말과 당나귀

2024. 7. 29. 06:21Self Heal


어떤 사람이 말 한 마리와 당나귀 한 마리를 갖고 있었습니다. 그는 이 마을 저 마을을 돌아다니면서 장사를 하기 위해 많은 물건을 싣고 다녔습니다.

어느 날 그 사람은 물건을 싣고 다른 마을로 이동하는 중이었습니다. 그런데 그 마을은 멀리 떨어진 곳에 있었을 뿐만 아니라 등에 진 짐도 평소보다 무거웠습니다.

그는 짐을 절반으로 나눠 말과 당나귀에게 똑같은 양을 실었지요. 말은 덩치고 크고 힘도 세었기 때문에 별로 힘들지 않았지만 당나귀는 몹시 지쳐 있었기 때문에 가만히 서 있는 것도 힘들 지경이었습니다. 

당나귀가 말을 쳐다보면서 애원했습니다.

"나를 좀 생각해서 내 짐을 자네가 조금 더 지고 가는 게 어떻까? 난 지금 너무 지쳐서 걸어갈 수도 없을 정도야. 제발 부탁하네."

그러자 말은 벌컥 화를 내며 말했지요.

"무슨 소리야? 나도 몹시 힘들단 말이야."

말은 당나귀의 부탁을 냉정하게 거절했습니다. 당나귀는 얼마 걸어가지 못하고 그만 쓰러져서 죽고 말았지요.

"이런! 당나귀가 죽어 버렸네. 내가 너무 짐을 많이 실었나? 아마 병이 걸렸었나 보군."

그는 당나귀가 지고 있던 짐을 모두 말에게 옮겨 실었습니다. 그리고 당나귀의 가죽을 벗겨서 말 등에다 얹었습니다. 

결국 말은 처음보다 몇 배나 무거운 짐을 지고 걸어가게 되었습니다. 말은 짐을 모두 싣고는 힘든 걸음을 옮기면서 이렇게 중얼거렸습니다. 

"이렇게 될 줄 알았다면 당나귀의 부탁을 들어 주는 게 좋았을 것을! 그런데 기회를 놓치고 말았구나. 이제 된통 당하게 되었군. 당뉘귀의 짐을 덜어 주기를 싫어하다가 이제 모든 짐을 나 혼자 떠맡게 생겼으니 말이야. 게다가 당나귀의 가죽까지 짊어지고 가다니..."


이 우화는 다른 사람들에게 도움을 주는 것이 결과적으로 나를 돕는일도 된다는 사실을 일깨워주고 있습니다. 눈앞의 이익만을 생각하면서 도움의 손길을 내미는 것을 피하면 나중에는 우리 모두가 함께 불행해질 수도 있습니다. 


1. 말은 어째서 당나귀의 부탁을 냉정하게 거절했던 것일까요?

2. 만약 말이 당나귀의 짐을 조금 더 지고 갔다면 어떻게 되었을까요?

3. 나중에 말이 휘회하게 된 이유는 무엇일까요? 말은 과연 무엇을 잘못 생각했던 것일까요?


코파일럿을 이용해 번역해서 

A person had a horse and a donkey. He carried many goods and travelled from village to village for his business.

One day, he was moving his goods to another village. But the village was far away, and the load on his back was heavier than usual.

He divided the load in half and loaded the same amount on the horse and the donkey. Being oversized and robust, the horse was not too troubled, but the donkey was so exhausted that it was hard to stand still.

The donkey looked at the horse and pleaded.

“Could you consider me and carry a little more of my load? I’m so tired now that I can hardly walk. Please, I beg you.”

Then the horse got angry and said,

“What are you talking about? I’m exhausted, too.”

The horse coldly refused the donkey’s request. The donkey couldn’t walk much and fell and died.

“Oh no! The donkey is dead. Did I load too much? Maybe it was sick.”

He moved all the load that the donkey was carrying to the horse. And he skinned the donkey and put it on the horse’s back.

Ultimately, the horse had to carry a load several times heavier. Having loaded all the luggage, the horse moved with difficulty and muttered like this.

“If I had known this would happen, it would have been better to listen to the donkey’s request! But I missed the opportunity. Now I’m in trouble. I hated to lighten the donkey’s load, and now I have to carry all the load myself. Plus, I’m carrying the donkey’s skin…”

This fable reminds us that helping others ultimately helps us. If we only think about the benefits in front of us and avoid extending a helping hand, we may all be unhappy together.

  1. Why did the horse coldly refuse the donkey’s request?
  2. What would have happened if the horse had carried a little more of the donkey’s load?
  3. What was the reason for the horse’s regret later? What did the horse think wrong?

Grammary를 이용해 잘못된 문장 고친뒤 브류를 활용해 영상 제작한뒤
제 유튭 콘텐츠에 맞게 스토리 변영한뒤 

In Adventure Bay, Farmer Al had a horse named Thunderbolt and a donkey named Clover. He carried many goods and travelled from place to place for his business.

One day, he was moving his goods to another part of Adventure Bay. But the place was far away, and the load on his back was heavier than usual.

He divided the load in half and loaded the same amount on Thunderbolt and Clover. Being oversized and robust, Thunderbolt was not too troubled, but Clover was so exhausted that it was hard to stand still.

Clover looked at Thunderbolt and pleaded.

“Could you consider me and carry a little more of my load? I’m so tired now that I can hardly walk. Please, I beg you.”

Then Thunderbolt got angry and said,

“What are you talking about? I’m exhausted, too.”

Thunderbolt coldly refused Clover’s request. Clover couldn’t walk much, fell, or get up.

“Oh no! Clover can’t move. Did I load too much? Maybe Clover is not well.”

He moved all the load that Clover was carrying to Thunderbolt and called the Paw Patrol for help.

Ultimately, Thunderbolt had to carry a load several times heavier. Having loaded all the luggage, Thunderbolt moved with difficulty and muttered like this.

“If I had known this would happen, it would have been better to listen to Clover’s request! But I missed the opportunity. Now I’m in trouble. I hated to lighten Clover’s load, and now I have to carry all the load myself.”

This story reminds us that helping others ultimately helps us. If we only think about the benefits in front of us and avoid extending a helping hand, we may all be unhappy together.

Why did Thunderbolt coldly refuse Clover’s request? What would have happened if Thunderbolt had carried more of Clover’s load? What was the reason for Thunderbolt’s regret later? What did Thunderbolt think was wrong?

And that’s how the Paw Patrol learned the importance of helping each other and sharing the load.

다시 브류를 활용해 영상제작해서 올리면 됩니다. 



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