사슴과 덩굴

2024. 8. 4. 01:05Self Heal


사슴 한 마리가 사냥꾼에게 꽃기고 있었습니다. 열심히 동망가던 사슴은 무선한 동굴이 있는 것을 발견했습니다.

사슴은 숨을 헐떡이면서 그 덩굴 속으로 몸을 숨겼습니다. 덩굴은 아주 무성하게 자라나 있었기 때문에 충분히 몸을 숨길 수 있었습니다.

잠시 후에 사냥꾼이 사슴을 잡기 위해 달려왔습니다. 그러나 사냥꾼은 덩굴 속에 숨어버린 사슴을 발견할 수가 없었습니다.

"사름이 어리로 갔지? 분명히 이쪽으로 갔는데..."

사냥꾼은 덩굴을 그냥 지나쳤습니다. 사냥꾼이 다른 곳으로 가버리자 사슴은 겨우 한숨을 돌릴 수 있었습니다.

"휴우, 이제 살았다!"

사슴은 안심하면서 주위를 둘러보았습니다. 사슴은 맛있는 덩굴잎을 정신없이 따먹기 시작했습니다.

사냥꾼은 사슴이 사라진 덩굴 근처를 헤매다가 덩굴이 바스락거리는 소리를 들었습니다. 이상하게 생각한 사냥꾼은 자기가 지나쳤던 그 자리로 다시 돌아왔습니다.

사슴은 사냥꾼이 돌아온 줄도 모르고 계속 덩굴잎을 따먹고 있었습니다. 

"이 녀석이 여기에 숨어 있었구나!"

사냥꾼은 바스락거리는 소리가 나는 곳을 향해 화살을 쏘았습니다. 그 화살은 맞고 쓰러지면서 자기의 잘못을 한탄했습니다.

"이게 다 내 잘못이야. 나를 숨겨 주었던 덩굴잎을 어리석게도 따먹고 있었으니까!"

만약 사슴이 덩굴 속에서 가만히 몸을 숨기고 있었다면 죽음을 피할 수 있었을 것입니다. 그러나 사슴은 눈앞의 먹이 때문에 그만 화살에 맞고 말았습니다. 어리석은 사슴은 작은 이익 때문에 귀중한 생명을 잃은 것입니다. 

사냥꾼은 어째서 덩굴 속에 숨어있던 사슴을 찾지 못하고 그냥 지나갔을까요?

사슴은 맛있는 덩굴잎의 유혹에 이끌려서 목숨까지 잃었습니다. 우리도 간혹 사소한 욕망을 이기지 못하고 큰 실수를 저지르기도 합니다. 여러분도 사슴과 같은 실수를 한적이 있나요?

Once upon a time, a deer was being chased by a hunter. Desperate to escape, the deer discovered a dense vine-covered cave. It hid there, its breaths ragged. The thick vines provided excellent cover, allowing the deer to remain unseen.

Moments later, the hunter arrived, determined to catch the deer. However, despite searching the area, the hunter couldn’t find the hidden deer within the tangle of vines.

“Did the deer escape? It came this way…”

The hunter passed by the vine-covered entrance without noticing the concealed deer. As the hunter moved away, the relieved deer let out a sigh.

“Phew, I’m safe now!”

The deer cautiously surveyed its surroundings and began munching on delicious vine leaves.

Meanwhile, the hunter retraced their steps, drawn by a rustling sound from the vines. Curiously, the hunter returned to the same spot they had passed earlier.

Unaware of the hunter’s return, the deer continued feasting on the leaves.

“Ah, the deer was hiding here all along!”

The hunter aimed an arrow at the rustling sound and shot. The arrow struck the deer, and it fell, regretting its foolishness.

“It’s my fault. I ignorantly ate the very leaves that sheltered me!”

Had the deer remained still in the vines, it might have avoided death. Instead, its desire for a small meal led to the loss of its precious life.

Why did the hunter overlook the hidden deer in the vines? Sometimes, like the deer, we make significant mistakes due to minor temptations. Have you ever experienced a similar situation? 😊🌿

“Paw Patrol: The Tale of Chase and the Sneaky Squirrel”

In Adventure Bay, where brave pups protect their community, Chase, the police pup, was on patrol. His keen nose and sharp eyes made him an excellent tracker. One sunny day, he received a call from Mayor Goodway.

“Chase, we have a sneaky squirrel causing trouble in Farmer Yumi’s garden!” Mayor Goodway exclaimed.

Chase barked excitedly. “I’m on it, Mayor! No job is too big, no pup is too small!”

He raced to the garden, following the squirrel’s tracks. The mischievous squirrel had been stealing carrots and digging up flower beds. Chase sniffed the air, determined to catch the little bandit.

Chase noticed the squirrel’s hiding spot as he approached the dense vine-covered area. The vines provided perfect cover for the sneaky critter. The squirrel peeked out, its tiny paws clutching a carrot.

“Gotcha!” Chase barked, but the squirrel darted more profoundly into the vines.

Chase squeezed through the thick foliage, determined to apprehend the squirrel. But just like the hunter in the old tale, he couldn’t find the squirrel within the tangle of greenery.

“Where did that squirrel go?” Chase wondered, scratching his head.

He circled the area; his ears perked up. The squirrel remained hidden, munching on stolen carrots, and Chase’s frustration grew.

“Phew, I’m safe now!” the squirrel thought, blissfully unaware of Chase’s presence.

Chase retraced his steps, following the rustling sounds. He returned to the same spot, determined to catch the elusive squirrel.

“Ah, the squirrel was hiding here all along!” Chase exclaimed.

He aimed his net launcher, ready to capture the little thief. But just as he fired, the squirrel darted away, narrowly escaping.

“It’s my fault,” Chase admitted. “I should have been more patient.”

The squirrel’s desire for tasty carrots had led to its escape. Chase learned an important lesson: sometimes, even the best pups make mistakes when tempted by a quick reward.

And so, in Adventure Bay, the legend of Chase and the sneaky squirrel became a cautionary tale. When a pup faces a tricky situation, they say, “Remember Chase and the vines!” 🐾🌿

Have you ever encountered a tempting situation where you made a mistake, just like Chase and the squirrel? 😊

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