One Hundred and Eight Penitential Sentences

2024. 3. 15. 06:26불교 기도


백팔대 참회문


We are always provoked by bad mind and thoughts. And they also live in ignorance, living in ignorance, not feeling wrong. As a result, I think that Buddha preached these 108 penitential texts in order to avoid the karma we will receive and to fulfill the fulfillment of our tens of thousands of wishes. On the other hand, as a way to calm the defilements of repentance, he uses verse 108. The bowing itself means that you will put your head in the lowest place and open your ears with your hands to listen to all the vocies of the world, and you will also uphold the Buddha, so I think that bowing down is a great honor in itself, even if it is not a 108 penitential text. Today, I am writing this article in the hope that I will explain to the extent that I know about this one hundred and eight penitential texts that the Buddha preached 2500 years ago, and that everyon who reads this article will be able to understand the meaning a little more easily. 


Thanks to my parents' and grand parents' benevolence, I was born into a Buddhist family and have lived a life with easy access to the Buddha's scriptures. Approaching to this 108 penitential text, some things come to my heart, but not all? How can I know the great heart of the Buddha. Please read it once, and if you don't want to read it, listen to it and take time to think about it. Buddha said that all human beings have 108 kinds of defilements, and that we must bow at leat 108 times in order to understand, know, and repent of those 108 defilements. I have heard that the fastest way to get rid of one's karma(sin) is to bowand the chanting or sutra is the fastest way to acquire wisdome, knowledge, and the fastest way to attain enlgihtenment is to think or focus where our each breath comes and goes. No matter which bodhisattva you are, there is a method that suits you best, so please check it out and listen to these 108 penitential texts with an open mind. 


우리는 언제나 알개 모르게 나쁜 마음 갖임과 생각에 둘러쌓여 삶을 살고 있습니다. 그리고 또한 무지에 삶을 영위하며 잘못된 삶을 잘못된지도 못 느끼면서 살아갑니다. 그 결과 우리가 받게될 업을 피하고 우리가 갖고있는 수만가지 소원성취를 이루기 위해 이 108 참회문을 부처님께서 설하셨다 생각합니다. 또 다른 한쪽으론 뉘우침 번뇌를 잠재우기 위한 방법으로 도 108절을 합니다. 절이라는 자체가 자기 자신을 가장 낮은 곳에 머리를 다이고 손으로 귀를 더 넢게 열어서 세상 모든 소리를 귀 담아들어 경청하고 부처님 또한 떠 받들겠다는 의미여서 108참회문이 아니더라고 절 하는 자체로도 크나큰 영광을 누리실수 있다 생각합니다. 오늘은 부처님께서 설하신 이 백팔대참회문에 대해서 제가 아는만큼 설명드리고 이글을 읽으시는 모든 분들께서 조금 더 쉽게 의미를 이해 하셨으면 하는 마음에 이 글을 씁니다. 


부모님의 은덕으로 저는 불교의 집안에 태어나 부처님의 경전을 쉽게 접하며 생을 살아왔습니다. 108참회문을 접하며 몇가는 마음에 와 다으면서도 몇 가지는 아닌거 같은 부처님의 크나큰 마음 제가 어찌 알수있겠나이까. 아무쪼록 한번 읽으시고 아니 읽기 싫으시면 들으시고 각자 생각해보는 시간 가져보아요. 인간에게는 누구나 108가지의 번뇌가 존제한다는 군요 그 108번뇌를 깨달고 알고 뉘우치기위해 적어도 108번의 절은 해야한다고 말씀하셨습니다. 자신의 업을 가장빠르게 없엘수 있는게 절이고 독경은 지혜를 가장빠르게 습득할수 있고 참선은 가장 빠르게 깨달음을 얻을수 있는 길이라 들었습니다. 어느 한 보살님이시든 각자 자기에게 딱 맞는 방법이 있으니 확인해볼겸 이 108참회문도 열린 마음으로 들어보세요.

