2024. 11. 9. 08:05ㆍSelf Heal
Your honour, My name is James Lee, and I became a Journeyman carpenter in 2008. I met Jagdish Sunar while actively looking to work as a carpenter in the school district. He was coming out from the Westerman Elementary School, going in and out from his working Van parked in the parking lot. I have approached him and asked him what he was doing. He said he works for the school district as a plumber, and if I am looking for work, he can hire me to do plumbing. He also told me he has worked for the school district for 24 years and never had any problems. I told him I am a red seal carpenter and don't know anything about plumbing, so I am just actively looking for my trade of work. He asked me for my resume to give his upper management for possible carpentry work at the school district. I have been trying so hard to get a carpenter job at the school district, and I know that it's all about either connection or the knowledge of your skills.
Over several phone conversations with him, he slowly became one of the best plumbing contractors I know. I heard of many failing plumbing issues in the news and places where I worked. One simple burst of active water line will easily cost $10,000~200,000. When Sunny, my religious family member, called me for her trouble, indicating that her previous contractor bailed her out on her ongoing renovation project. I rushed to see what was going on; most of the drywall was weirdly cut out, and her plumbing features in copper were showing distortion, aging blue and green coloured. She asked me if I could finish what was left out. To her, it was just a few baseboards, pocket door fixes, transitions on doorways, and paints. To my knowledge, it is best to change the copper to new modern plexi pipes since it's showing signs of aging and all the drywall has been removed. Now was the best time to change the plumbing fixtures. I know nothing about plumbing, so I told her I know a plumber who works for the school. I have been trying so hard to get into work with the school, but they are so strict that I need to know many people or work to work for the school district—clean background, various tickets, etc. On August 29, I called Plumber Jagdish Sunar for a quick check-up; he came on the same day to see if he could do it. I left out their conversation for my carpentry work. Jagdish Sunar later came up with a price of $12,000 to exchange two tubes, two toilets, and two sinks and change the water system, or $9000 to change the house's water system. I figured it would be better to set the sink, tube, and toilets after the flooring, and Sunny wasn't even close to being ready for the work. Also, $3000 for two days of work seemed a little pricy.
They agreed upon $8700 to change the water system in the house. Jadish Sunar came on August 30 with three others, his son and his son's friends, and they said three people currently hold red-seal in plumbing and comforted us on doing the project right from the gecko. Claiming they had finished it all in one day. So Sunny's husband gave him $1000 for material expenses that same day. All I know was they shut off the water in the evening and turned it on when they left the house. Nothing got busted out, and there were no signs of water. I assumed everything was good. A few minor things looked suspicious but weren't enough to hold the payment anyway. On September 3rd, I called him to say that Sunny wired $5000 to my bank for his payment to ask if he needed it now. He said money isn't his concern. Just give it to him in wholesome. I communicated in the same week, and when Sunny gave me $800 for my work and another $2900 for Jag together in cash, I withdrew $4200 from my bank and delivered it to his house. In total, I gave him $8900, as they agreed upon. Oh, irrigation was added for $200.
I called out another plumber for a price to set the tube and an opinion on how the work was done. He asked me if I had done the work for quick cash and called him for the mistakes. I said, "No, it's three red seal plumber's work." My friend pointed out a few things, and I realized that the work had been done without knowledge or carelessness to follow the building code. When sewage gas comes up from the sink or toilet, enough gas might make it blow, or you must consistently live with the sewage smell. And found out that it's illegal to do so. Two of the drains from the sink pipes were backstopped towards the house. The water will now drain, and consistently, it will clog after a while. They drilled a hole throughout the house, not covering up outside or telling the owner. There should be a particular gap between the water pipe and the Furness or electric wires, but most places were touching. Not most places were clipped off. Consistent rattling of the water pipe can make the fitting loose and burst off. The washing machine drain and water system had been put upside down. I phoned Jag and turned my phone to my friend plumber, so they spoke on the phone for a while. Jag said he would fix his mistakes. Jag came on Sep 10, and so did my plumber friend. My friend talked with Jag's crews, told them what to do, and explained how to fix it. That's when I started to question about Jag. Well, they came to correct their mistakes, and one out of four claimed to be unknowledgeable. He might have done all the wrongdoings. At least they came. I thought. After they left, my friend came the next day and started to examine their work in detail, brought out gauges to check each fitting, claimed one was too tight and not clamped enough, etc. And told us that this size of plumbing change needed to be applied for permits; otherwise, it might not be covered by the house insurance when something happened. Plus, when it comes to selling the house, it might lead to a can't sell the house at the right market price.
