가족의 평화
2025. 3. 2. 14:28
지구上的 모든 것은 태양의 에너지를 받아서 살아갑니다. 이 밝은 에너지가 생명을 돋아나게 하는데, 우리는 이를 '밝음'이라고 부릅니다. 이 모든 것은 우주의 질서를 유지하는 복잡한 원리의 일부분이에요. 우리 몸의 작은 세포부터 주변의 모든 것까지, 창조와 파괴의 끊임없는 순환이 일어나고 있는데, 이는 마치 계절이 바뀌는 것과 같아요. 이 지속적인 순환을 '회전의 원리'라고 합니다. 이 자연의 순환을 따라 우리는 태양의 밝은 에너지를 몸과 마음에 흡수하고, 이를 고르게 퍼뜨려요. '복돌' 또는 '국선도'라고 알려진 이 독특한 동양 건강법은 우리의 몸과 마음을 정화하고 밝게 하는 것을 목표로 하고 있어요. 복돌의 기원은 약 800년 전으로 거슬러 올라가는데, 그때 동양 사람들은 태양을 숭배했어요. 그들은 광활한 우주에서 깨달음을 찾기 위해 높은 산에 올라가서 수련을 했고, 이게 복돌 훈련 방법의 출처랍니다. 그들의 오랜 헌신의 결과물이에요.
이건 우리가 올바르게 숨 쉬고 몸을 다양한 방식으로 움직일 수 있도록 돕기 위해 개발된 정말 과학적이고 체계적인 건강 방법이에요. 전설에 따르면 이 방법은 하늘에서 인류에게 퍼지기 시작했대요. 고대 시대를 거쳐 고조선 시대로 넘어오면서 박도, 박돌, 선도, 국선도, 풍류도 같은 이름으로 알려졌어요. 삼국 시대 동안에는 고구려의 조선 체계, 백제의 수사체계, 신라의 화랑 체계를 통해 계속 이어졌죠. 이 훈련 방법은 건강한 몸과 강한 마음을 가진 전인적인 인간을 기르는 것을 목표로 하고 있어서, 국가적인 관점에서는 인재 양성을, 교육 기관에서는 교육을 의미해요. 영적인 측면도 있어요. 고려와 조선 시대를 지나면서 사회적 상황 때문에, 산속의 스승이 제자에게 핵심 가르침을 전하고, 그 제자가 또 다른 제자에게 나누면서 박돌 훈련 방법의 전통이 계속 이어졌답니다.
약 50년 전, 1967년에 백돌 훈련법이 청산의 산속에서 다시 주목받기 시작했어. 사람 사회의 흐름을 고려할 때, 스승님들은 백돌이 전 세계 사람들의 건강과 행복을 위해 널리 알려져야 한다고 믿었지. 그래서 청산 스승님은 이 지식을 사회에 전파하는 중요한 임무를 맡았어. 예전에는 스승과 제자 간에 일대일로 가르쳤지만, 이제는 국선도 본부가 생겨서 누구나 언제 어디서든 이 방법을 배울 수 있게 되었어. 훈련 센터도 여기저기 생기고, 교육 자료도 만들어져서 배포되고 있어. 그럼 백돌 훈련법이 어떤 건지 한번 살펴보자! [음악]
Everything on Earth relies on the energy from the sun to thrive. This bright energy, which helps life flourish, is "brightness." It's all part of the intricate principles that maintain order in the universe. From tiny cells in our bodies to everything around us, there's a constant cycle of creation and destruction, just like the changing seasons. This ongoing cycle is known as the principle of rotation. Following this natural cycle, we absorb the sun's bright energy into our bodies and minds, spreading it evenly throughout us. This unique Eastern health practice, known as "Bokdol" or "Guksendo," aims to cleanse and brighten our bodies and minds. The origins of Bokdol date back about 800 years to when Eastern peoples revered the sun. They sought enlightenment in the vast universe and would climb high mountains to practice, where the Bokdol training method comes from. It's the result of their long-standing dedication to their practice.
