2024. 7. 30. 07:50ㆍSelf Heal
그리스의 올림포스 산에는 많은 신들이 살고 있습니다. 신들의 왕 제우스는 황소를 만들었습니다. 프로메테우스는 사람을 만들었으며, 아테네 여신은 집을 만들었습니다.
그들은 저마다 자신들이 만든 창조물을 보고는 만족스러운 표정을 지으면서 다른 신들의 생각은 어떤지 알아보려고 했습니다.
그들은 밤의 아들이자 불평의 신 모모스를 초대해서 자신들이 만든 솜씨를 판정하도록 했습니다.
제우스가 창조물들을 가리키면서 모모스를 초대해서 자신들이 만든 솜씨를 판정하도록 했습니다.
제우스가 창조물들을 가리키면서 모모스를 초대해서 자신 들이 만든 솜씨를 판정하도록 했습니다.
제우스가 창조물들을 가리키면서 모모스에게 말했습니다.
"모모스여, 우리의 창조물이 어떤지 말해 주게나!"
모모스는 창조의 힘을 갖고 있지 않았습니다. 그러므로 차조물들을 보자 그것을 제대로 판단할 생각보다는 창조의 힘을 가진 신들을 시기하는 마음만 커졌습니다.
그래서 모모스는 거침 없이 비판을 하기 시작했습니다.
"제우스여, 황소의 뿔에 눈을 달지 않은 것은 큰 실수입니다. 자신의 뿔이 어디를 받는지 볼 수 있어야 하기 때문이지요."
그렇게 말하고 모모스는 프로메테우스가 창조한 사람을 쳐다보면서 말했습니다.
"프로메테우스여, 사람의 마음을 누구든지 볼 수 있도록 몸 밖에 달았어야만 했습니다. 그래야 어떤 사람이 나쁜 마음을 먹는지 알 수 있지 않겠습니까?"
모모스는 다시 아테네가 만든 집에 대해 말했습니다.
"사람들이 살다보면 항상 좋은 사람만 만나란 법은 없지요. 사이 좋게 지내다가도 심하게 다투고는 서로 등을 돌리기도 하는 것이 사람이랍니다. 그렇게 마음에 들지 않는 이 옷이 있을 경우를 대비해 집에 바퀴를 달았어야만 했습니다. 이웃 사람이 마음에 들지 않으면 쉽게 이사를 할 수 있도록 말입니다."
말을 마친 모모스는 자신의 시기심을 감추려고, 멋진 판정을 내린 것처럼 거드름을 피웠습니다.
그 말을 모두 듣고 난 제우스는 모모스가 일부러 잘못된 판정을 내린 것을 알았습니다. 모모스의 태도에 화가 나나 제우스는 눈을 무섭게 부릅뜨고 올림포스 산 전체가 울릴 만큼 큰 소리로 모모스에게 말했습니다.
"모모스야, 너는 잘못된 판정을 내리고 있구나. 네 마음이 바다와 같이 넓다면 너는 좀더 올바른 판정을 내렸을 것이다. 너는 사물을 바르게 볼 수 있는 능력뿐만 아니라 다른 좋은 능력을 지니고 있음에도 불구하고 네 좁은 마음 때문에 일을 그르치는구나. 너는 이 올림포스 산을 영원히 떠나거라."
다른 사람을 평가할 때에는 공정한 기준을 가지고 해야 합니다. 자신에게 이익이 된고 가까운 사람이라는 이류로 부당하게 좋은 평가를 내리거나, 나와 관계가 없다는 이유로 나쁘게 평가한다면, 결코 올바른 판단이라고 할 수 없을 것입니다. 누구나 받아들일 수 있는 공정하고 정확한 비판만이 설득력을 지닐 수 있습니다.
1. 황소와 사람과 집에 대한 모모스의 비판에 대해 여러분의 생각을 말해 보세요. 어떤 점에서 그럴 듯하다고 여겨지나요? 또 어떤 점에서 지나친 억지라고 느껴지나요?
2. 모모스의 평가는 왜 신들의 노여움을 사게 되었을까요? 만약 여러분이 누군가의 일에 대해 평가해야만 한다면, 어떻게 해야 올바르 고 설득력이 있는 평가가 될 것인지 생각해 보세요.
3. 여러분도 눈이 달린 황소의 뿔이나 바퀴가 달린 집같이 엉뚱한 생각을 해 본 적이 있나요? 신이 만든 물건이라도 완벽할수는 없습니다. 우리가 흔히 볼 수 있고 당연하게 생각하는 물건들 중에서 하나를 골라 어떤 식으로 다르게 만들 수 있는지 이야기를 해 보아요.
Many gods lived on the Greek Mount Olympus. Zeus, the king of the gods, created the bull. Prometheus created humans, and the goddess Athena built houses.
They looked at their creations satisfactorily and wondered what the other gods thought.
