황소와 굴대

2024. 7. 30. 09:55Self Heal


어느 작은 마릉에 농부가 살고 있었습니다. 그 농부는 소, 돼지, 양, 말, 개, 닭을 비롯한 여러 종류의 가축들을 키웠습니다. 

그 농부의 가축 중에서 가장 많은 일을 하는 것은 황소였습니다. 황소는 밭을 가는 일은 물론이고, 무거운 짐을 운반하는 일까지 하고 있었습니다. 그래서 농부는 항상 황소를 가장 소중하게 생각했습니다.

농부는 일을 나갈 때마다 황소의 등을 쓰다듬으면서 이렇게 말했습니다.

"너는 우리 집에서 가장 소중한 동물이란다."

농부의 칭찬을 들으면 황소는 무척 기분이 좋았습니다. 그러던 어느 날 황소는 수레에 곡식을 가득 싣고 읍내로 나가게 되었습니다. 농부는 천천히 수레를 몰았습니다.

황소는 열심히 수레를 끌었습니다. 그런데 어디에서 자꾸만 이상한 소리가 들렸습니다.

"삐그덕, 삐그덕...."

황소는 그 소리가 귀에 몹시 거슬려습니다. 황소는 얼마 동안 참고 계속 걸었지만 그 소리는 멈출 줄을 몰랐습니다. 

"덜커덕, 덜커덕, 삐그덕, 삐그덕...."

수레를 끌고 가던 황소는 그 소리가 어디에서 나는지 알아 보려고 뒤를 돌아보았습니다. 그 소리는 수레바퀴의 굴대에서 나는 소리였습니다.

황소는 굴대를 돌아보면서 이렇게 말했습니다.

"이봐! 무거운 짐을 끌고 가는 것은 바로 난데, 왜 자네가 끙끙거리면서 신음 소리를 내는 거지?"


무거운 짐을 운반하는 것은 황소였지만, 요란한 소리를 낸 것은 굴대였습니다. 정작 힘든 일을 하는 황소는 묵묵히 끌고 가는데, 굴대는 뒤따라 오면서 신음 소리를 내었습니다. 


1. 황소는 언제나 아무런 불평도 없이 자기 일을 묵묵히 하고 있습니다. 하지만 묵묵히 자기 일을 한다고 해서 황소가 힘들지 않았던 거일까요?

2. 황소는 무엇 때문에 굴대를 향해 그런 말을 했을까요?

3. 주인은 왜 황소의 등을 쓰다듬으면서 칭찬했을까요?


A farmer lived in a small village and raised various livestock, including cows, pigs, sheep, horses, dogs, and chickens.

Among the farmer’s livestock, the one that did the most work was the ox. The ox was responsible for plowing the fields and carrying heavy loads. Therefore, the farmer always thought of the ox as the most precious.

Every time the farmer went to work, he would pat the ox’s back and say,

“You are the most precious animal in our house.”

The ox felt very good when it heard the farmer’s praise. Then, one day, the ox had to go to town with a cart full of grain. The farmer drove the cart slowly.

The ox pulled the cart diligently. But there was a strange noise that kept coming from somewhere.

“Squeak, squeak…”

The ox was very annoyed by the noise. The ox endured for a while and kept walking, but the noise didn’t stop.

“Creak, creak, squeak, squeak…”

Pulling the cart, the ox looked back to see where the noise was coming from. The noise was coming from the axle of the cartwheel.

The ox looked at the axle and said,

“Hey! I’m pulling the heavy load; why are you groaning?”

The ox carried the heavy load, but the axle made a loud noise. The ox, doing the hard work, pulled silently while the axle followed behind, making a groaning noise.

  1. The ox always does its work silently without any complaints. But just because it works silently, does that mean the ox is not having a hard time?
  2. Why did the ox say that to the axle?
  3. Why did the owner pat the ox’s back and praise it?


In Adventure Bay, Ryder cared for various pups, including Chase, Marshall, Skye, Rubble, Zuma, and Rocky.

Among Ryder’s pups, Rubble did the most work. Rubble was responsible for construction and heavy lifting, so Ryder always thought of Rubble as the most precious.

Every time Ryder went on a mission, he would pat Rubble’s back and say,

“You are the most precious pup in our team.”

Rubble felt very good when he heard Ryder’s praise. Then, one day, Rubble had to go to town with a cart full of supplies. Ryder drove the cart slowly.

Rubble pulled the cart diligently. But there was a strange noise that kept coming from somewhere.

“Squeak, squeak…”

Rubble was very annoyed by the noise. Rubble endured for a while and kept walking, but the noise didn’t stop.

“Creak, creak, squeak, squeak…”

Pulling the cart, Rubble looked back to see where the noise came from. The noise was coming from the axle of the cartwheel.

Rubble looked at the axle and said,

“Hey! I’m pulling the heavy load; why are you groaning?”

Rubble carried the heavy load, but the axle made a loud noise. Rubble, doing the hard work, pulled silently while the axle followed behind, making a groaning noise.

Rubble always does his work silently without any complaints. But just because he works silently, does that mean Rubble is not having a hard time? Why did Rubble say that to the axle? Why did Ryder pat Rubble’s back and praise him?

Let’s discuss these points with your friends!

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