2024. 8. 3. 13:06ㆍSelf Heal
독수리 한 마리가 먹이를 찾기 위해 하늘을 날아다니고 있었습니다. 먼 곳까지 바라볼 수 있었던 독수리는 들판에서 한가롭게 풀을 뜯고 있는 양떼를 발견했습니다.
독수리는 잠시 동안 하늘을 빙글빙글 돌다가 날쌔게 내려와서 새끼양 한 마리를 나꿔챘습니다. 양치기가 지팡이를 휘두르면서 쫓아갔지만 독수리는 새끼양을 발톱으로 단단히 잡고 멀리 날아가 버렸습니다.
그 모습을 유심히 지켜보던 까마귀 한 마리가 있었습니다. 까마귀는 자기도 독수리처럼 양을 사냥할 수 있다고 생각했습니다.
"흥, 저 정도는 다도 할 수 있어."
자신만만한 까마귀는 독수리처럼 하늘 높이 솟구친 다음에 커다란 울음소리를 내면서 양떼가 있는 곳으로 날아갔습니다. 그리고 어미양에게 덤벼들어서 발톱으로 양의 털을 꽉 움켜쥐었습니다. 재빨리 양을 움켜잡은 까마귀는 다시 하늘로 날아오르려고 했습니다.
하지만 까마귀는 두무지 양을 들어올릴 수조차 없었습니다. 게다가 까마귀의 발톱이 양의 곱슬곱슬한 털에 엉켜버리는 바람에 양을 떼어버릴 수도 없었습니다. 까마귀는 마구 날개짓을 했지만 하늘로 날아오를 수가 없었습니다.
그 모습을 발견한 양치기는 얼른 달려와 까마귀를 사로 잡았습니다.
"건방진 녀석! 네가 감히 양을 잡으려고 해?"
양치기는 까마귀의 날개를 잘라서 날지 못하게 한 다음에 집으로 돌아가서 아이들에게 주었습니다.
"이게 무슨 새인가요?"
아이들이 양치기를 쳐다보며 물었습니다. 그러자 양치기는 이렇게 대답했습니다.
"내가 보기에는 분명 까마귀인데, 저 새는 자기 자신을 독수리라고 생각하는 것 같아."
까마귀는 독수리 흉내를 내다가 그만 붙잡히고 말았습니다. 까마귀는 자기의 능력도 제대로 모르면서 독수리처럼 행동하다가 웃음거리가 되고 말았던 것입니다.
까마귀가 착각한 점은 무엇이었을까요?
독수리의 사냥법과 까마귀의 사냥법이 똑같을 수 있을까요? 그리고 그 방법이 달라야 하는 이유는 무엇일까요?
우리나라의 속담 가운데 '숭어가 뛰니까 망둥이도 뛴다' 라는 것이 있습니다. 독수리를 흉내내다가 사로 잡힌 까마귀의 경우와 보교하면서 속담의 의미를 알아보세요.
An eagle was flying in the sky, looking for food. With keen eyesight, the eagle spotted a flock of sheep grazing leisurely in the field.
The eagle circled in the sky and swooped to snatch a lamb. The shepherd chased after it, waving his staff, but the eagle firmly grasped the lamb with its talons and flew away.
A crow, watching the scene closely, thought it could hunt sheep just like the eagle.
“Hmph, I can do that too.”
The confident crow soared high into the sky like the eagle and then let out a loud caw as it flew towards the flock of sheep. It attacked a ewe and grabbed its wool with its paws. The crow tried to fly back into the sky with the sheep.
However, the crow couldn’t lift the sheep at all. Moreover, its talons got tangled in the sheep’s curly wool, and it couldn’t free itself. The crow flapped its wings frantically but couldn’t take off.
The shepherd, seeing this, quickly ran over and captured the crow.
“Arrogant bird! How dare you try to catch a sheep?”
The shepherd clipped the crow’s wings so it couldn’t fly and took it home to give to his children.
“What kind of bird is this?” the children asked, looking at the shepherd.
The shepherd replied, “It looks like a crow to me, but it seems to think it’s an eagle.”
The crow, trying to imitate the eagle, ended up getting caught. The crow became a laughingstock for acting like an eagle without knowing its abilities.
- What was the crow mistaken about?
- Can the hunting methods of an eagle and a crow be the same? Why or why not?
- In Korean, a proverb says, “When the mullet jumps, the goby jumps too.” Compare this proverb to the crow’s situation and explain its meaning.
One day, Skye was flying in the sky, looking for any signs of trouble. With her keen eyesight, she spotted a flock of sheep grazing leisurely in the field.
Skye circled in the sky and swooped down to check on the sheep. Farmer Yumi waved at her, thanking her for watching the flock.
Meanwhile, Rocky watched the scene closely and thought he could help the sheep like Skye.
“Hmph, I can do that too,” Rocky said confidently.
Rocky put on his jetpack and soared high into the sky like Skye. He let out a loud bark as he flew towards the flock of sheep. He tried to help a ewe by grabbing its wool with his paws, thinking he could lift it.
However, Rocky couldn’t lift the sheep at all. Moreover, his paws got tangled in the sheep’s curly wool, and he couldn’t free himself. Rocky flapped his paws frantically but couldn’t take off.
Farmer Yumi, seeing this, quickly ran over and helped Rocky untangle himself.
“Arrogant pup! How dare you try to lift a sheep?” Farmer Yumi said with a chuckle.
Farmer Yumi took Rocky to the barn to give him water and rest.
“What kind of pup is this?” the children asked, looking at Farmer Yumi.
Farmer Yumi replied, “It looks like Rocky to me, but it seems he thinks he’s Skye.”
Rocky, trying to imitate Skye, ended up getting caught. Rocky became a laughingstock for acting like Skye without knowing his abilities.
- What was Rocky mistaken about?
- Can Skye and Rocky's methods be the same? Why or why not?
- In Korean, a proverb says, “When the mullet jumps, the goby jumps too.” Compare this proverb to Rocky’s situation and explain its meaning.