Your Honour,
My name is James Lee. I have been a Journeyman carpenter since 2008. I met Jagdish Sunar while seeking carpentry work within the school district. Jagdish, who was coming out of Westerman Elementary School, informed me that he worked as a plumber for the school district for over 20 years without any significant issues and offered to hire me for plumbing work. Although I am a red seal carpenter with no plumbing knowledge, he requested my resume for potential carpentry positions within the district.
Over several phone calls, Jagdish established himself as a reputable plumbing contractor or worker. Hearing about various plumbing failures, I approached him when Sunny, a relative, faced issues with a contractor abandoning her renovation project. Upon visiting, I noticed aged, distorted copper plumbing and suggested replacing it with modern plexi pipes since the drywall was already removed.
On August 29, I contacted Jagdish, who agreed to inspect the site. He later quoted $12,000 for replacing two tubes, two toilets, two sinks, and the house's water system, or $9,000 just for the water system. They settled on $8,700 for the water system. On August 30, Jagdish, his son, and two others who claimed to hold red seals in plumbing completed the work in one day. Sunny's husband paid $1,000 upfront for materials. I assumed the job was done well, as the water was turned on without issues.
By September 3, I had facilitated a $5,000 payment to Jagdish, with the remaining $3,700 paid later, totalling $8,900, including $200 for irrigation. However, when I called another plumber to assess the work and set up the tube, it became evident that Jagdish's team had not adhered to building codes. Issues included improper slopes, illegal sewage pipe setups, unprotected drill holes, pipes touching electric wires, and loose fittings. These faults could result in significant problems like clogging, bursts, and even sewage gas accumulation.
After discussing the issues with my plumber friend, who highlighted the legal and safety concerns, I contacted Jagdish. He assured me that he would correct the mistakes. On September 10, Jagdish's crew, guided by my friend, attempted to fix the issues. However, doubts about their expertise arose as one worker admitted a lack of knowledge. After their departure, further examination revealed that the corrections were insufficient, and permits were required for such extensive plumbing work. Failure to secure these permits might impact insurance coverage and future property sales.
This summary is submitted for the court's consideration regarding Jagdish Sunar and his team's professional conduct and the adequacy of services.
Respectfully, James Lee
Your Honour,
My name is James Lee, and I have been a journeyman carpenter since 2008. I met Mr. Jagdish Sunar in 2023 while actively seeking carpentry work within the school district. I encountered Mr. Sunar at Westerman Elementary School, where he was working as a plumber. He informed me that he had been employed by the school district for over 18 years without any issues and offered to hire me for plumbing work despite my background as a red-seal carpenter with no plumbing experience. He requested my resume to potentially assist with securing a carpentry position within the school district.
Over multiple phone conversations, Mr. Sunar established himself as a reputable plumbing contractor. I had heard of various plumbing failures in the news and the workplace. When a family member, Sunny, faced a plumbing issue after her contractor abandoned a renovation project, I contacted him. The existing copper plumbing showed signs of aging, and I suggested replacing it with modern plexi pipes.
On August 29, I contacted Mr. Sunar, who inspected the site and later quoted $12,000 to replace two tubes, two toilets, two sinks, and the water system, or $9,000 for just the water system. They agreed on $8,700 just for the water system. Mr. Sunar, his son, and two others who claimed to hold red seals in plumbing completed the work on August 30. Sunny's husband paid $1,000 upfront for materials. I assumed the job was done correctly as the water was turned on without immediate issues.
On September 3, I facilitated a $5,000 payment to Mr. Sunar, with the remaining $3,700 paid later, totalling $8,900, including an additional $200 for irrigation. However, a subsequent inspection by another plumber revealed numerous issues. The work did not adhere to building codes, with improper slopes, illegal sewage gas setups, unprotected drill holes, pipes touching electric wires, and loose fittings, potentially leading to significant problems.
