Wealthy people's choice
2025. 1. 2. 12:50ㆍSelf Heal
It might sound harsh, but the world consists of people who want to see you fail. If you let their negative comments shake you and give up, you’re just proving their predictions correct. In 2025, you will succeed because you want it bad enough. Hey, this is James from Canada. A new year has begun! As you wrap up the past year, many of you might have wondered if life is always this uncertain and precarious. But here we are in 2025! No matter how unstable and unpredictable life gets, you still have the strength to rise. It’s time to leave the past behind and declare a fresh start. You need to let go of the anxiety and fear you’ve been holding onto and commit to living the life you desire. So today, I want to share some insights from Wallace Wattles’ book on the secrets of wealthy people, mixing in my thoughts and discussing some key points with you. All of this while dealing with the reality of not having money.
Living an entirely successful life is almost impossible. If you’re struggling financially, you won’t even get the chance to tap into your full potential, let alone make the most of your talents and spirit. To awaken your soul and develop your skills, you need material resources. But to secure those resources, you need money. It’s a fact that personal growth and financial stability are deeply connected. Money doesn’t solve everything, but you can’t tackle many issues without it. Everyone has the right to be wealthy. Wealthy people live the lives they want, own what they desire, and feel fulfilled. On the other hand, poor people are stuck just trying to survive, not chasing their dreams. Today’s world is complex, shaped by humanity’s long journey of change and progress. In this environment, even ordinary people need a decent amount of money to live above a certain standard. So, understanding the principles of becoming wealthy is crucial for everyone.
Knowledge is one of the most essential things. The desire to become wealthy comes from a natural aspiration for a richer and more fulfilling life. This desire is a driving force behind human progress and is a valuable attitude that deserves praise. However, when people talk about money or wish to be rich, others often criticize them as greedy. They say things like, "Money isn't everything" or "You can't buy happiness," as if wanting money itself is wrong. Don’t ever be ashamed to talk about money. Saying, “I don’t really need that much money,” or “I don’t necessarily want to be rich,” is ignoring a fundamental human instinct and is almost like declaring that you’re giving up on your own life. I firmly believe that a life without the need for money doesn’t exist in reality. Take a good look at the world around you; the purpose of life is clear. You exist to grow and develop your body, mind, and spirit. If any one of these three is lacking...
The other two aspects can never be complete either. Life seeks balance, and everything falls apart when that balance is disrupted. Living to take care of your body while ignoring your mind and soul leads to destruction. Likewise, only focusing on your mind while neglecting your body and soul is foolish. Ignoring your body and mind while only caring for your soul also disrupts balance and brings unhappiness. As mentioned earlier, desire isn’t just plain greed; it’s an instinct to unleash inner potential and achieve a fulfilling life. Ignoring this instinct is like giving up on the possibilities that are rightfully yours. Some parents had to sacrifice their children’s education due to poverty. Watching their child’s talents and dreams fade while feeling powerless to help is crushing. They blame themselves every night, but the real issue is simple: they don’t have money. What about families who lose loved ones because they can’t afford medical treatment? They have to let go of someone precious not because of illness but because of poverty. Is there anything more brutal than that? And on top of that, they go their whole lives without the chance to learn.
I’m living with regrets. As a kid, I wanted to learn so much, but we were too poor to afford books. As time passed, I watched friends behind me succeed in life, and deep down, I felt this crushing sense of failure and regret. But the reality is that it’s too late for me now. It’s like watching your dreams, love, and future slip away individually if you don't have money. Can you say money isn’t necessary? Poverty isn’t a virtue; it’s a chain that buries your dreams, limits your possibilities, and even makes it hard to express love fully. Ignoring money is just ignoring reality; ultimately, it’s a way to destroy your life. Right now, people are giving up important things because they’re poor. If you don’t choose the path to becoming wealthy, this could be your story, too. Deciding to make money and become rich is a fundamental responsibility to yourself and your loved ones. You deserve good food, comfortable clothes, and a warm place to stay. Instead of being stressed out from overworking, you need to find a balance.
If you can't enjoy rest and leisure, it's tough to maintain a healthy life. When your body is worn out and drained, it goes beyond feeling tired; it threatens your basic human dignity. The same goes for a mentally rich life. Without the time to read and learn about the world or a companion to share knowledge with, you can fall into mental isolation and lose balance in life. Living without thought isn't worth it. As Socrates said, intellectual activity awakens the mind and enriches life. Filling your life with art and beauty and finding inspiration is the start of abundance. But in reality, what makes all this possible is financial stability. It's true. The fullness of the soul comes from love, but the harsh truth is that poverty is the biggest obstacle to fully expressing that love. Love isn't just an emotion; it needs the action of sharing to be complete. Genuine love is expressed naturally and deeply when we share, but if you have nothing to give...