This scientific and systematic health method was developed to help us breathe right and move our bodies in different ways, aligning with the fantastic structure of the human body. According to legends, this practice started spreading through humanity from the heavens. It went through ancient times and made its way to the Gojoseon era, where names like Parkdo, Parkdol, Seondo, Gukseondo, and Pungnyudo knew it. The Three Kingdoms period continued through Goguryeo’s Joiseon system, Baekje’s Susaje system, and Silla’s Hwarang system. The training method aims to cultivate well-rounded humans with healthy bodies and strong minds, so from a national perspective, it’s about fostering talent, and for training organizations, it’s about education. It even has a spiritual side to it. As time passed through the Goryeo and Joseon dynasties, due to social circumstances, a master in the mountains would pass on the core teachings to their disciple, who would then share it with another disciple, and so on, continuing the legacy of the Parkdol training method.
About 50 years ago, back in 1967, the Baekdol training method started to gain recognition in our society again, right in the mountains of Cheongsan. Considering the trends in human society, the masters believed that Baekdol should be widely shared for the health of people around the world and the happiness of the global community. So, Master Cheongsan took on the critical mission of bringing this knowledge to society. In the past, it was taught one-on-one between a master and a student, but now anyone can learn this method anytime, anywhere, thanks to the establishment of the Gukseondo headquarters. Training centers have popped up everywhere, and teaching materials have been created and distributed. So, let’s look at what the Baekdol training method is all about!
Everything on Earth is fundamentally intertwined with the energy from the sun, which is essential for life to thrive. This powerful energy, referred to as "brightness," plays a vital role in maintaining the intricate balance of our universe. From the tiniest cells within our bodies to the vast expanses of the world, a perpetual cycle of creation and destruction reminiscent of the changing seasons exists. This dynamic process is known as the principle of rotation. As we align ourselves with this natural rhythm, we harness the sun's vibrant energy, infusing our bodies and minds with its light. This extraordinary Eastern health practice, known as "Bokdol" or "Guksendo," is designed to cleanse and illuminate both body and spirit. With roots stretching around 800 years, Bokdol emerged from when ancient Eastern cultures revered the sun. Seeking enlightenment among the cosmos, they would ascend lofty mountains to practice, establishing the foundations of the Bokdol training method. This dedication reflects their profound commitment to achieving harmony with nature. Bokdol stands as a testament to a scientific and systematic approach to health, crafted to enhance our breathing and facilitate movement in ways that resonate with the remarkable design of the human body. Legends suggest that this practice originated in the heavens and has transcended time, evolving through key historical periods, including the Gojoseon era with names like Parkdo, Parkdol, Seondo, Gukseondo, and Pungnyudo. During the Three Kingdoms period, the practice flourished within Goguryeo’s Joiseon system, Baekje’s Susaje system, and Silla’s Hwarang system, all aimed at developing well-rounded individuals with strong bodies and resilient minds. This is not just about personal development; from a national perspective, it cultivates talent while emphasizing holistic learning for educational organizations. There is, too, a profound spiritual dimension to the practice. The social landscape evolved as history unfolded through the Goryeo and Joseon dynasties. Masters in the mountains became mentors, passing on their invaluable teachings across generations, ensuring the continuation of the Parkdol training legacy. Fast forward to about 50 years ago, in 1967, when the Baekdol training method began a resurgence in the heart of Cheongsan's mountains. Recognizing the pressing need for health and well-being in our rapidly changing world, the masters understood it was time to share the wisdom of Baekdol far and wide. Hence, Master Cheongsan embarked on an essential mission to bring this transformative knowledge to society. No longer confined to one-on-one instruction, this enlightening practice is now accessible to anyone, anywhere, thanks to the establishment of the Gukseondo headquarters. Training centers have sprung up across the globe, accompanied by an array of teaching materials that make learning accessible to all. Join us as we delve into the enriching world of the Baekdol training method and discover how it can elevate your life! Now is your opportunity to embrace this transformative journey. As we embark on our 120-minute Bokdol practice, prepare to engage your body and mind in ways you may never have thought possible. I know the challenges of limited movement following several car accidents, but I can attest that this practice has reshaped my life in ways I am incredibly grateful for. Remember, it's not about forcing yourself; it's about doing your best at your own pace. Tomorrow will bring new opportunities for growth and discovery. Join us as we delve into the enriching world of the Baekdol training method and unlock the potential within you! What do all patients genuinely desire? It’s simple: to be free from their pain and to find healing. This could be your opportunity for transformation. A healthy body fosters a healthy mind, leading to a happier, more fulfilling life. Embrace the journey towards wellness!