가족의 평화 2024. 3. 14. 12:16

This is a Buddhist Song that was widely sung for the propagation of the general public, or it was transformed into a form of the Parents' Sacred Sutra that was passed down in the folkand was sung steadily, and in-sung made teady efforts to expand the base of the song, and since it has been managed as an intagible field of local cultural heritage in 2003, it is highly worthy of being designated and protected as a local heritage. 


세상천지 만물중에 사람밖에 또있는가 여보시요 시주님네 이내말씀 들어보소 이세상에 나온사람 뉘덕으로 나왔는가 석가여래 공덕으로 아버님전 뼈를빌고 어머님전 살을빌며 칠성님전 명을빌고 제석님전 복을빌어 이내일신 탄생하니 한두살에 철을몰라 부모은덕 알을손가 이삼십을 당하여도 부모은공 못다갚아 어이없고 애닳고나 무정세월 여류하야 원수백발 돌아오니 없든망령 절로난다 망령이라 흉을보고 구석구석 웃는모양 애닳고도 서른지고 절통하고 분통하다 할수없다 할수없다 홍안백발 늙어가는 인간에 이공도를 누가능히 막을손가 춘초는 년년록이나 왕손은 귀불귀며 우리인생 늙어지면 다시젊지 못하리라 인간백년 다살아도 병든날과 잠든날과 걱정근심 다제하면 단사십도 못살인생 어제오늘 성튼몸이 전역나서 질병돌아 섬섬약질 가는몸에 태산같이 병이드니 부르나니 어머니요 찾는것이 냉수로다 인삼녹용 약을쓰나 약효험이 있을손가 무녀불러 굿을하나 굿덕인들 있을손가 재미쌀을 쓸고쓸어 명산대천 찾아가서 상탕에 메를짓고 중탕에 목욕하고 하탕에 수족씻고 촛대한쌍 벌려놓고 향로향합 불갖추고 소지한장 든연후에 비나이다 비나이다 부처님전 비나이다 칠성님전 발원하고 신장님전 공양한들 어느성현 알음있어 감응이나 할까보냐 제일전에 진광대왕 제이전에 초강대왕 제삼전에 송제대왕 제사전에 오관대왕 제오전에 염라대왕 제육전에 변성대왕 제칠전에 태산대왕 제팔전에 평등대왕 제구전에 도시대왕 제십전에 전륜대왕 열시왕의 부린사자 일직사자 월직사자 열시왕의 명을받아 한손에 철봉들고 또한손에 창검들며 쇠사슬을 빗겨차고 활등같이 굽은길로 살대같이 달려와서 닫은문을 박차면서 뇌성같이 소리하고 성명삼자 불러내어 어서가자 바삐가자 뉘분부라 거역하며 뉘영이라 지체할까 실날같이 이내목에 팔뚝같은 쇠사슬로 결박하야 끌어내니 혼비백산 나죽겠네 여보시오 사자님네 노자라도 갖고가게 만단계유 애걸한들 어느사자 들을손가 애고답답 서른지고 이를어이 하잔말가 불쌍하다 이내일신 인간하직 망극하다 명사십리 해당화야 꽃진다고 서러마라 명년삼월 봄이오면 너는다시 피련만은 우리인생 한번가면 다시오기 어려워라 북망산 돌아가제 이찌갈고 심산험로 한정없는 길이로다 언제다시 돌아오랴 이세상을 하직하니 불쌍하고 가련하다 처자의 손을잡고 만단설화 다못하여 정신차려 살펴보니 약탕관을 벌려놓고 지성구호 극진한들 죽을목숨 살릴손가 옛늙은이 말들으니 저승길이 멀다더니 오늘내게 당하여선 대문밖이 저승이라 친구벗이 많다한들 어느누가 동행할까 구사당에 하직하고 신사당에 예배하고 대문밖을 썩나서니 적삼내여 손에들고 혼백불러 초혼하니 없던곡성 낭자하다 일직사자 손을끌고 월직사자 등을밀어 풍우같이 재촉하여 천방지방 몰아갈제 높은데는 