Self Heal

판사 제우스

가족의 평화 2024. 8. 8. 04:54

판사 제우스


제우스는 삼천 명의 요정을 파견해서 우주를 다스리고 있었습니다. 그렇기 때문에 아무리 지구 끝 먼 곳에서 일어난 일이라고 해도 제우스 신의 귀에 들어가지 않는 일은 없었습니다.


그래서 착한 일을 한 사람에게는 상을 내리고 반대로 나쁜일을 한 사람에게는 벌을 내렸습니다. 그런데 한 가지 문제가 있었습니다. 어떤 사람은 나쁜 일을 저리른 즉시 벌을 받았지만, 어떤 사람은 죄를 저지르고도 한찬 뒤에 벌을 받게되는 등, 벌을 내리는 순서가 일정하지 않았습니다. 거기에는 그럴 만한 이유가 있었습니다.


제우스는 위대한 신이었지만 수많은 사람들이 저지른 모든 일을 기억할 수는 없었습니다. 그래서 제우스는 사람들이 저지른 나쁜 짓을 빠짐없이 기억하기 위해 한 가지 방법을 생각했습니다.


제우스는 헤르메스를 불러서 말했습니다.


사람들이 저지른 나쁜 일들을 이 긄에 담아서 하나도 빠짐 없이 나에게 가져오너라.”

헤르메스는 제우스가 시킨 대로 사람들이 저지른 나쁜 짓을 일일이 그릇에 담았습니다. 일을 끝마친 헤르메스는 사람들의 죄가 들어 있는 그릇을 제우스에게 갖다 바쳤습니다.


제우스는 판결을 내릴 때마다 그릇 속에 들어 있는 죄악을 보면서 판결을 내리게 되었습니다. 덕분에 제우스는 사람들이 저지른 나쁜 짓을 하나도 빠짐없이 벌할 수 있었습니다.


그러나 제우스는 그릇 속에 마구 뒤섞여 있는 죄악을 아무것이나 꺼내서 먼저 손에 잡히는 대로 처리했습니다.


그래서 사람이 죄를 저질렀을 때, 어떤 때에는 저지른 즉시 벌을 받기도 하지만 어떤 것은 뒤늦게 받는 것도 생기게 되었습니다.


나쁜 짓을 한 사람은 언제인가 반드시 벌을 받게 됩니다. 나쁜 짓을 저지른 사람이 지금 당장 벌을 받지 않는다고 해서 영원히 그 죄가 없어지는 것은 아닙니다. 다만 조금 늦게 대가를 치르느 것입니다.


제우스 신은 어째서 사람들의 죄를 그릇에 담아두라고 명령했던 것일까요?


이 우화는 어떤 점을 강조하고 있을까요? 반드시 정의의 심판은 내려진다는 것일가요? 아니면 종종 사악한 사람들이 벌을 받지 않고 오랫동안 잘 살수도 있다는 사실을 말하는 것일까요?


우리나라에 인과응보라는 고사성어가 있습니다. 그 의미를 알아보고 친구들과 가족들과 상의해 보아요.


Judge Zeus

Zeus ruled the universe by dispatching three thousand nymphs. Therefore, no matter how far away an event occurred on Earth, it would always reach the ears of Zeus.

Thus, he rewarded those who did good deeds and punished those who did evil deeds. However, there was one problem. Some people were punished immediately after committing a wicked deed, while others were punished much later. There was a reason for this.

Although Zeus was a great god, he could not remember all the deeds committed by countless people. So, Zeus devised a way to remember all the evil deeds people committed.

Zeus called Hermes and said,

“Put all the bad deeds people have committed into this bowl and bring it to me without missing one.”

Hermes did as Zeus instructed and put all the evil deeds people committed into the bowl. After finishing the task, Hermes brought the bowl containing people’s sins to Zeus.

Zeus would look at the sins in the bowl whenever he made a judgment. Thanks to this, Zeus can punish all the evil deeds people commit without missing anything.

However, Zeus randomly picked out sins from the bowl and dealt with whatever he grabbed first.

Therefore, when people committed sins, they were sometimes punished immediately, but others were punished much later.

People who commit evil deeds will inevitably be punished at some point. Just because someone is not punished immediately does not mean their sin will disappear forever. It just means they will pay the price a little later.

Why did Zeus order people’s sins to be put into a bowl?

What point is this fable emphasizing? Is it that justice will inevitably be served? Or is it that sometimes wicked people can live well for a long time without being punished?

In our country, there is a saying, “Cause and effect.” Learn its meaning and discuss it with your friends and family.


Judge Ryder

Ryder ruled Adventure Bay with the help of his team of pups. Therefore, no matter how far away an event occurred in Adventure Bay, it would always reach Ryder's ears.

Thus, he rewarded those who did good deeds and punished those who did evil deeds. However, there was one problem. Some pups were punished immediately after committing a wicked deed, while others were punished much later. There was a reason for this.

Although Ryder was a great leader, he could not remember all the deeds committed by countless pups. So, Ryder devised a way to remember all the evil deeds pups committed.

Ryder called Chase and said,

“Put all the bad deeds pups have committed into this bowl and bring it to me without missing one.”

Chase did as Ryder instructed and put all the evil deeds pups committed into the bowl. After finishing the task, Chase brought Ryder the bowl containing the pups’ misdeeds.

Ryder would look at the misdeeds in the bowl whenever he made a judgment. Thanks to this, Ryder could punish all the evil deeds that the pups had committed without missing anything.

However, Ryder randomly picked out misdeeds from the bowl and first dealt with whatever he grabbed.

Therefore, when pups committed misdeeds, they were sometimes punished immediately, but others were punished much later.

Pups who commit evil deeds will inevitably be punished at some point. Just because a pup is not punished immediately does not mean their misdeed will disappear forever. It just means they will pay the price a little later.

Why did Ryder order the pups’ misdeeds to be put into a bowl?

What point is this fable emphasizing? Is it that justice will inevitably be served? Or is it that sometimes wicked pups can live well for a long time without being punished?

In our country, there is a saying, “Cause and effect.” Learn its meaning and discuss it with your friends and family.