솔개와 뱀
솔개와 뱀
하늘을 아주 빠르게 날아다니는 솔개가 있었습니다. 솔개는 날마다 먹이를 구하기 위해 자기 둥지에서 멀리 떨어진 곳까지 날아가서 먹이를 잡아오곤 했습니다.
솔개는 동작이 아주 빨라서 먹이를 구하는 일에 별로 어려움을 겪지 않았습니다. 하늘을 날아다니던 솔개는 바위 틈에 숨어서 쉬고 있는 뱀을 발견했습니다.
“오늘은 저 뱀을 잡아먹는 것이 좋겠어. 배가 고파서 더 이상 참을 수가 없구나.”
솔개는 뱀이 숨어 있는 바위 위를 빙글빙글 돌면서 기회를 엿보고 있었습니다. 솔개가 자신을 잡기 위해 머리 위에서 날아다니고 있다는 사실을 전혀 모르고 있던 뱀은 계속 그자리에서 움직이지 않았습니다.
솔개는 날카로운 발톱으로 뱀을 낚아채서는 하늘 높이 올라갔습니다. 그런데 뱀을 잡으려면 머리를 움켜쥐어야 하는데, 솔개는 너무 서두르다가 뱀의 몸통을 움켜쥐게 되었습니다.
갑작스러운 공격에 깜짝 놀란 뱀는 사력을 다해서 빠져나가려고 애를 썼습니다. 몸통을 이리저리 비틀기도 하고, 솔개의 다리를 휘감아보기도 했지만 뱀보다 몸집이 휠씬 큰 솔개는 끄떡도 하지 않았습니다.
뱀은 날카로운 이빨로 솔개의 다리를 세게 물었습니다. 다리를 물린 솔개는 비몀을 지르면서 제대로 날지를 못하고 땅바닥으로 곤두박질치기 시작했습니다.
까마득히 높은 곳에서 땅바닥으로 곤두박질을 치게 된 솔개는 그 충격으로 인해 목숨을 잃고 말았습니다.
솔개의 발톱에서 무사히 빠져나온 뱀이 말했습니다.
“너는 왜 어리석게도 나에게 해를 입히려 들었지? 나는 너에게 아무런 짓도 하지 않았는데 말이야. 나를 낚아재 가다니 너는 벌을 받아 마땅해.”
솔개는 뱀을 잡아먹기 위해 함부로 공격했다가 그만 죽음을 당하게 되었습니다. 솔개는 너무 서두르다가 뱀의 머리를 잡지 못하고 몸통을 움켜잡았던 것입니다. 서두르지 말고 항상 신중하게 행동하는 것이 중요합니다.
바위 튼에서 잠을 자던 뱀은 무엇때문에 솔개를 깨물었을까요?
솔개는 뱀을 잡아먹으려고 하다가 오히려 목숨을 잃게 되었습니다. 솔개가 저지른 실수는 뭇엇인가요?
여러분도 솔개처럼 조급한 마음으로 일을 처리하다가 곤경에 처한 적이 있나요? 그런 경험이 있다면 가족들과 이야기해 보세요.
The Kite and the Snake
There was a kite that flew very quickly in the sky. The kite would fly far from its nest daily to catch food.
The kite was very fast and had no trouble finding food. One day, while flying in the sky, the kite spotted a snake resting in a crevice between rocks.
“Today, I’ll catch that snake. I’m so hungry, I can’t stand it any longer.”
The kite circled above the rock where the snake hid, waiting for the right moment. The snake, unaware that the kite was flying above to catch it, remained still in its spot.
The kite swooped down with its sharp claws and grabbed the snake, soaring high into the sky. However, instead of grabbing the snake by its head, the kite hastily grabbed its body.
The snake, startled by the sudden attack, struggled with all its might to escape. It twisted its body and wrapped around the kite’s legs, but the much larger kite was unaffected.
The snake then bit the kite’s leg with its sharp teeth. The kite, in pain, screamed and began to plummet to the ground.
Falling from a great height, the kite died from the impact.
The snake, having escaped from the kite’s claws, said,
“Why did you foolishly try to harm me? I did nothing to you. You deserve this punishment for trying to catch me.”
In its haste to catch the snake, the kite ended up losing its life. The kite’s mistake was grabbing the snake’s body instead of its head. It’s important to act cautiously and not rush.
- Why did the snake bite the kite while resting in the crevice?
- The kite lost its life while trying to catch the snake. What mistake did the kite make?
- Have you ever been in trouble because you acted hastily like the kite? If so, share your experiences with your family.
The Kite and the Snake: Paw Patrol Edition
One sunny day in Adventure Bay, Skye, the flying pup, was soaring through the sky. She loved to fly far from the Lookout to help anyone in need.
Skye was very fast and had no trouble spotting people who needed help. One day, while flying in the sky, Skye noticed a snake resting in a crevice between rocks.
“Today, I’ll help that snake. It looks like it might be in trouble.”
Skye circled above the rock where the snake hid, waiting for the right moment. The snake, unaware that Skye was flying above to help it, remained still in its spot.
Skye swooped down with her harness and tried to grab the snake to lift it to safety. However, instead of grabbing the snake by its head, Skye hastily grabbed its body.
The snake, startled by the sudden attempt to help, struggled with all its might to escape. It twisted its body and wrapped around Skye’s legs, but the much larger Skye was unaffected.
The snake then bit Skye’s leg with its sharp teeth. Skye, in pain, yelped and began to descend to the ground.
Falling from a great height, Skye managed to land safely but was hurt from the bite.
The snake, having escaped from Skye’s harness, said,
“Why did you foolishly try to help me? I did nothing to you. You deserve this for trying to catch me without understanding my situation.”
In her haste to help the snake, Skye ended up getting hurt. Skye’s mistake was grabbing the snake’s body instead of its head. It’s important to act cautiously and not rush, even when trying to help.
- Why did the snake bite Skye while resting in the crevice?
- Skye got hurt while trying to help the snake. What mistake did Skye make?
- Have you ever been in trouble because you acted hastily like Skye? If so, share your experiences with your family.