낮아지고 낮은데는 높아진다 악의악식 모은재산 먹고가며 쓰고가랴 사자님아 사자님아 내말잠깐 들어주오 시장한데 점심하고 신발이나 고쳐신고 쉬어가자 애걸한들 들은체도 아니하고 쇠뭉치로 등을치며 어서가자 바삐가자 이럭저럭 여러날에 저승원문 다다르니 우두나찰 마두나찰 소리치며 달려들어 인정달라 비는구나 인정쓸돈 반푼없다 단배곯고 모은재산 인정한푼 써볼손가 저승으로 날라오면 환전부쳐 가져올까 의복벗어 인정쓰며 열두대문 들어가니 무섭기도 끝이없고 두렵기도 측량없다 대령하고 기다리니 옥사장이 분부듣고 남녀죄인 등대할제 정신차려 살펴보니 열시왕이 좌개하고 최판관이 문서잡고 남녀죄인 잡아들여 다짐받고 봉초할제 우두귀면 나찰들은 전후좌우 벌려서서 기지창검 삼열한데 형벌기구 차려놓고 대상호령 기다리니 엄숙하기 측량없다 남자죄인 잡아들여 형벌하며 묻는말이 이놈들아 들어보라 선심하랴 발원하고 인세간에 나가더니  무슨선심 하였는가 바른대로 아뢰어라 용봉비간 본을받아 임금님께 극간하여 나라에 충성하며 부모님께 효도하여 가범을 세웠으며 배고픈이 밥을주어 아사구제 하였는가 헐벗은이 옷을주어 구난공덕 하였는가 좋은곳에 집을지어 행인공덕 하였는가 깊은물에 다리놓아 월천공덕 하였는가 목마른이 물을주어 급수공덕 하였는가 병든사람 약을주어 활인공덕 하였는가 높은산에 불당지어 중생공덕 하였는가 좋은밭에 원두심어 행인해갈 하였는가 부처님께 공양들여 마음닦고 선심하여 염불공덕 하였는가 어진사람 모해하고 불의행사 많이하여 탐재함이 극심하니 너의죄목 어찌하리 죄악이 심중하니 풍도옥에 가두리라 착한사람 불러들여 위로하고 대접하며 못쓸놈들 구경하라 이사람은 선심으로 극락세계 가올지니 이아니 좋을손가 소원대로 물을적에 네원대로 하여주마 극각으로 가려느냐 연화대로 가려느냐 선겨으로 가려느냐 장생불사 하려느냐 서왕모의 사환되어 반도소임 하려느냐 네소원을 아뢰어라 옥제에게 주품하사 남중절색 되어나서 요지연에 가려느냐 백만군중 도독되어 장수몸이 되겠느냐 어서바삐 아뢰어라 옥제전에 주문하며 석가여래 아미타불 제도하게 이문하자 삼신불러 의논하며 어서바삐 시행하자 저런사람 선심으로 귀히되어 가나니라 대웅전에 초대하야 다과올려 대접하며 못쓸놈들 잡아내어 착한사람 구경하라 너희놈은 죄중하니 풍도옥에 가두리라 남자죄인 처결한후 여자죄인 잡아들여 엄형국문 하는말이 너의죄목 들어봐라 시부모와 친부모께 지성효도 하였느냐 동생항렬 우애하며 친척화목 하였느냐 요악하고 간특한년 부모말씀 거역하고 동생간에 이간하고 형제불목 하게하며 세상간악 다부리며 열두시로 마음변해 못듣는데 욕을하고 마주앉아 웃음낙담 군말하고 성내는년 남의말을 일삼는년 시기하기 좋아한년 풍도옥에 가두리라 죄목을 물은후에 온갖형벌 하는구나 죄지경중 가리어서 차례대로 처결할제 도산지옥 화산지옥 한빙지옥 검수지옥 발설지옥 독사지옥 아침지옥 거해지옥 각처지옥 분부하야 모든죄인 처결한후 대연을 배설하고 착한여자 불러들여 공경하며 하는말이 소원대로 다일러라 선녀되어 가려느냐 요지연에 가려느냐 남자되어 가려느냐 재상부인 되려느냐 제실황후 되려느냐 제후왕비 되려느냐 부귀공명 하려느냐 네원대로 하여주마 소회대로 다일러라 선녀불러 분부하야 극락으로 가게하니 그아니 좋을손가 선심하고 마음닦아 불의행사 하지마소 회심곡을 업신여겨 선심공덕 아니하면 우마형상 못면하고 구렁배암 못면하네 조심하여 수신하라 수신제자 능히하면 치국안민 하오리니 아무쪼록 힘을쓰오 적덕을 아니하면 신후사가 참혹하니 바라나니 우리형제 자선사업 많이하여 내생길을 잘닦아서 극락으로 나아가세 나무아미타불~나무관세음보살 나무아미타불 관세음보살 나무아미타불 관세음보살