It's tough for someone who doesn't have anyone—like a partner, parents, or friends—to step up in life. The feeling of being unable to provide even the basics for your loved ones can weigh you down. If people depend on you, being poor isn’t an option; you must make choices for a better life. This isn't just wishful thinking; it’s a responsibility you owe to yourself and the people you care about. So, are you curious about how to get rich? The way to wealth is pretty straightforward and scientific, like math. Clear and consistent laws govern how to accumulate wealth in this world. If you learn and apply these laws, anyone can become wealthy. Money and resources don’t just come from hard work; they result from acting in specific ways. Those who follow this approach—whether they intend to or not—end up rich. Conversely, no matter how hard or talented you are, you'll stay poor if you ignore these laws. The exact causes always lead to the same results; that’s just the law of nature. Many people...
I blame my surroundings. My area isn’t as nice as others, and my job doesn’t usually pay well, so I find it easy to come up with excuses. But if the environment were the issue, everyone doing the same job in the same area would be rich or poor. The reality is different. Some people get rich in the same place and industry, while others fail. This shows that getting rich isn't about the environment; it’s about whether you act in certain ways. Ultimately, becoming wealthy depends on your choices, not your circumstances. When you study wealthy people, they aren’t that different from the average person. They don’t usually have extraordinary talents or skills. Smart and savvy people, ordinary folks and sometimes even clueless people can become rich. Healthy people and those who are sick can both find wealth. What matters isn’t innate talent; it’s about taking specific actions. Some people find this method to be too...
You might think that becoming wealthy is something few people can achieve or that it’s too complicated. But anyone can become wealthy if you have the mindset and understanding to grasp what I’m saying. Many say, "I can't get rich because I lack capital." But even if you're short on funds, if you act in specific ways, you'll start accumulating capital naturally. Capital is just a part of getting rich; it’s not where you start. You might be wondering, "Can I become wealthy?" My answer is a definite yes. But remember, if you don’t take action, my answer means nothing. When you say you want to be rich, you’ve already taken the first step in your mind, but real change only happens when thoughts turn into actions. Two people started businesses in the same neighbourhood with similar circumstances. One expanded and became wealthy, while the other ended up in debt and faced failure. Their lives couldn’t be more different.
What was the divide? The answer is simple: it’s all about the difference in mindset and actions. One person built trust by directly solving customers' problems. They constantly thought about how to improve customers' lives, which led to a loyal customer base. They grew by creating value for themselves. On the other hand, the other person relied solely on price competition. They were fixated on short-term profits and didn’t earn customer trust. Their vision was narrow, and their actions were inefficient. One person observed successful people's behaviours, learned from them, and put those methods into practice, achieving stable success by following proven principles. Meanwhile, the other person refused to learn anything new and rejected change and growth, ultimately getting stuck in their bubble and failing. Becoming wealthy isn't about your environment, talent, or initial capital. It’s all about how you act; that makes all the difference. The one common trait among wealthy people is learning the correct principles and acting on them. In contrast, people with low incomes...
People tend to blame their situation and make excuses to put things off. Luck comes to those who are prepared. If you don’t take action, luck will pass you by. Tomorrow, you’ll just be stuck in the same spot, repeating the same excuses. There are endless possibilities in front of you. The rules for becoming wealthy aren’t a secret reserved for a select few; they’re open to everyone. The only difference is whether you decide to open that door. No matter what your situation is, that can be your starting point. Dreaming alone isn’t enough. I can’t stress this enough: nothing will change if you don’t take action right now. Make up your mind, learn, and act—that's the only way to become wealthy. The truth is that opportunities are already in front of you. Your choices now will change your destiny. Being poor isn’t a choice, but becoming rich is. When opportunities come, just make the most of them. Making excuses is just deceiving yourself. Thinking, “Will it change if I do my best?” is an irresponsible attitude. That mindset is what holds you back.
Decide your future. Things won't get better if you're coasting along right now. The future won't just show up on its own; honestly, that kind of future doesn’t even exist. Sure, today might seem like any other day, but if you keep that mindset a year or five from now, you’ll find yourself stuck in the same place, full of regrets and excuses. Success doesn’t just come knocking on your door; it’s built from your attitude and actions. Change your attitude if you want to be wealthy and live your dream life. Here’s how you can do it: First, prove your worth where you are. Don’t just do what you’re told and let time slip away. Take action to show your value. The key is responsibility. Thinking, "That’s not my job," or "Why should I have to do this?" is just getting in your way. Whether it’s a small or a big task, if it’s your responsibility, put your name on it and see it through to perfection. And don’t just stop at following orders.
Many people follow instructions well, but finding someone who takes initiative and solves problems is rare. Be that rare person. If you become someone who solves problems and creates value, more significant opportunities and trust will naturally follow. Second, start asking yourself how you can improve. Think about better ways to handle your tasks and elevate your value. It isn't brilliant to expect better results while doing the same thing every day. If you don't look for ways to improve yourself, no one will lift you to greater heights. Ask yourself what you can do better—there's a more efficient way to handle your work. Change starts with questions; only those who ask can find better answers. Third, show leadership in your role. Leadership doesn't come from a title. A true leader inspires people not through authority but through trust and action. It's not just about the position.