They invited Momus, the god of night and complaint, to judge their craftsmanship.
Zeus pointed to the creations and asked Momus to judge their craftsmanship.
“Momus, tell us what you think of our creations!”
Momus did not have the power of creation. Therefore, when he saw the creations, his heart grew more envious of the gods who had the power of creation rather than thinking about judging them correctly.
So, Momus began to criticize without hesitation.
“Zeus, it’s a big mistake not to put eyes on the bull's horns. It should be able to see where its horns are hitting.”
After saying that, Momus looked at the human created by Prometheus and said,
“Prometheus, you should have put the human heart outside the body so anyone can see it. That way, you can tell when someone has a bad heart.”
Momus then spoke about the house that Athena had built.
“People don’t always meet good people. Even if they get along well, they often fight fiercely and turn their backs on each other. That’s human. If there are people you don’t like, you should have put wheels on the house so you can easily move if you don’t like your neighbours.”
After finishing his words, Momus puffed up his chest, trying to hide his envy as if he had made an excellent judgment.
After hearing all his words, Zeus knew that Momus had deliberately made a wrong judgment. Although angry at Momus’s attitude, Zeus glared at him and said in a loud voice that echoed throughout Mount Olympus.
“Momus, you are making a wrong judgment. If your heart were as wide as the sea, you would have made a more correct judgment. Despite having the ability to see things correctly and other good abilities, you are messing up because of your narrow heart. Leave this Mount Olympus forever.”
When evaluating others, you should do so with a fair standard. If you unfairly give a good evaluation because the person is close to you and benefits you, or if you evaluate poorly because the person has nothing to do with you, it can never be a correct judgment. Only fair and accurate criticism that anyone can accept can have persuasive power.
- What do you think about Momus’s criticism of the bull, human, and house? In what ways does it seem plausible? And in what ways does it feel like an excessive stretch?
- Why did Momus’s evaluation anger the gods? If you have to evaluate someone’s work, how should you do it to make it correct and persuasive?
- Have you ever had an absurd idea like a bull’s horn with eyes or a house with wheels? Even if it’s a god-made object, it can’t be perfect. Let’s talk about how you can make one of the things we commonly see and take for granted differently.
Many pups lived in Adventure Bay. Ryder, the leader of the Paw Patrol, created a new vehicle. Rubble built a new doghouse, and Skye designed a new flying gear.
They looked at their creations satisfactorily and wondered what the other pups thought.
They invited Mayor Humdinger, known for his complaints, to judge their craftsmanship.
Ryder pointed to the creations and asked Mayor Humdinger to judge their craftsmanship.
“Mayor Humdinger, tell us what you think of our creations!”
Mayor Humdinger did not have the power of creation. Therefore, when he saw the creations, his heart grew more envious of the pups with the power of creation rather than thinking about judging them correctly.
So, Mayor Humdinger began to criticize without hesitation.
"Ryder, it’s a big mistake not to put headlights on the vehicle’s horns. It should be able to see where its horns are hitting.”
After saying that, Mayor Humdinger looked at the doghouse created by Rubble and said,
“Rubble, you should have put the doghouse’s heart outside the body so anyone can see it. That way, you can tell when someone has a bad heart.”
Mayor Humdinger then spoke about the flying gear that Skye had built.
“Pups don’t always meet good people. Even if they get along well, they often fight fiercely and turn their backs on each other. That’s pups. If there are people you don’t like, you should have put wheels on the flying gear so you can easily move if you don’t like your neighbours.”
After finishing his words, Mayor Humdinger puffed up his chest, trying to hide his envy as if he had made an excellent judgment.
After hearing all his words, Ryder knew that Mayor Humdinger had deliberately made a wrong judgment. Although angry at Mayor Humdinger’s attitude, Ryder glared at him and said in a loud voice that echoed throughout Adventure Bay.
“Mayor Humdinger, you are making a wrong judgment. If your heart were as wide as the sea, you would have made a more correct judgment. Despite having the ability to see things correctly and other good abilities, you are messing up because of your narrow heart. Leave this Adventure Bay forever.”
When evaluating others, you should do so with a fair standard. If you unfairly give a good evaluation because the person is close to you and benefits you, or if you evaluate poorly because the person has nothing to do with you, it can never be a correct judgment. Only fair and accurate criticism that anyone can accept can have persuasive power.
What do you think about Mayor Humdinger’s criticism of the vehicle, doghouse, and flying gear? In what ways does it seem plausible? And in what ways does it feel like an excessive stretch? Why did Mayor Humdinger’s evaluation anger the pups? If you have to evaluate someone’s work, how should you do it to make it correct and persuasive? Have you ever had an absurd idea like a vehicle’s horn with headlights or a flying gear with wheels? Even if it’s a Ryder-made object, it can’t be perfect. Let’s talk about how you can make one of the things we commonly see and take for granted differently.