다락방에 올라간 새끼 염소와 늑대
다락방에 올라간 새끼 염소와 늑대
오니 농부의 농장에서 새끼 염소가 태어났습니다. 새끼 염소는 농장 안에 있는 모든 가축들의 귀여움을 받으면서 자라났습니다.
“수탉 아저씨, 안녕하세요?”
새끼 염소가 수탉에게 인사했습니다. 수탉도 새끼 염소에게 친절하게 대해 주었습니다.
“오, 아기 염소가 왔구나. 아주 귀엽게 생겼네. 엄마의 말씀은 잘 듣지?”
새끼 염소는 농장을 마음대로 뛰어다니면서 즐겁게 생활하고 있었습니다. 그러던 어느 날 무서운 늑대가 먹을 것을 찾아서 농장으로 내려왔습니다.
늑대는 울타리에서 새끼 염소를 바라보고 있었습니다. 늑대를 처음 본 새끼 염소는 호기심이 가득 담긴 눈빛으로 늑대를 쳐다보았습니다. 늑대는 새끼 염소를 잡아먹고 싶었습니다.
늑대는 다정한 목소리로 새끼 염소를 불렀습니다.
“아기 염소야, 너는 참 귀엽게 생겼구나. 이리 좀 와보렴.”
“왜 그러세요?”
새끼 염소는 아무것도 모르고 늑대를 향해 다가갔습니다. 늑대는 침을 흘리면서 새끼 염소가 조금 더 가까이 다가오기를 기다렸습니다.
어미 염소가 그것을 보고 깜짝 놀라서 소리쳤습니다.
“그건 늑대란다. 위험해! 어서 엄마에게 오너라.”
새끼 염소는 어미 염소의 말을 듣고 뒤로 물러났습니다. 한발자국 차이로 새끼 염소는 늑대의 날카로운 발톱을 피해겨우 달아날 수 있었습니다.
어미 염소가 새끼 염소를 달래면서 말했습니다.
“늑대는 아주 무서운 동물이란다. 다음 부터는 그런 동물을 보면 무족건 달아냐야 한단다. 알았지?”
며칠이 지났습니다. 새끼 염소는 농장 주인이 사는 집으로 들어갔다가 우연히 다락방까지 올라가게 되었습니다. 다락방에 창문이 나 있는 것을 발견한 새끼 염소는 창문을 통해 밖을 내다보았습니다.
그런데 얼마 전에 새끼 염소를 잡아먹으려고 하던 늑대가 지나가는 것이 보였습니다. 새끼 염소는 늑대를 놀려대기 시작했습니다.
“늑대야! 지난 번처럼 나를 잡을 수 있으면 한번 잡아보아라, 이 바보야! 난 늑대가 조금도 무섭지 않아.”
새끼 염소가 지르는 소리를 듣고 늑대는 이렇게 대답했습니다.
“여, 거기 있는 꼬마 녀석아! 나를 놀려대고 있는 것은 네 녀석이 아니라, 바로 네가 서 있는 그 장소란 말이야!”
새끼 염소는 다락방에서 늑대를 놀렸습니다. 하지만 땅 위에 있었다면 감히 늑대에게 가까이 접근하지도 못했을 것입니다. 어떤 사람들으 자기 자신의 능력이 아니라 부모님의 힘이나 친구의 도움을 믿고서 잘난 척합니다. 그런 사람들은 등뒤에 든든하 배경이 없으면 슬금슬금 꽁무니를 빼게 됩니다.
새끼 염소가 늑대를 보고 놀릴수 있었던 것은 무엇 때문이 었을까요?
만약 새끼 염소가 숲속에서 늑대와 마주쳤다면 어떻게 되었을까요?
The Kid Goat in the Attic and the Wolf
A kid goat was born on a farmer’s farm and grew up receiving affection from all the animals on the farm.
“Hello, Mr. Rooster?”
The kid goat greeted the rooster. The rooster also treated the kid goat kindly.
“Oh, the baby goat is here. You look adorable. Do you listen to your mother well?”
The kid goat enjoyed running around the farm freely. A scary wolf came down to the farm one day looking for food. The wolf was watching the kid goat from the fence. Seeing the wolf for the first time, the kid goat looked at the wolf with curious eyes. The wolf wanted to eat the kid goat.
The wolf called the kid goat in a gentle voice.
“Little goat, you look so cute. Come here.”
The kid goat, knowing nothing, approached the wolf. The wolf drooled, waiting for the kid goat to come closer.
The mother goat saw this and shouted in surprise.
“That’s a wolf. It’s dangerous! Come to me quickly.”
The kid goat listened to the mother goat and backed away. By a hair’s breadth, the kid goat narrowly escaped the wolf’s sharp claws.
The mother goat comforted the kid goat and said,
“Wolves are hazardous animals. Next time you see such an animal, you must run away immediately. Got it?”
A few days it was passed. The kid goat entered the house where the farmer lived and happened to go up to the attic. The kid goat found a window in the attic and looked outside through the window.
Then, the kid goat saw the wolf that had tried to eat it a few days ago passing by. The kid goat started to tease the wolf.
“Hey, wolf! If you can catch me like last time, try to catch me, you fool! I’m not afraid of you at all.”
Hearing the kid goat’s shout, the wolf replied,
“Hey, little one up there! It’s not you mocking me, but the place where you’re standing!”
The kid goat teased the wolf from the attic. But it wouldn’t have dared to approach the wolf if it had been on the ground. Some people boast not because of their abilities but because they rely on their parents’ power or friends’ help. Such people will back down when they don’t have a strong background.
Why was the kid goat able to tease the wolf?
What would have happened if the kid goat had met the wolf in the forest?
The Pup in the Attic and the Wolf
A pup was born in Adventure Bay and grew up receiving affection from all the animals and dogs in the town.
“Hello, Mr. Rooster?”
The pup greeted the rooster. The rooster also treated the pup kindly.
“Oh, the baby pup is here. You look adorable. Do you listen to your mother well?”
The pup enjoyed running around Adventure Bay freely. One day, a scary wolf came to the town looking for food. The wolf was watching the pup from the fence. Seeing the wolf for the first time, the pup looked at the wolf with curious eyes. The wolf wanted to eat the pup.
The wolf called the pup in a gentle voice.
“Little pup, you look so cute. Come here.”
The pup, knowing nothing, approached the wolf. The wolf drooled, waiting for the pup to come closer.
The mother pup saw this and shouted in surprise.
“That’s a wolf. It’s dangerous! Come to me quickly.”
The pup listened to the mother pup and backed away. The pup narrowly escaped the wolf’s sharp claws by a hair's breadth.
The mother pup comforted the pup and said,
“Wolves are hazardous animals. Next time you see such an animal, you must run away immediately. Got it?”
A few days it was passed. The pup entered the house where Ryder lived and happened to go up to the attic. The pup found a window in the attic and looked outside through the window.
Then, the pup saw the wolf that had tried to eat it a few days ago passing by. The pup started to tease the wolf.
“Hey, wolf! If you can catch me like last time, try to catch me, you fool! I’m not afraid of you at all.”
Hearing the pup’s shout, the wolf replied,
“Hey, little one up there! It’s not you mocking me, but the place where you’re standing!”
The pup teased the wolf from the attic, but it wouldn’t have dared approach it if it had been on the ground. Some people boast not because of their abilities but because they rely on their parents’ power or friends’ help. Such people will back down when they don’t have a strong background.
Why was the pup able to tease the wolf?
What would have happened if the pup had met the wolf in the forest?