After discussing these issues with my plumber friend, I contacted Mr. Sunar. He agreed to fix the mistakes. On September 10, Mr. Sunar's crew, guided by my friend, attempted to rectify the issues. However, doubts about their expertise arose when one worker admitted a lack of knowledge. Further inspection revealed that the corrections were insufficient, and permits were required for such extensive plumbing work. Failure to secure these permits could impact insurance coverage and future property sales.
This summary is submitted for the court's consideration regarding Mr. Jagdish Sunar and his team's professional conduct and the adequacy of services.
Respectfully, James Lee
존경하는 재판장님,
제 이름은 제임스 리이며, 2008년부터 여정공 목수로 일해 왔습니다. 2023년에 저는 학교 구역 내에서 목공 일을 적극적으로 구하면서 Mr. Jagdish Sunar를 만났습니다. 그는 웨스터만 초등학교에서 배관공으로 일하고 있었으며, 18년 이상 문제 없이 학교 구역에 고용되었다고 저에게 말했습니다. 그는 저에게 배관 작업을 위해 저를 고용하겠다고 제안했으며, 저는 레드 실 목수로서 배관 경험이 전혀 없었지만, 학교 구역에서 목공 위치를 확보하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있도록 제 이력서를 요청했습니다.
여러 차례의 전화 통화에서 Mr. Sunar는 신뢰할 수 있는 배관 계약자로 자리 잡았습니다. 저는 뉴스와 직장에서 다양한 배관 실패 사례를 들었습니다. 가족 구성원인 Sunny가 리모델링 프로젝트를 포기한 후 배관 문제를 겪게 되었을 때, 저는 Mr. Sunar에게 연락했습니다. 기존의 구리 배관이 노후화 조짐을 보였기 때문에 이를 현대적인 펙스 파이프로 교체하는 것을 제안했습니다.
8월 29일에 Mr. Sunar에게 연락하여 현장을 조사했고, 두 개의 파이프, 두 개의 변기, 두 개의 싱크대 및 물 시스템을 교체하는 데 12,000달러, 또는 물 시스템만 교체하는 데 9,000달러를 견적했습니다. 그들은 물 시스템만 8,700달러에 합의했습니다. Mr. Sunar, 그의 아들, 그리고 레드 실을 소지한 두 명의 다른 사람들이 8월 30일에 작업을 완료했습니다. Sunny의 남편이 자재비로 1,000달러를 선불로 지불했습니다. 물이 즉시 문제가 없이 켜졌기 때문에 작업이 제대로 완료된 줄 알았습니다.
9월 3일에 Mr. Sunar에게 5,000달러를 지불했으며, 나머지 3,700달러는 나중에 지불하여 총 8,900달러를 지불했습니다. 여기에는 관개를 위해 추가로 200달러가 포함되었습니다. 그러나 다른 배관공의 후속 검사는 수많은 문제를 드러냈습니다. 작업은 건축 코드를 준수하지 않았으며, 잘못된 경사, 불법 하수 가스 설치, 보호되지 않은 드릴 홀, 전선에 닿는 파이프, 느슨한 피팅 등으로 인해 심각한 문제가 발생할 가능성이 있었습니다.
이 문제들에 대해 배관공 친구와 논의한 후 Mr. Sunar에게 연락했습니다. 그는 실수를 고치겠다고 동의했습니다. 9월 10일에 Mr. Sunar의 팀은 친구의 지도를 받아 문제를 해결하려고 시도했습니다. 그러나 한 작업자가 지식 부족을 인정했을 때 그들의 전문성에 대한 의구심이 생겼습니다. 추가 검사는 수정이 불충분했으며, 광범위한 배관 작업에는 허가가 필요하다는 것을 드러냈습니다. 이러한 허가를 확보하지 못하면 보험 적용 및 향후 부동산 판매에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.
이 요약서는 Mr. Jagdish Sunar와 그의 팀의 전문적 행동 및 서비스의 적절성에 대한 법원의 검토를 위해 제출되었습니다.
존경을 표하며, 제임스 리
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