[전체 자막] 2022년 백팔대참회문 - 나를 깨우는 108배 (




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여시등 일체세계 제불세존 상주재세 시제세존 당자념아 약아차생 약아전생 종무시생사이래 소작중죄 약자작 약교타작

견작수희 약탑약승 약사방승물 약자취 약교타취 견취수희 오무간죄 약자작 약교타작 견작수희 십불선도 약자작 

약교타작 견작수희 소작죄장 혹유부장 혹불부장 응타지옥 아귀축생 제여악취 변지하천 변지하천 급멸려차 여시등처

소작죄상 금개참회 (절)

금제불세존 당증지아 당억념아 아부어제불세존전 작여시언 약아차생 약아여생 증행보시 혹수정계 내지시여축생

일단지식 혹수정행 소유선근 급무상지 소유선근 일체합집 교계주량 개실회향 아뇩다라 삼먁삼보리 여과거미래 현재제불 소작회향 아역여시회향 중죄개참회 제복진수희 급청불공덕 원성무상지 거래현재불 어중생최승

무량공덕해 아금귀명례 (절)

소유시방세계중 삼세일체인사자 아이청정신어의 일체변례진무여 보현행원위신력 보현일체여래전 일신부현찰진신 

일일변례찰진불 (절)

어일진중진수불 각처보살중회중 무진법계진역연 심신제불개충만 각이일체음성해 보출무진묘언사 진어미래일체겁 

찬불심심공덕해 (절)

이제최승묘화만 기악도향급산개 여시최승장엄구 아이공양제여래 최승의복최승향 말향소향여등촉 일일개여묘고취

아실공양제여래 아이광대승해심 심신일체삼세불 실이보현행원력 보변공양제여래 (절)

아석소조제악업 개유무시탐진치 종신어의지소생 일체아금개참회 (절) 

시방일체제중생 이승유학급무학 일체여래여보살 소유공덕개수희 (절)

시방소유세간등 최초성취보리자 아금일체개권청 전어무상묘법륜 (절)

제불약욕시열반 아실지성이권청 유원구주찰진겁 이락일체제중생 (절) 소유예찬공양불 청불주세전법륜 수희참회제선근 회향중생급불도 (절)

원장이차승공덕 회향무상진법계 성상불법급승가 이제융통삼매인 여시무량공덕해 아금개실진회향 소유중생신구의 

견혹탄방아법등 여시일체제업장 실개소멸진무여 염념지주어법계 광도중새애불퇴 내지허공세계진 중생급업번뇌진

여시사법광무변 원금회향역여시 나무대행보현보살 (3번)


  • The Buddha taught
    that there are
    one hundred and eight delusions
    of mind.

    Reflecting deeply on the
    essential truth that we self-create
    and amplify our many suffering
    through attachment to deluded

    we bow 108 times
    in repentance, to clear our
    minds of these thoughts.

    May all offences
    accumulated during
    hundreds of kalpas
    now be totally consumed
    in an instant,

    as fire burns dry grass
    extinguishing all things
    until nothing remains.

    Our offenses have no self-nature,
    but arise only from our minds.
    If our minds are extinguished,
    then our offenses too will be destroyed.

    When both our minds and our
    offenses are extinguished,
    and both are seen as empty,
    this is termed the true repentance.

    Hoping that the time spent
    prostrating will offer you
    peace, wisdom and equanimity...

    108 Prostrations of Great
    Repentance by BTN

    We go for guidance to the Holy One,
    the Buddha, who saves all creatures
    from the three painful states;

    We desire that all creatures may
    all together enter into the
    bliss of the uncreated.

    We who will suffer rebirth in the
    three realms, and who are not yet
    freed from our obligations and

    may we cast off these
    obligations and
    enter into the uncreated,

    and by so doing fulfill our
    greatest obligation.

    With sincere devotion,
    I take refuge in Shakyamuni Buddha.

    With sincere devotion,
    I take refuge in the Dharma.

    With sincere devotion,
    I take refuge in the Sangha.

    I prostrate in repentance for being ignorant of where
    I came from and unmindful of where I will go.

    I prostrate in repentance for being ignorant of my true
    self and correct situation, relationship, and function.

    I prostrate in repentance for
    having taken this body for granted.

    I prostrate in repentance for
    having neglected my original nature.