Among all things in the world, heaven and earth, is there anyone else but human beings? Hello, my Lord, please listen to what I have to say. Did people who came into this world come out of virtue? With the merits of ShaKyaMoNi (First Known Human) Buddha, I prayed on my father's bones, prayed on my mother's body, prayed for the name of ChilSungNim (God who over sees human), and prayed for blessings on Jade Emperior's Temple. Born as a single body, at the age of one or two, I don't know how to learn. I lose touch with my parents' kindness. Even after twenty or thirty years, I can't repay my parents for all their loving. It's absurd, and I'm sad, but the heartless years are still continues. As an eternity life layers of sin comes back to hunt me down, dead rise from their death, tickling their souls, try to making them smile, making me even more sader I can be. Even though I'm sad, I can't say I am sad, heartbroken, and infuriated. No one can stop. Red-faced, gray-haired, aging human life. Who would dare to stop? All our life are like water when the King only comes as a fish. Which wealth, power, or love is matter to you? When we grow old in our lives, we will never be young again. Even if we live for a hundred year, we start to take out sick days, sleeping hours, and worried days, we would not live 40 years. In this life, my strong body is suffering from plague and disease. My thinning body is getting sick. I would feel a moutain on top of my body. I only calling for my mother, asking for a cold water. Would ginseng deer antler easy out the pain? Doesn't cure my body, so I am calling for a shaman and perform a ritual. Other good people's karmar doesn't do me any good for my sins. Visit the famous DaeCheon Temple in the highest mountian with offering rices. Making a bowl in the upper bath, taking a bath in the middle bath, washing hands and feet in the lower bath, setting up a pair of candle holders, setting up a incense burner, holding a candle, making a vow and making a offering to the Buddha Hall of Vinayda Seven Saints Which Saints would respond back for you wishes. Pray to the first time, JinGwang Kingdom, the second time, ChoGan Kingdom, the third time, SongJeKingdom, the fourth time, OGwanKingdom, the fifth time, YumLa Kingdom, the sixth time, ByunSung Kingdom, the seventh time, TeSanKingdom, the eighth time, PyungDeong Kingdom, the nineth time, City Kingdom, the tenth time, JungLyun Kingdom, of all command of ten Kingdoms: BuLin, IlJick, WulJick lions get's ready with iron rod in one hand and a spear sword in another hand, kicked the chain, and ran like a beam along a curved road like a bow, kicking down the closed door and shouting like a thunder. Why have you call us out!, let's hurry up and deal with it. Lions call out for thier orders and tie me with their chains that are as sharp as threads around my neck and my forearms, so lions drag me out, and I am completely confused. Which lions would forgive my sins. Lions wouldn't pay for my trip to earth. Sorrow with a tear, hand over all the wealth. Chanting all that you know, beg for mercy at all which lion would give a care. It's so frustrating and sad. It's so sad. It's so pitiful and sad. So short life it is. It's a flower in the middle of nowhere. Don't fall asleep just because it's gone. In the third month of the year, when spring comes, you'll retreat again. Once we go in our lives, it's hard to come back. The festival of returning to Mt. Bukman is endless. It's a long road.

