었습니다.
어부들은 돌멩이를 쳐다보며 몹시 실망했지요. 지금 까지 땀을 뻘뻘 흘리면서 애써 그물을 끌어당긴 것이 헛수고 였던 것입니다.
"누가 그랬어? 참치가 잡혔다고?"
어부들은 서로를 탓하기 시작했습니다. 그때 그들 가운데 나이가 가장 많은 어부 한 사람이 이렇게 말했습니다.
"친구들, 너무 낙담하지 말게, 아무래도 기쁨이란 놈은 괴로움이라는 동생을 거느리고 있는 것 같아. 우리가 너무 성급하게 기뻐했기 때문에 그 반대의 결과가 찾아온 거야. 우리 그 사실을 항상 기억해 두기로 하세."
어부들은 모두 열심히 그물을 끌어당겼습니다. 그만큼 기대가 컸던 것입니다. 하지만 그 기대가 무너지면 반대로 고통이 더 커지기 마련입니다. 그런 상황이 되었을 때 사람들은 기대가 너무 컸다는 생각을 하면서 스스로 위로하기보다는 커다란 실망에 빠지게 됩니다. 그러나 희망은 언제난 우리 켠에 있습니다.
1. 그물이 무겁다고 해서 물고기가 많이 잡힌 것은 아니었습니다. 어부들은 무엇 때문에 실망했을까요?
2. 나이 많은 어부는 어떤 점에서 지혜롭다고 말할 수 있을까요?
3. 이 우화 속에슨 '기쁨은 괴로움이라는 동생을 거느리고 있나' 라는 말이 나옵니다. 그 말의 뜻은 무엇일까요?
코파일럿을 활용해 영문으로 번역한뒤 브류를 활성화시켜 영상을 제작합니다. 2개의 영상에서 끝나지말고 이 이야기를 Paw Patrol 로 만들어달라 하곤 하나더 영상을 제작할수 있지요 지금 브류에서 지원하는 언어는 일어, 중국, 러시아, 프랑스, 영어 등등이 있기에 각각의 언어로 영상을 제작한다면 하나의 글로 10~20개의 영상도 제작 가능합니다.
Fishermen cast their nets by the sea. But as soon as they cast the net, something heavy got caught. Because the net was so heavy, the fishermen thought a giant fish had been caught and pulled the large net with all their might. The net did not come quickly.
“Look at this? It seems like a huge one has been caught…”
“Yeah, it must be a tuna.”
“Amazing, I’ve never caught such a big one before.”
The fishermen sweated for a long time and worked hard to pull the net up. But a large rock was caught in the net when they finally did. There were only a few fish, and they were very small fish.
The fishermen looked at the rock and were very disappointed. Having sweated and worked hard to pull the net so far had been a waste of effort.
“Who said that? That a tuna was caught?”
The fishermen started blaming each other. Then, among them, the oldest fisherman said this.
“Friends, don’t be too disappointed; it seems that Joy is carrying a younger brother named Sorrow. Because we were too happy too quickly, the opposite result has come. Let’s always remember that fact.”
The fishermen all pulled the net hard, which is how great their expectations were. But when those expectations collapse, the pain tends to grow in the opposite direction. When such a situation occurs, people tend to fall into great disappointment rather than comfort themselves by thinking that their expectations are too high. But hope is always on our side.
Here are some things to think about:
- The net was heavy, but that didn’t mean many fish were caught. Why were the fishermen disappointed?
- What can be said about the wisdom of the older fisherman?
- In this fable, there is a saying, ‘Joy carries a younger brother named sorrow.’ What does this mean?
Once upon a time in Adventure Bay, the Paw Patrol pups: Chase, Marshall, and Rubble were always ready for action. They were the best of friends and always worked together on their missions.
However, near Adventure Bay, a mischievous cat named Mayor Humdinger lived. Mayor Humdinger always wanted to outdo the Paw Patrol and constantly looked for opportunities to cause trouble.
“How can I outsmart those pups?”
But because the pups always worked together, Mayor Humdinger couldn’t handle them alone.
There was a time when Mayor Humdinger tried to create chaos in Adventure Bay, but whenever he caused trouble, another pup would run up and solve the problem. So if Mayor Humdinger caused trouble for one pup, another pup would run in, and Mayor Humdinger had no choice but to retreat when the three pups worked together to restore peace.
Mayor Humdinger thought it would be better to cause discord among the pups and create chaos in Adventure Bay.
Mayor Humdinger went to the three pups and started a conversation.
“Pups, who is the bravest pup in the world?”
Then, the pups each said they were the bravest.
“I’m the bravest,” said Chase.
“No, I’m braver than you,” said Marshall.
“Don’t make me laugh. No pup in this world can beat me,” said Rubble.
Then-Mayor Humdinger looked at the pups and said,
“Can you tell by just saying that? It seems that there is no bravest pup among you.”
Mayor Humdinger shook his head and left the place. The pups each started arguing, saying they were the bravest. Then, the three pups began to compete with each other instead of working together. But the pups, who were equally brave, couldn’t decide who was the most courageous, and they started to argue with each other. As Mayor Humdinger planned, their relationship strained, and Adventure Bay became chaotic.
The pups, who were close to each other, argued because of Mayor Humdinger’s discord. In the end, Adventure Bay became chaotic. It resulted from friends arguing with each other in front of their common enemy, Mayor Humdinger. If the pups had united and faced Mayor Humdinger, he wouldn’t have been able to create chaos in Adventure Bay.
Here are some things to think about:
- Why couldn’t Mayor Humdinger create chaos in Adventure Bay at first?
- The pups argued that each of them was the bravest. What is the reason for this?
- Why did Mayor Humdinger cause discord among the pups?
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As a father of a 4-year-old son. He's most loving character is the Paw Patrol so that I am going to create at least one entertainment daily so Please Subscribe my channel and Stay Tune for daily updates. Thank you in advance for your watching.
구독 좋아요는 사랑입니다.
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