디오게네스와 대머리

2024. 8. 4. 01:22Self Heal


고대 그리스에는 디오게네스라는 철학자가 살고 있었습니다. 디오게네스는 사람들이 일반적으로 욕심을 내는 일에는 관심이 없었습니다. 통나무로 만든 술통에 디오게네스의 집이었습니다.

디오게네스는 좋은 음식을 먹거나 좋은 옷을 입는 일에도 그다지 관심이 없었기 때문에 거지와 똑같은 생활을 했습니다. 하지만 사람들은 디오게네스가 지혜롭다는 사실을 알고 있었기 때문에 존경심을 품고 있었습니다. 

어느 날 머리가 벗겨진 대머리와 그의 친구가 디오게네스가 살고 있는 통나무 주위를 지나가게 되었습니다. 어떤 사람이 통나무 속에 드러누워서 자는 것을 본 대머리는 그의 친구를 쳐다보면서 말했습니다. 

"어떤 거지가 통나무 속에서 잠을 자고 있네."

그 말을 들은 친구는 놀란 표정으로 대머리를 쳐다보면서 말했습니다.

"저 사람은 디오게네스라고 하는 유명한 철학자라네. 비록 거지 행세를 하고 있지만 보통 사람이 아니야."

대머리는 도저히 믿지 못하겠다는 표정을 지었습니다. 

"이런 거지가 철학자라니? 지나가던 개가 웃겠군."

그 대머리는 디오게네스를 비웃으면서 자신이 한 말이 재미있다는 듯이 더욱 크게 웃었습니다.

디오게네스는 대머리의 행동을 보자 조금 화가 났습니다. 그래서 디오게네스는 대머리를 향해  말했습니다.

"당신은 나를 모욕할 권리가 없는 것 같은데, 안 그렇소? 나는 당신의 그 빈약한 머리를 떠나버린 당신의 머리카락들에게 대단히 똑똑하다는 칭찬을 해 주고 싶군요."

다른 사람을 함부로 비웃거나 하찮게 생각하는 사람은 그 역시 누군가에게 비웃음을 당할 것이라는 사실을 알아야 합니다. 사람의 인격은 외모를 통해 판단하는 것이 아닙니다. 디오게네스는 지혜로운 사람이기는 했지만 너그러운 사람은 아니었습니다. 

디오게네스가 뛰어난 철학자라고 할 수 이는 이유는 무엇일까요? 디오게네스가 대머리에게 한 말을 통해서 그 이유를 찾아보세요.

대머리는 어떤 기준에서 사람을 평가하고 있나요? 또 그 평가가 잘못된 이유는 무엇일까요?

그리스의 위대한 철학자 디오게네스에 대해 조사 해보세요.


In ancient Greece, a philosopher named Diogenes lived there. Diogenes was not interested in things that people generally desired. His home was a wooden barrel.

Diogenes had little interest in eating good food or wearing good clothes, so he lived like a beggar. However, people respected him because they knew he was wise.

One day, a bald man and his friend passed by the barrel where Diogenes lived. Seeing someone lying inside the barrel, the bald man looked at his friend and said,

“A beggar is sleeping in the barrel.”

Hearing this, his friend looked at the bald man with a surprised expression and said,

“That person is a famous philosopher named Diogenes. Although he acts like a beggar, he is not ordinary.”

The bald man looked incredulous.

“A beggar as a philosopher? Even a passing dog would laugh.”

The bald man laughed even louder, thinking his words were funny.

Diogenes, seeing the bald man’s behaviour, became a little angry. So Diogenes said to the bald man,

“I don’t think you have the right to insult me, do you? I praise your hair for being smart enough to leave your poor head.”

People should know that someone will also mock those who mock or belittle others. Their appearance does not judge a person’s character. Diogenes was a wise man, but he was not a generous person.

Why can Diogenes be considered an outstanding philosopher? The words Diogenes said to the bald man explain the reason.

On what basis does the bald man evaluate people? And why is that evaluation wrong?

Investigate the great Greek philosopher Diogenes.


In Adventure Bay, there lived a wise pup named Rocky. Rocky had no interest in things that other pups generally desired. His home was a recycled barrel.

Rocky had little interest in eating fancy treats or wearing stylish collars, so he lived. However, the other pups respected him because they knew he was wise.

One day, Mayor Humdinger and his friend passed by the barrel where Rocky lived. Seeing someone lying inside the barrel, Mayor Humdinger looked at his friend and said,

“A stray pup is sleeping in the barrel.”

Hearing this, his friend looked at Mayor Humdinger with a surprised expression and said,

“That pup is Rocky, a famous member of the Paw Patrol. Although he lives, he is not an ordinary pup.”

Mayor Humdinger looked incredulous.

“A stray pup as a hero? Even a passing cat would laugh.”

Mayor Humdinger laughed even louder, thinking his words were funny.

Rocky, seeing Mayor Humdinger’s behaviour, became a little angry. So Rocky said to Mayor Humdinger,

“I don’t think you have the right to insult me, do you? I praise your hat for being smart enough to stay on your head.”

People should know that someone will also mock those who mock or belittle others. Their appearance does not judge a pup’s character. Rocky was a wise pup, but he was not a generous one.

Why can Rocky be considered an outstanding member of the Paw Patrol? The words Rocky said to Mayor Humdinger explain the reason.

On what basis does Mayor Humdinger evaluate pups? And why is that evaluation wrong?

Investigate the great Paw Patrol member Rocky.

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