    I prostrate in repentance for having
    taken my ancestors for granted.

    I prostrate in repentance for
    having taken my parents for granted.

    I prostrate in repentance for having
    taken my relatives for granted.

    I prostrate in repentance for being unmindful of all those
    who have contributed to my learning and education.

    I prostrate in repentance for being unmindful of all those
    who have grown, prepared, and provided my nutrition.

    I prostrate in repentance for being unmindful of
    all those who have made and provided my clothing.

    I prostrate in repentance for being unmindful of
    all those who have built and provided my shelter.

    I prostrate in repentance for manipulating
    people for my own selfish needs.

    I prostrate in repentance for having ignored
    the effects of my misdeeds on others.

    I prostrate in repentance with complete devotion to eradicate
    Karma accumulated in the past, present, and the future.

    I prostrate in repentance to all those
    whom I have harmed through fits of anger.

    I prostrate in repentance to all those
    whom I have stung with hurtful words.

    I prostrate in repentance to all those
    whom I have harmed through arrogance.

    I prostrate in repentance to all those
    whom I have harmed through avarice.

    I prostrate in repentance to all those whom
    I have harmed through my jealous thoughts.

    I prostrate in repentance to all those whom
    I have scorched with the flames of my rage.

    I prostrate in repentance to all those whom
    I have harmed through attachment to my possessions.

    I prostrate in repentance to all those whom I have
    harmed through attachment to like-and-dislike mind.

    I prostrate in repentance to all those whom
    I have alienated through thought, word, and deed.

    I prostrate in repentance to all those whom
    I harmed through gossip, slander, and bad speech.

    I prostrate in repentance to all
    those whom I have looked down upon.

    I prostrate in repentance for my
    cowardly thoughts, words, and deeds.

    I prostrate in repentance for all
    my hypocritical deeds and lies.

    I prostrate in repentance for poisoning other beings
    through my mindless materialistic overconsumption.

    I prostrate in repentance to all sentient beings that
    I have harmed or killed for entertainment and pleasure.

    I prostrate in repentance for conceiving of
    this world only through the lens of my ego.

    I prostrate in repentance to all those I
    have harmed through attachment to my thinking.

    I prostrate in repentance to all those I have
    harmed through foolish or unnecessary speech.

    I prostrate in repentance to all those whom I have injured
    by engaging in relationships based on using each other.

    I prostrate in repentance for all thoughts,
    words, and deeds which create attachment.

    I prostrate in repentance for having
    thought that only what I saw was correct.

    I prostrate in repentance for having
    thought that only what I heard was correct.

    I prostrate in repentance for having thought
    that only what I smelled was correct.

    I prostrate in repentance for having thought
    that only what I tasted was correct.

    I prostrate in repentance for having
    thought that only what I felt was correct.

    I prostrate in repentance for
    every action born from I-my-me mind.

    I prostrate in repentance for not seeing clearly
    my true interconnectedness to all forms of life.

    I prostrate in repentance for having
    disregarded our only home, Earth.

    I prostrate in repentance for
    selfishly polluting the air.

    I prostrate in repentance for selfishly
    polluting the rivers and lakes.

    I prostrate in repentance for selfishly
    polluting the mountains and the oceans.

    I prostrate in repentance for selfishly
    destroying the flowers and trees.

    I prostrate in repentance for a lifestyle
    built on the suffering of other forms of life.

    I prostrate in repentance for discriminating
    between the rich and poor in my choice of relations.

    I prostrate in repentance for discriminating
    between high and low, the superior and the inferior.

    I prostrate in repentance for
    discriminating between "good" and "bad."

    I prostrate in repentance for seeing this
    world based on absolute "right" or "wrong."

    I prostrate in repentance for my lack
    of compassion for the sick or grieving.

    I prostrate in repentance for my lack of
    compassion for those suffering from depression.

    I prostrate in repentance for my lack
    of compassion for the poor and needy.

    I prostrate in repentance for my lack of compassion
    for those who are stubborn or hard to work with.

    I prostrate in repentance for my lack of compassion
    for the lonely, and those trapped by addiction.

    I prostrate in repentance for my lack of
    compassion for those in trouble with the law.