When will you come back? I'm pitiful and pitiful as I leave this world. I can't stop holding my wife and son's hands and talking about everything, so I come to my senses and look into it. I opened the medicinal bath and said, "The people who provide intelligent relief will save my life. I heard an old man say that the road to the afterlife is long, but today it happened to me." Since the world outside the gate is the underworld, who would accompany me even if I had many friends? I left my job at the old shrine and worshiped at the shrine, and when I was outside the gate, I held my hand in anger and called my soul to marry for the first time. I was crying like never before. Pulling IlJick lion's hand, pushing WulJick lion's back, urging it like a rainstrom, driving away the world, lowering in the high places, becoming high in the low places. Shall we eat and run away with the wealth we have gathered? Lion, Lions, listen to me for a moment. We are all hungry, let's have some lunch, let's fix our shoes, and get some rest. Even though I begged for them, they wouldn't listen, so they pinched my back with an iron ball and tells me to hurry. Let's go, let's hurry, and for several days, I arrived at the gate of the underworld, Udunachal!, Madunachal!, and ran in, shouting and begging for recognition. I don't have half a penny to spend. If I fly back to privous life, would I exchange it and bring it? I took off my clothes and entered the twelve gates with a smile on my face. There was no end to my fear, and my fear was immeasurable. I waited with the colonel. After listening to the prison commander's orders, I came to my senses and looked at the lighthouse part-time payment for male and female criminals. They capture criminals, promise to pay the salary, and pay the monthly fee. If you face Udugwimyeon, the RakShaChals spread out front, left, right, and three rows of swords, set up punishment equipment, and wait for the target command.  It is solemn and immeasurable.  They capture male criminals and punish them. They ask, listen to these guys, will you be generous? When he went out, he said, "What good deeds did you do? Tell me the truth. Following the example of YongBongBiGan, you were loyal to the king, loyal to your country, and filial to your parents. You raised your children. Did you relieve starvation by giving food to the hungry? Did you do good deeds by giving clothes to the naked? Did you do good deeds by building a house in a good place? Did you do meritorious deeds by building a bridge over deep water? Did you make merit by giving water to a thirsty person? Did you do meritorious deeds by giving medicine to a sick person? Did you do good deeds to all living beings by building a temple on a high mountain? Did you plant beans in a good field and become a monk? Make offerings to the Buddha, cleanse your mind and be generous. Tell us what good deeds you have done. Have you followed the example of your government officials, been loyal to the king, been loayl to your country, been filial to your parents, and set an example? Have you given food to the hungry to relieve starvation? Have you dont a good deed by giving clothes to the naked? Have you done a good deed for the poor by building a house in a good place? Did you make merit by building a bridge over deep water? Did you make merit by giving water to a thirsty person? Did you make merit by giving medicine to a sick person? Did you make merit for all living beings by building a temple on a high mountain? Did you plant beans in a good field and pray for a monk? Make offerings to the Buddha, cleanse your mind, be kind, and recite the Buddha. Have you done meritorious deeds? You have conspired against benevolent people and committed many unjust acts, and your corruption is extreme. Your crime is so serious that you will be imprisoned in PoongdoOck Prison. Bring in good people, comfort them, treat them well, and look after the bad guys. These people will go to heaven with their kindness. Wouldn't this be good? When you ask for your wish, I will grant it to you as you wish. Do you want to go to heave? Do you want to go to Lotus Garden? Do you want to be enlighten? Do you want to live long and immortal life? Do you want to become the servant of the Queen Mother of the West and take on the role of a peninsula? Tell me your wish. I will give it to the Emperor of Jade. Do you want to be reborn as the prettiest or handsome person? Do you want to become the most known general who can rule for a long-lived person? Hurry up and say it. Let's pray at the JadeJun Hall and pray for SukKayMoNi Buddha to save Amitabha Buddha. Let's call the three gods and discuss it quickly and implement it. A person like that will be honored with goodwill. DeaUngJun Hall Invite them to the place and serve them refreshments. Catch the bad guys and see the good guys. You guys are guilty, so you will be locked up in the prison. After the male criminals are executed, the female criminals are arrested and sentenced to severe punishment. Listen to your crime. Have you been filial and filial to your parents-in-law and biological parents? Have you been kind to your youger siblings and reconciled with your relatives? You are so evil. A cunning bitch who disoveys her parents' words, separates her younger siblings, causes discord among her siblings, acts wickedly in the world, changes her mind at twelve o'clock, swears when she can't hear, sits across from each other, makes people laugh, talks dirty, and gets angry. A bitch who loves to talk about others. A bitch who likes to be jealous. She will be locked up in a prison. After asking for the crime, all kinds of punishments are given. They are punished in order according to the seriousness of the crime. DoSan Hell, Volcanic Hell, Cold Ice Hell, GumSu Hell, Shout Hell, Serpent Hell, Moring Hell, Knife Pain Hell, Hell in each place. After all the criminals are punished, set aside a feast and call a good woman. I respect you and say, do as you wish. Do you want to become a fairy? Do you want to become a man? Do you want to become a prim minister's wife? Do you want to be the royal empress? Do you want to become a queen? Do you want to be rich and famous? I will do as you wish. Do as you wish. Call me a fairy and give me orfers. It is good for you to go to heaven. Be kind, cultivate your mind, and do not do evil things. If you do not despise the song of conversion and do good and meritorious deeds, you will not be able to avoid the image of a cow and hollow belly. Be careful and receive it. If you are able to do it, you will protect the country. Please use your strength and do good deeds. Otherwise, the death of God will be miserable. I hope that your brothers will do a lot of charity work and pave the way for the next life well and go to heave. NaMu AmiTaBul GwanSeUemBoSal, NaMu AmiTaBul GwanSeUemBoSal,