You can't call yourself a leader if you don't act like one. Start by behaving like a leader in your current position. Help your teammates, guide the group to improve, tackle problems with a positive attitude, and take responsibility when needed. Next, focus on building small successes. They might seem insignificant sometimes, but who will trust you with something meaningful if you can't handle even the little tasks perfectly? If you do a half-hearted job on small tasks, you won’t earn anyone's trust. It’s important to seize opportunities, but it's even more crucial to deliver on those opportunities flawlessly. Putting your best effort into small tasks shows you’re ready for bigger chances. Yes, the attitude of striving for personal growth in your current job or business environment is the only way to move to the next level. Of course, some people might feel their current job isn't right for them or want to find something better.
You might feel the need to make a change or feel overwhelmed by people and think about quitting your job. But these thoughts are something everyone goes through. What matters is that your choices come from a clear goal and preparation. Instead of just wanting to escape the current struggles, you need to honestly ask yourself if you're truly ready for real change. Have a strong sense of purpose about what you want to do. Firmly believe you can achieve it and keep that belief in your heart. Visualize what you desire clearly; vague goals lead to vague outcomes. No path will take you there if you don’t know where you’re headed. Even if what you’re doing now feels completely different from what you want, use it as a stepping stone. Give your best from where you are, and keep moving forward. Every experience you have is part of the journey towards your goal. More than anything, don’t let negative outside influences cloud your purpose or weaken your belief.
Protect yourself from negativity. Don’t let doubts like “I can’t do it” or “What’s the point?” shake you. It might sound harsh, but the world is full of people who hope you fail. If you let their negative words get to you and give up, you’re just proving them right. True success comes from a steady mindset. Keep your beliefs and goals strong amidst all the negativity. What you believe will ultimately shape your reality. Act like you're already rich if you want to be truly wealthy. All the wealth and abundance you desire already exist in your life. Belief isn’t just wishful thinking; if you feel rich, that confidence shows in your attitude and actions. This attitude changes how you approach the world, making wealth and success naturally follow you. And this wealthy mindset starts with you and spreads to those around you. By becoming rich, you help those around you become abundant too. Hold onto that belief!
Belief isn’t just for you; your success naturally has a positive impact on others, and it works in a way where everyone benefits. But here’s the thing: don’t get cocky or brag about your success. Someone who truly believes in their success never shows off because they already know what they've achieved and have confidence in themselves. You can tell everything you need to know about them just by their attitude and energy. On the flip side, those who are cocky and boastful are often struggling with doubt and anxiety inside. They exaggerate their success and put on a show to hide their insecurities. A truly wealthy person quietly moves the world with their belief and confidence—there’s no need to say a word. Their success shows in their actions and results. When someone brags about being rich, people start to doubt it. If they were wealthy, would they even need to say that? Meanwhile, someone else doesn’t say much but confidently carries themselves.
Spread positive vibes through your actions. When you're with him, you feel a sense of stability and trust and naturally believe he’s successful. Who gets more trust from people? Obviously, it’s the latter. Don’t try to explain your wealth with words. Show your confidence through your actions and attitude. You don’t become rich just by talking; it’s all about your attitude. Your energy and mindset attract a wealthy life. If you want to be rich, think and act like one. That’s the law of wealth. Just because a new year has started doesn’t mean everything changes drastically. Real change doesn’t come from dates or times; it starts with your thoughts and determination. Yes, determination changes everything. No matter what you want or aim for, nothing will change if you don’t make a firm decision. Without that decision, your life will stay the same even as the new year goes by and another year ends. Setting goals without determination means those goals are just wishes. Without determination, those goals are empty words you can easily give up on.
The more determined and strong your resolve is, the more the world turns that determination into a reality. When your commitment leads you, gratitude becomes the most powerful force to make the life you want a reality. Gratitude is truly the key to bringing in the good things. When you have a grateful heart, your mindset becomes more affluent, and that abundance will reflect in your tangible results. It might sound cliché, but gratitude is the catalyst that turns your resolve into action. Starting your day with a sense of gratitude fills it with positive energy, over time, that builds up to create positive changes in your life. There are countless reasons to be thankful for everything you have and for living in the moment; every moment is filled with things to appreciate. Many people overlook the everyday miracles around them and complain. A life without gratitude is a hell filled with endless dissatisfaction. Even if you have a lot of money or have achieved success, if you’re not grateful, all of that can vanish instantly.
"Get together, understand? That's the survival strategy. Right now, try being grateful for what you have. That mindset will lead you to wealth and success and take you to your desired life. Remember today: gratitude is the key to guiding you where you want to go. Thanks for sticking around! Check out the pinned comment below for those looking to grow more each month through intense insights from a book."
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