2024. 4. 27. 05:06ㆍ불교 기도
이산혜연선사 발원문
시방삼세 부처님과 팔만사천 큰법보와 보살성문 스님네께 지성으로 귀의하옵 나니 자비하신 원력으로
굽어살펴 주옵소서 저희들이 참된성품 등지옵고 무명속에 뛰어들어 나고죽는 물결따라 빛과소리 물이들고
심수궂고 욕심내어 온갖번뇌 쌓았으며 보고듣고 맛봄으로 한량없는 죄를지어 잘못된길 갈팡질팡 생사고해
헤메면서 나와남을 집착하고 그른길만 찾아다녀 여러생에 지은업장 크고작은 많은허물 삼보전에 원력빌어
일심참회 하옵나니 바라옵건대 부처님이 이끄시고 보살님네 살피옵서 고통바다 헤어나서 열반언덕 가사이다
이세상에 명과복은 길이길이 창성하고 오는세상 불법지혜 무럭무럭 자라나서 날적마다 좋은국토 밝은스승 만나오며 바른신심 굳게세워 아이로서 출가하여 귀와눈이 총명하고 말과뜻이 진실하며 세상일에 물안들고 청정범행 닦고닦아 서리같이 엄한계율 털끈인들 범하리까 점잖은 거동으로 모든생명 사랑하여 이내목숨
버리어도 지성으로 보호하리 삼재팔난 만나잖고 불법인연 구족하며 반야지혜 드러나고 보살마음 견고하여
제불정법 잘배워서 대승진리 깨달은뒤 육바라밀 행을닦아 아승지겁 뛰어넘고 곳곳마다 설법으로 천겹만겹
의심끊고 마군중을 항복받고 삼보를 잇사올제 시방제불 섬기는일 잠깐인들 쉬오리까 온갖법문 다배워서
모두통달 하옵거든 복과지혜 함께늘어 무량중생 제도하며 여섯가지 신통얻고 무생법인 이룬뒤에 관음보살
대자비로 시방법계 다니면서 보현보살 행원으로 많은중생 건지올제 여러갈래 몸을나퉈 미묘법문 연설하고
지옥아귀 나쁜곳엔 광명놓고 신통보여 내모양을 보는이나 내이름을 듣는이는 보리마음 모두내어 윤회고를
벗어나되 화탕지옥 끊는물은 감로수로 변해지고 검수도산 날선칼날 연꽃으로 화하여서 고통받던 저중생들
극락세계 왕생하며 나는새와 기는짐승 원수맺고 빚진이들 갖은고통 벗어나서 좋은복락 누려지다 모진질병
돌적에는 약풀되어 치료하고 흉년드는 세상에는 쌀이되어 구제하되 여러중생 이익한일 한가진들 빼오리까
천겁만겁 내려오던 원수거나 친한이난 이세상 권속들도 누구누구 할것없이 얽히었던 애정끊고 삼계고해
벗어나서 시방세계 중생들이 모두성불 하사이다 허공끝이 있사온들 이내소원 다하리까 유정들도 무정들도
일체종지 이뤄지다.
나무석가모니불 나무석가모니불 나무시아본사석가모니불
The Vow of Great Master Isan Hyeyeon (怡山慧然禪師發願文)
The Vow of Great Master Isan Hyeyeon (怡山慧然禪師發文) is a profound Buddhist text created by the esteemed Chinese Tang Dynasty master Isan Hyeyeon (also known as Isan Gyoyeon). This text holds great significance in the Buddhist tradition, often recited during morning rituals in Korean temples and chanted in Korean. Here is the English translation of the opening lines:
To the past, present, and future Buddhas, the great Dharma treasures, and the noble Sangha. I humbly bow with compassionate blessings, and please look upon us. With our true nature obscured, we have been tossed about in the waves of birth and death, following the light and sound of illusion. Our minds have been filled with cunning and greed, accumulating various affiliations through seeing, hearing, and tasting. We have committed countless wrongdoings, wandering on the path of delusion. We have clung to ourselves and others, lost in the wrong paths, accumulating major and minor transgressions. With sincere repentance, we pray that the Buddha and Bodhisattvas will guide us, helping us escape from the ocean of suffering and reach the shore of enlightenment. In this world, fame and fortune flourish, and worldly wisdom grows. We encounter good teachers and bright lands where true intentions are firmly established. Our eyes and ears are sharp, and our speech is truthful. We engage in pure actions, diligently following strict precepts like first on the grass. Will we continue to wander or follow the path of virtue? With gentle behaviour, we love all sentient beings, even if we must sacrifice our lives. We trust in the protection of wisdom, encountering the Three Bo (Bul, Bup, Syeng). We realize the impermanence of this world and the unending cycle of birth and death. We break free from the bonds of illusion, seeking the path of liberation.
We have encountered the Buddha's teachings, the Bodhisattva's compassion, and the profound Dharma. After realizing the great truth, we transcend the six realms and leap beyond the limits of existence. We expound the Dharma everywhere we go, cutting off doubts and receiving the submission of the Mra's army. We humbly serve the Buddha, even for a brief moment. If we attain complete understanding, may blessings and wisdom be together. We vow to liberate countless sentient beings, obtaining the six paramitas and realizing the state beyond birth and death. As Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva, we traverse the Dharma realms, saving beings through skillful means. We bring light in hellish realms and evil places, revealing the faithful Dharma. Those who see our form or hear our name will open their hearts, breaking free from the cycle of samsara. Even the boiling waters of Avici Hell will turn into nectar, and sharp swords will become lotus flowers. The suffering beings we encounter will attain the Pure land. Like birds and beasts, we have formed karmic bonds and suffered greatly. Now, we enjoy the bliss of liberation. Even in famine, we become rice, providing sustenance for others. Whether enemies or close friends, all worldly ties are severed. We leap beyond the three realms, and all beings attain Buddhahood. In the vast emptiness, our wishes are fulfilled. Both the compassionate and the heartless reach the ultimate destination. The entire universe is realized.
NaMuSukGaMoNIBul NaMuSukGaMoNIBul NaMuSiAhBonSaSukGaMoNiBul
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