공작새와 까마귀

2024. 7. 14. 14:20Self Heal


새들의 왕은 독수리 였습니다. 독수리는 강한 힘과 날카로운 발톱으로 수많은 새들을 다스렸습니다. 

독수리는 힘으로 통치했기 때문에 새들은 불만이 많았습니다. 독수리에게 조금만 잘못 보이면 언제 그 날카로운 부리에 쪼여서 목숨을 잃을지 알 수가 없었던 것입니다.

그러던 어느 날 새들의 왕 독수리가 사냥꾼의 화살에 맞아서 목숨을 잃었습니다. 새들은 난폭한 독수리 왕이 죽은 것을 기뻐하면서 새로운 왕을 뽑기로 결정했습니다. 그리고 이번에 뽑는 왕은 독수리처럼 힘세고 난폭하지 않은 왕을 뽑아야 한다고 의견을 모았습니다. 

선거일이 다가오자 새들은 서로 왕이 되겠다고 다투었습니다. 공작새는 가장 아름다운 새가 왕이 되어야 한다고 주장했습니다. 

"새들의 왕은 무엇보다도 먼저 아름다워야 하지 않겠니? 그리고 아름다운 새는 바로 나 아니겠어?"

공작새는 깃털을 활짝 펼치면서 자기의 아름다움을 과시 했습니다. 새들은 모두 공작새의 말에 고개를 끄덕이면서 박수를 쳤습니다. 

그런데 공작새를 막 왕으로 뽑으려고 할 때였습니다. 갑자기 까마귀가 소리를 질렀습니다. 

"잠깐만 기다려!"

"왜 그러는 거야?"

다른 새들이 일체히 까마귀를 쳐다보았습니다. 그러자 까마귀는 공작새에게 이렇게 물었습니다.

"공작새야, 너는 무척 아름다워, 하지만 다른 무리들이 우리를 공격할 때 너는 우리를 지키기 위해서 무슨 일을 할 수 있니?"

그러자 공작새는 아무런 대답도 하지 못했습니다. 그래서 결국 공작새를 왕으로 뽑으려고 했던 새들도 새로운 왕이 어떤 새가 되어야 하는가에 대해서 다시 생각하게 되었습니다. 


지도자가 되기 위해서는 자리에 맞는 능력을 가지고 있어야만 합니다. 그래야 무리를 잘 다스릴 수 있고 무리가 위험에 처했을 때 구할 수도 있는 것입니다. 단지 겉으로 드러나는 모습이 멋있다고 해서 그런 중대한 임무를 맡길 수는 없습니다.

여기서 우리가 생각해볼 것

1. 공작새는 왜 새들의 왕이 될 만한 자격이 없었을까요?

2. 지도자를 뽑을 때, 여러분은 무엇을 제일 먼저 생각하나요?  

우선 이 스토리로 영상 만들어 올리고

The king of the birds was the eagle. The eagle ruled over many birds with its strong power and sharp claws. Because the eagle ruled with power, the birds were very dissatisfied. If they showed even a little wrong to the eagle, they didn’t know when they would lose their lives by being pecked by its sharp beak. Then, one day, the king of the birds, the eagle, lost its life to a hunter’s arrow. The birds were happy that the violent eagle king had died and decided to elect a new king. And they gathered opinions that the king to be elected this time should not be as strong and violent as the eagle. As election day approached, the birds argued about becoming the king. The peacock claimed that the most beautiful bird should be the king. “Shouldn’t the king of birds be beautiful first of all? And isn’t the beautiful bird me?” The peacock spread its feathers wide and showed off its beauty. All the birds nodded at the peacock’s words and applauded. But it was just about to elect the peacock as king. Suddenly, the crow screamed. “Wait a minute!” “Why are you doing that?” All the other birds looked at the crow at once. Then the crow asked the peacock this. “Peacock, you are gorgeous, but how can you do to protect us when other flocks attack us?” Then, the peacock couldn’t answer anything. So, in the end, the birds who were going to elect the peacock as king also started to think again about what kind of bird the new king should be.

To become a leader, you must be able to fit the position. Only then can you rule the flock well and save it when it is in danger. You can’t entrust such a heavy duty just because the appearance on the surface is cool.

Here are some things we should think about:

  1. Why wasn’t the peacock qualified to be the king of the birds?
  2. When electing a leader, what do you think of first?

다음은 영문으로 번역해 영상만들어 올리고


이솝우화를 간략하게 내가 원하는 케릭터로 바꿔 브류와 코파일럿을 사용해 영상을 만들어 또 하나 올립니다.

The Paw Patrol and the Search for a New Leader

Once upon a time in Adventure Bay, the Paw Patrol team was led by a strong and brave pup named Chase. Chase was known for his strength and sharp instincts, which helped him lead the team through many demanding missions. However, some other pups felt Chase’s strict leadership style was too harsh.

One day, while on a mission, Chase got injured and had to take a break from his duties. The Paw Patrol team decided it was time to choose a new leader who could lead with kindness and wisdom, not just strength.

As the day of the election approached, the pups began to campaign for the role of leader. Skye, the graceful and agile dog, believed that the leader should be someone who could soar high and see everything from above.

“Don’t you think the leader should be able to see the big picture? And who better than me, with my amazing flying skills?” Skye said, proudly spreading her wings.

The other pups nodded and clapped, impressed by Skye’s confidence. But just as they were about to vote, Rubble, the construction pup, spoke up.

“Wait a minute!” Rubble barked.

“What’s the matter, Rubble?” asked the other pups, turning to look at him.

Rubble looked at Skye and asked, “Skye, you’re an amazing flyer, but what would you do if we faced a big, tough problem on the ground? How would you help us then?”

Skye paused, realizing she didn’t have an answer. The other pups also began to think about what qualities a true leader should have.

Ultimately, the Paw Patrol team decided that a leader should have a mix of skills: bravery, kindness, wisdom, and the ability to work well with others. They chose Marshall, the fire pup, who had repeatedly shown that he could stay calm under pressure and always put the team’s needs first.

Marshall accepted the role humbly and promised to lead the team with his heart and head. And so, the Paw Patrol continued to protect Adventure Bay, stronger and more united than ever.

Remember, being a leader isn’t just about being the strongest or the most beautiful. It’s about having the right qualities to guide and protect those you lead. Goodnight, and sweet dreams! 🌟

Be My Self - YouTube


Be My Self

As a father of a 4-year-old son. He's most loving character is the Paw Patrol so that I am going to create at least one entertainment daily so Please Subscribe my channel and Stay Tune for daily updates. Thank you in advance for your watching.