    I prostrate in gratitude for having
    come to take refuge in the Buddha.

    I prostrate in gratitude for having
    come to take refuge in the Dharma.

    I prostrate in gratitude for having
    come to take refuge in the Sangha.

    I prostrate in gratitude for coming to realize
    that all beings are interconnected as one.

    I prostrate in gratitude for coming to realize that all
    beings can communicate and sympathize with one another.

    I prostrate in gratitude for coming to realize that
    all beings live in accordance with the Universal Law.

    I prostrate in gratitude for coming to realize
    that all beings have the same True Nature.

    I prostrate in gratitude for coming
    to see the beauty of this world.

    I prostrate in gratitude for coming
    to know the wonders of all life forms.

    I prostrate in gratitude for coming to hear
    the pure beauty of the birds singing.

    I prostrate in gratitude for coming
    to know the spiritual sound of the wind.

    I prostrate in gratitude for coming
    to hear the bubbling music of the streams.

    I prostrate in gratitude for coming
    to feel the energy of new life in Spring.

    I prostrate in gratitude for coming
    to see the beauty of a shimmering rainbow.

    I prostrate in gratitude for coming to see that true
    peace of mind comes from being in harmony with nature.

    I prostrate in gratitude for coming
    to see that nature is Universal Law.

    I prostrate in gratitude for coming
    to see that nature is our Great Teacher.

    I prostrate in gratitude for coming to see
    that compassion is the greatest blessing of all.

    I prostrate in gratitude for coming to see that a heart filled
    with hatred and resentment is the greatest misfortune of all.

    I prostrate in gratitude for coming to see
    that selfless love is the greatest power of all.

    I prostrate as a vow to live in
    the embrace of the Buddha.

    I prostrate as a vow to live in
    accordance with the Dharma.

    I prostrate as a vow to follow
    the teachings of the Sangha.

    I prostrate as a vow
    to refrain from greed.

    I prostrate as a vow
    to refrain from anger.

    I prostrate as a vow to
    refrain from arrogance.

    I prostrate as a vow
    to refrain from jealousy.

    I prostrate as a vow to refrain
    from saying hurtful things.

    I prostrate as a vow to
    refrain from hypocritical speech.

    I prostrate as a vow to
    refrain from slandering.

    I prostrate as a vow to
    refrain from looking down on others.

    I prostrate as a vow
    to refrain from resenting others.

    I prostrate as a vow to be
    humble in all that I do.

    I prostrate as a vow to do
    my best in all my endeavors.

    I prostrate as a vow to be
    honest in everything I do.

    I prostrate as a vow to be
    positive in everything I do.

    I prostrate as a vow to live
    with a compassionate heart.

    I prostrate as a vow to always
    have a bright and happy heart.

    I prostrate as a prayer so
    that all beings may live in peace.

    I prostrate as a prayer
    for an end to all wars.

    I prostrate as a prayer
    for an end to poverty.

    I prostrate as a prayer
    for an end to all diseases.

    I prostrate as a vow to always practice
    the disciplines of the Bodhisattva.

    I prostrate as a vow to
    cultivate transcendental wisdom.

    I prostrate as a vow
    to never regress in practice.

    I prostrate as a vow
    to meet eminent teachers.

    I prostrate as a vow to meet the Buddhas who
    always appear in this world, from moment to moment.

    I prostrate as a vow to transfer all merits accumulated through
    compassionate action to all beings in the ten directions.

    Great Compassionate One,
    Thus, I repent and vow from moment to moment.

    Embrace me with your compassion and plant
    the seed of enlightenment in my mind,

    so that my true nature may be manifested
    brightly in this moment.

    May my sincere vows be heard as I pray
    before all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas,

    and all the eminent teachers of the past,
    present and future in all the ten directions.

    I take refuge in Shakyamuni Buddha.

    I take refuge in Shakyamuni Buddha.

    I take refuge in my Root Teacher,
    Shakyamuni Buddha.
  • I wish you all the best for your journey to the Enlightenment.

[전체 자막] 2022년 백팔대참회문 - 나를 깨우는 108배 (


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