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2024. 8. 1. 04:40Self Heal


개 한 마리가 우연히 고기 한 덩어리를 주웠습니다. 개는 커다란 고긱를 얻게 되자 몹시 기분이 좋았습니다. 개는 고깃덩어리를 물고 신이 나서 달려갔습니다.

"집으로 돌아가서 혼자 맛있게 고기를 뜯어 먹어야지."

개는 이런 생각을 하면서 서둘러 집으로 돌아갔습니다. 그러다가 다리를 건너가게 되었습니다.

다리를 건너던 개는 문득 강물이 흐르는 다리 밑을 내려다보게 되었습니다. 그런데 다리 밑에는 자기보다 더 큰 고깃덩어리를 물고 있는 개가 있었습니다. 그것이 자신의 모습인지도 인지하지 못한 개는 고깃덩어리를 빼앗으려고 큰 소리로 위협하면서 사납게 짖었습니다.


다리 위의 개가 큰 소리로 짖기 위해 입을 크게 벌리는 바람에 물고 있던 고깃덩어리가 그만 강물 속으로 떨어지고 말았습니다. 다리 위의 개는 깜짝 놀라서 강물을 바라보았습니다. 강물에 비친 개의 입에서도 고깃덩어리가 사라져 버리고 없었습니다. 

결국 다리 위의 개는 욕심을 부려 고깃덩어리를 빼앗으려고 하다가 물고 있던 고깃덩러조차 잃어버리고 말았습니다.

어리석은 개는 강물에 비친 자기의 모습을 보고 고깃덩어리를 빼앗으려고 하다가 그만 입에 물고 있던 것까지 잃어버리게 되었습니다. 분수에 맞지 않게 지나칠 정도로 욕심을 부리다가는 모든 것을 잃어버리게 됩니다.

개는 왜 입에 물고 있던 고깃 덩어리조차 잃어버리게 되었을까요?

강물에 비친 개는 사실 누구의 그림자였나요?

강물에 비친 개의 고깃덩어리가 정말로 개의 입에 물린 것보다 더 컸을까요? 만약 그렇지 않다면 왜 개는 그렇게 생각했을까요?

A dog happened to find a piece of meat. The dog was very happy to get a big piece of meat, and it ran excitedly with the meat in its mouth.

“I should go home and eat this delicious meat alone.”

Thinking this, the dog hurried back home. Then, it came to a bridge.

While crossing the bridge, the dog looked down at the river below. Under the bridge, there was a dog with a piece of meat more significant than its own. Not realizing it was its reflection, the dog tried to take the beef by threateningly barking loudly.

“Woof! Woof!”

As the dog on the bridge opened its mouth wide to bark loudly, the piece of meat it was holding fell into the river. The dog on the bridge was startled and looked at the river. The piece of meat in the mouth of the dog reflected in the water had also disappeared.

In the end, the dog on the bridge, greedy and trying to take the piece of meat, lost even its holding piece.

The foolish dog, seeing its reflection in the water and trying to take the piece of meat, ended up losing even what it had in its mouth. If you are overly greedy beyond your means, you will lose everything.

Why did the dog lose the piece of meat it was holding?

Whose reflection was the dog seeing in the water?

Was the piece of meat in the reflection bigger than the one the dog held? If not, why did the dog think so?


One day, Chase, the brave police pup, found a delicious piece of meat. He was delighted to get such a big piece of meat and ran excitedly with it in his mouth.

“I should go back to the Lookout and enjoy this tasty treat alone,” Chase thought.

As he hurried back to the Lookout, he came to a bridge. While crossing the bridge, Chase looked down at the river below. To his surprise, he saw another pup with a piece of meat more significant than his own. Not realizing it was his reflection, Chase tried to take the beef by barking loudly.

“Ruff! Ruff!”

As Chase opened his mouth wide to bark, the piece of meat he was holding fell into the river. Startled, Chase looked down at the water. The piece of meat in the pup's mouth reflected in the water had also disappeared.

In the end, Chase, greedy and trying to take the piece of meat, lost even the piece he held.

Seeing his reflection in the water and trying to take the piece of meat, the foolish pup lost even what he had in his mouth. If you are overly greedy beyond your means, you will lose everything.

Why did Chase lose the piece of meat he was holding?

Whose reflection did Chase see in the water?

Was the piece of meat in the reflection bigger than the one Chase was holding? If not, why did Chase think so?

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