2024. 8. 2. 11:46ㆍSelf Heal
우주를 다스리는 신이자 모든 신들의 왕 제우스가 결혼 한다는 소식이 세상에 전해졌습니다. 신의 말을 전하는 헤르메스 신은 온 세상을 돌아다니면서 제우스 신의 결혼을 알렸습니다.
제수스 신의 결혼은 사람들뿐만 아니라 숲속에서 살고 있는 동물들에게도 전해졌습니다. 그 소식을 들은 동물들은 제우스 신의 결혼에 대해 커다란 관심을 보였습니다.
"제우스 신이 누구와 결혼하지?"
"헤라 여신과 결혼한다고 했어. 헤라 여신은 아주 아름답고 현명해서 충분히 여왕이 될 자격이 있다는 거야."
"제우스 신의 결혼식이니까 세상의 모든 신들과 동물들이 모이겠군."
"정말 성대한 결혼식이 될 거야. 그런데 그 결혼식에 선물로 무엇을 가져가면 좋을까?"
"우리가 정성스럽게 선물을 마련하면 제우스 신이 기뻐하실 거야."
숲속의 동물들은 결혼식 이야기로 꽃을 피웠습니다. 그들은 모두 제우스 신의 결혼식날 가져갈 선물을 정성스럽게 준비 하면서 결혼식이 다가오기를 기다렸습니다.
드디어 결혼식 날이 되었습니다. 결혼식에 참석한 모든 동물들은 정성스럽게 준비한 선물을 들고 가서 제우스 신에게 바쳤습니다. 부지런한 꿀벌은 여름 동안 열심히 모아 둔 꿀을 선물했습니다.
"제우스 신이여, 지난 여름 동안 열심히 모아 둔 꿀을 조금 가지고 왔습니다. 결혼을 축하드립니다."
제우스 신은 몹시 기뻐하면서 그 꿀을 받았습니다. 카나리아는 고운 목소리로 노래를 선물했습니다.
"제우스 신이여, 저는 제우스 님의 결혼을 축하하는 노래를 열심히 연습했습니다."
모든 동물들은 자신이 정성껏 준비한 선물을 제우스 신에게 바쳤습니다. 뱀도 제우스 신으 결혼식을 축하하기 위해 참석했습니다. 뱀은 나쁜 짓을 많이 해서 숲속의 동물들로부터 따돌림을 당하고 있었습니다.
뱀의 차례가 되자, 뱀은 제우스 신 앞으로 천천히 기어왔습니다. 뱀은 입에 장미 한 송이를 물고 나와서 제우스 신에게 바쳤습니다.
그런데 제우스 신은 뱀의 선물을 받지 않고 이렇게 말하는 것이었습니다.
"나는 모든 동물들로부터 선물을 받았지만, 네 입으로 주는 선물은 절대로 받지 않겠다."
평소에 나쁜 짓을 많이 하는 사람은 어쩌다 착한 일을 해도 좋게 받아들여지지 않습니다. 사람들은 그런 사람을 경계하면서 그들의 호의를 의심하기 때문입니다.
제우스 신은 왜 뱀의 선물을 거절했을까요? 장미꽃이 마음에 들지 않아서 일까요?
이 우화를 하나의 비유로 생각할때, 뱀의 입이란 무엇을 뜻하는 것일까요? 또 뱀의 입에 물린 장미꽃은 어떤 의미를 담고 있을까요?
선물을 주 고 받은 경험에 대해 서로 이야기를 해 보세요.
News spread worldwide that Zeus, the god who rules the universe and the king of all gods, was getting married. Hermes, the messenger of the gods, travelled around the world announcing the marriage of Zeus.
The news of Zeus’s marriage reached people and the animals living in the forest. The animals who heard the news showed great interest in Zeus’s marriage.
“Who is Zeus marrying?”
“He is marrying the goddess Hera. Hera is beautiful, wise, and fully qualified to be a queen.”
“Since it’s Zeus’s wedding, all the gods and animals in the world will gather.”
“It will be a grand wedding. But what should we bring as a gift for the wedding?”
“If we prepare gifts with sincerity, Zeus will be pleased.”
The forest animals blossomed with stories about the wedding. They eagerly prepared gifts to bring to Zeus’s wedding and waited for the day.
Finally, the wedding day arrived. All the animals attending the wedding brought the gifts they had prepared with sincerity and presented them to Zeus. The diligent bee offered honey that it had collected diligently during the summer.
“Zeus, I have brought some honey I collected diligently during the past summer. Congratulations on your marriage.”
Zeus was delighted and accepted the honey. The canary offered a song with its beautiful voice.
“Zeus, I have practiced a song to celebrate your marriage.”
All the animals presented the gifts they had prepared with sincerity to Zeus. The snake also attended the wedding to celebrate Zeus’s marriage. The snake had done many bad things and was ostracized by the animals in the forest.
The snake slowly slithered up to Zeus when it was the snake’s turn. The snake held a rose in its mouth and presented it to Zeus.
However, Zeus did not accept the snake’s gift and said:
“I have received gifts from all the animals, but I will never accept a gift given by your mouth.”
People who usually do bad things are not readily accepted even when they do good deeds. People are wary of such individuals and doubt their goodwill.
Why did Zeus refuse the snake’s gift? Was it because he didn’t like the rose?
What does the snake's mouth represent when considering this fable as a metaphor? And what meaning does the rose held in the snake’s mouth carry?
Share your experiences of giving and receiving gifts with each other.
News spread across Adventure Bay that Ryder, the leader of the Paw Patrol, was getting married. Skye, the flying pup, flew around the town announcing Ryder’s marriage.
The news of Ryder’s marriage reached the people and animals in the forest. The animals who heard the news showed great interest in Ryder’s marriage.
“Who is Ryder marrying?”
“He is marrying Katie, the pet groomer. Katie is kind and caring and fully qualified to be a queen.”
“Since it’s Ryder’s wedding, all the pups and animals in the world will gather.”
“It will be a grand wedding. But what should we bring as a gift for the wedding?”
“If we prepare gifts with sincerity, Ryder will be pleased.”
The forest animals blossomed with stories about the wedding. They eagerly prepared gifts to bring to Ryder’s wedding and waited for the day.
Finally, the wedding day arrived. All the animals attending the wedding brought the gifts they had prepared with sincerity and presented them to Ryder. The diligent bee offered honey that it had collected diligently during the summer.
“Ryder, I have brought some honey I collected diligently during the past summer. Congratulations on your marriage.”
Ryder was delighted and accepted the honey. The canary offered a song with its beautiful voice.
“Ryder, I have practiced a song to celebrate your marriage.”
All the animals presented the gifts they had prepared with sincerity to Ryder. The snake also attended the wedding to celebrate Ryder’s marriage. The snake had done many bad things and was ostracized by the animals in the forest.
When the snake turned, it slowly slithered up to Ryder. The snake held a rose in its mouth and presented it to Ryder.
However, Ryder did not accept the snake’s gift and said:
“I have received gifts from all the animals, but I will never accept a gift given by your mouth.”
People who usually do bad things are not readily accepted even when they do good deeds. People are wary of such individuals and doubt their goodwill.
Why did Ryder refuse the snake’s gift? Was it because he didn’t like the rose?
What does the snake's mouth represent when considering this fable as a metaphor? And what meaning does the rose held in the snake’s mouth carry?
Share your experiences of giving and receiving gifts with each other.