NaMu AmiTaBul GwanSeUemBoSal~


찾아보니 노래로도 몇개 나와있네요

This is the Korean traditional form of music. 회심곡

김영임 - 회심곡 가사 노래 듣기 (allklyrics.com)


김영임 - 회심곡 가사 노래 듣기

김영임 - 회심곡 가사 노래 듣기


and this is another way of singing this song by one of the Korean famous Monk

영인스님 - 회심곡 가사 노래 듣기 (allklyrics.com)


영인스님 - 회심곡 가사 노래 듣기

영인스님 - 회심곡 가사 노래 듣기



회심곡의 내용을 자세히 살펴보면, 석가여래의 공덕에 힘입어 인과응보의 법대로 선인으로 극락에 가기를 권면하는 내용입니다. '모든 사람은 석가여래의 공덕으로 부모의 몸을 빌여 이 세상에 태어났다가 이 생에서 부처를 믿고 좋은 업을 많이 지으면 극락세계로 가고 악업을 지으면 지옥으로 떨어지게 된다.' 라는 내용을 담고 있습니다. 다시말해, 말세적인 풍속에 물들어 충효 신행을 다 버리고, 애욕망에 걸려 골육상쟁으로 멸망하지 말고, 자기의 봉심을 바로 가져 일념으로 염불하며, 수행 득도하여 극락 연화대에 올라 태평곡을 부르자는 의미를 담고 있습니다.


If we look closely at the contents of the Conversion of the Song, it is a recommendation to go to heaven as a good person according to the law of retribution, thanks to the merits of SukKyaMoNi Buddha. 'Everyone is born into this world through the merits of SukKyaMoNi Buddha and our parents. With in belife of Buddha, good karma leads one in to heaven, and comit bad korma, obviously fall into hell.' It contains the following. In other words, rather than being imbued with the customs of the last days and abandoning all loyalty, filial piety, and faith, and being caught up in love and desire, and perishing in the strife of the flesh and blood, it means that instead of being caught up in love and lust, let us chant the Buddha with one single heart, attain the attainment of spiritual practice, climb up to the lotus platfor in Heaven, and sing the Peaceful Song together. 


Please enjoy the song and leave me a comment.