새 잡는 사람과 종달새

2024. 7. 30. 06:44Self Heal


평화로운 숲속에서 많은 새들이 자유롭게 날아다니고 있었습니다. 그런데 어는 날 새 잡는 사람이 숲속으로 가서 나뭇가지 사이에 그물을 설치하기 시작했습니다. 

호기심 많은 종달새 한 마리가 높은 나뭇가지에 앉아서 이 광경을 지켜보았습니다. 새 그물을 한 번도 본 적이 없는 종달새는 그것이 무엇인지 궁금해서 견딜 수가 없었습니다. 

"아저씨, 아저씨. 나무 사이에 걸쳐놓은 게 뭔가요?"

그러자 엉큼한 새 사냥꾼은 빙그레 웃으며 대답했습니다.

"아주 좋은 거란다. 나는 지금 모든 새들이 함께 모여서 살수 있도록 도시를 짓고 있는 거야."

그물을 완성한 새 사냥꾼은 다른 새들이 안심하고 날아올수 있도록 덤불 속에 몸을 숨겼습니다. 

종달새는 사냥꾼이 모습이 보이지 않자, 그물이 설치된 곳으로 날아왔습니다. 

"도시라고? 그렇다면 내가 제일 먼저 가 봐야지. 이 촌스러운 숲속의 다른 새들이 알기 전에 말이야."

사냥군의 말을 굳게 믿었던 종달새는 날아서 내려오다가 그만 그물에 걸리고 말았습니다. 뒤늦게 자신이 속은 것을 안 종달새는 그물에서 빠져나오려고 버둥거렸지만, 그럴수록 그물을 더욱 엉켜 버리기만 했습니다. 종달새는 숨이 막혀서 곧 죽을 지경이었습니다.

멀리거 지켜보고 있던 새 사냥꾼이 서둘러 달려오자, 종달새는 그를 원망하면서 말했습니다.

""거짓말쟁이 아저씨! 이 그물로 도시를 만든다면, 거기에 서는 아무도 살지 못하겠군요."


순진해서 남의 말을 잘 믿는 사람들이 있습니다. 그런 사람들을 가리켜 세상 물정을 모른다고 말합니다. 세상 물정에 너무 어두운 사람은 사기 꾼에게 속기 쉽습니다. 실수를 하지 않으려면 침착하게 행동하고 인내심을 길러야 합니다.


1. 종달새는 왜 스스로 함정에 빠지고 말았을까요?

2. 새 사냥꾼은 그물을 쳐 놓고 종달새에게 도시를 짓고 있는 중이라고 말했습니다. 사냥꾼이 거짓말을 한 이유는 무엇일가요?

3. 호기심이 많은 종달새가 함정에 빠지지 않으려면 어떻게 행동하는 것이 좋았을가요?


Many birds were flying freely in a peaceful forest. But one day, a birdcatcher entered the forest and set up a net between the branches.

A curious robin sat on a high branch and watched this scene. The robin, who had never seen a bird net before, couldn’t stand the curiosity.

“Sir, sir. What is that you’ve hung between the trees?”

Then the cunning bird catcher replied with a big smile.

“It’s an excellent thing. I’m building a city where all the birds can live together.”

After the bird catcher finished the net, he hid in the bushes so other birds could quickly fly in.

Not seeing the hunter, the robin flew to where the net was set up.

“A city? Then I should go first. Before the other rustic forest birds know.”

The robin, who firmly believed the hunter’s words, flew down and got caught in the net. The robin, who realized too late that he had been deceived, struggled to get out of the net, but the more he struggled, the more tangled the net became. The robin was suffocating and was about to die.

When the bird catcher, who had been watching from afar, hurriedly ran over, the robin reproached him.

“You liar! No one can live there if you build a city with this net.”

Some people are naive and tend to believe what others say. Such people are said to be ignorant of the ways of the world. Fraudsters easily deceive people who are too ignorant of the world. To avoid mistakes, you need to act calmly and cultivate patience.

  1. Why did the robin trap itself?
  2. The bird-catcher set up the net and told the robin that he was building a city. Why did the bird catcher lie?
  3. How should the curious robin have acted to avoid the trap?

Let’s discuss these points.


Many birds were flying freely in Adventure Bay. But one day, Mayor Humdinger entered the park and set up a net between the trees.

A curious Chickaletta sat on a high branch and watched this scene. Chickaletta, who had never seen a bird net before, couldn’t stand the curiosity.

“Sir, sir. What is that you’ve hung between the trees?”

Then, the cunning Mayor Humdinger replied with a big smile.

“It’s an excellent thing. I’m building a city where all the birds can live together.”

After Mayor Humdinger finished the net, he hid in the bushes so other birds could quickly fly in.

Not seeing the Mayor, Chickaletta flew to where the net was set up.

“A city? Then I should go first. Before the other birds know.”

Chickaletta, who firmly believed Mayor Humdinger’s words, flew down and got caught in the net. She realized too late that she had been deceived and struggled to get out, but the more she struggled, the more tangled the net became. Chickaletta was suffocating and about to faint.

When Mayor Humdinger, who had been watching from afar, hurriedly ran over, Chickaletta reproached him.

“You liar! No one can live there if you build a city with this net.”

Some people are naive and tend to believe what others say. They are said to be ignorant of the ways of the world. Fraudsters easily deceive people who are too childish. To avoid mistakes, you need to act calmly and cultivate patience.

Why did Chickaletta trap herself? Mayor Humdinger set up the net and told Chickaletta he was building a city. Why did Mayor Humdinger lie? How should the curious Chickaletta have acted to avoid the trap?

Let’s discuss these points with your friends!

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